IJAIR- Volume 5 Issue 1 (January 2016)


Sr/No/ Title Pdf
1 Occupational Stress among IT Professionals in Coimbatore

Abstract —Stress is the debilitating effects caused by constant pressure both at work and home are a modern phenomenon. However, stress or atleast temporary stress, is a very necessary part of our life. One important function of short term stress is to channel our resources to deal with challenging or even life threatening situations. Stress is a common problem that affects almost all of us at same point in our lives. Stress is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, or even anxious. Stress is caused by an existing stress-causing factor or stressor. Stress is defined as an organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures. When stress was first studied in the 1950s, the term was used to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of these pressures.

2 Impact of Number of Spray Applications of Chemical on the Growth and Yield of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdarifa L.) in Ganye Area

Abstract—Field experiment was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Department of Agricultural Technology, Adamawa State College of Agriculture, Ganye during the 2011 and 2012 cropping seasons to determine the impact of number of spray applications of chemical on the growth and yield of roselle (Hibiscus sabdarifa L.) in Ganye Area. The experiment was laid in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) method with four treatments replicated three times. The results obtained clearly shows that, spraying roselle three times facilitates better growth and also guarantees good yield. According to the results, the spray of roselle three times with karate in all the parameters measured gave the highest mean number of leaves, mean plant height, mean number of flowers, mean number of pods and mean seed weight in kilograms per hectare for both 2011 and 2012 cropping seasons respectively (10.50 and 9.70; 20.20 and 19.80; 15.50 and 13.20; 17.20 and 15.30; 6.70 and 4.50) compared to the control.

3 On non-homogeneous octic equation with four unknowns x2=y3+z5w3
Bindia, Neha Aggarwal

Abstract—The non-homogeneous octic equation with four unknowns represented by the diophantine equation x2=y3+z5w3 is analyzed for its patterns of non-zero distinct integral solutions and six different patterns of integral solutions are illustrated.

4 Performance Analysis of PAPR Reduction in MIMO OFDM System Using Modified M-2-M Constant Modulus Algorithm
Anshul Halwa, Brajlata Chourasiya

Abstract—Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is most commonly preferred in digital communication for high data rate transmission. OFDM system has a main shortcoming of high peak to average power ratio (PAPR) value [1]. As survey and studied in literatures PTS and SLM are the most suitable methods to overcome the problem of high PAPR. Major limitation of this scheme is PAPR. But by going through block level approach we can further reduce PAPR, which is MCMA (Modified Constant Modulus Algorithm). In this paper, new algorithms are proposed by mapping of phase rotation factor, by the mapping of M-ary data points to the 2M constellation points of 2M-ary modulation scheme using two phase rotation factors (1, j), and hence it is known as “M-2M Mapping” scheme. With this property, the proposed algorithms can reduce half of the computational complexity compared with the conventional algorithms. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can provide significant computational complexity reduction with good performance.

5 Diophantine 3-Tuple in A.P with property D(α2)
S.Vidhyalakshmi, M.A.Gopalan,E.Premalatha

Abstract - In this communication, we exhibit a triple in Arithmetic Progression such that the product of any two added with a square is a perfect square. This result is presented as a theorem.

6 Characterization of Welded Duplex Stainless Steel for marine applications
Balasubramaniam N S, Santhosh A N, Dr. Aprameyan S

Abstract- The purpose of this study is to subject the DSS with different intermediate thermal ageing temperatures such as 475°C and 375°C respectively and for the further study TIG welding is carried out in a view to understand how exactly the thermal ageing is influencing to the degree of brittleness in both developed and developed welded DSS . This investigation in turn helps to reduce the severity of brittleness and hence to avoid sudden failures at the hull of marines. The microstructure test reveals that DSS (475°C) behaves much harder with a lack of ferrite due to carbide precipitation and irregular grain orientations.

7 Literature Review for Optimization of Kinetic Energy Stored in a Manually Driven Flywheel Motor Using Various Mechanisms
V. N. Patil, A.K. Pitale

Abstract- In the recent past days various mechanisms of human powered flywheel motor such as existing mechanism, elliptical sprocket, circular sprocket, quick return mechanism and double lever inversion mechanism were developed. A manually driven brick-making machine has recently been developed without the benefit of any design data. Generally, a flywheel is used for the purpose of storing energy. The flywheel is used in manually driven machines, mainly as flywheel motor. This paper reports on investigation to be performed by optimizing various mechanisms for maximum kinetic energy gain through human powered flywheel.

8 Analysis of Stress Conditions on Composite Layered Pressure Vessel with Solid works Simulation
Himanshu Bhatia, Bhupinder Singh, Sandeep Kumar

Abstract- The aim is to study of the various design optimization techniques by using finite element analysis on solid works simulation for a composite layered pressure vessel with internal and external stress conditions and find out what thickness of plate is required and what are the number of plates required with certain composition and material so that strength can be created which is able to handle the pressure created by the by the gases from inside, this will explain how by changing different layer of different material will result in stresses formed at different cross section of a boiler. We will also be able to see that if reduce the number of plates and change the sequence and what effect will it have on the strength after shell.

9 Big data: The next frontier for Innovation, Competition and Productivity
Pankaj Sareen, Parveen Kumar

Abstract- Big data is the term for a collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications. Big data is a buzzword, or catch-phrase, used to describe a massive volume of both structured and unstructured data that is so large it is difficult to process using traditional database and software techniques. In most enterprise scenarios the volume of data is too big or it moves too fast or it exceeds current processing capacity. Despite these problems, big data has the potential to help companies improve operations and make faster, more intelligent decisions.

10 Energy Efficient Comparator Design
Meenu Shrivastava, Shweta Agrawal

Abstract- The energy efficient computations is the requirement for all portable battery operated devices. Along with the arithmetic operation, comparison is a frequency used operation with the computation. This paper explores the existing magnitude comparator design techniques and proposes a new binary comparator that provides significant reduction in the power and area. The effectiveness of the proposed technique over the existing is evaluated by coding in Verilog, synthesized and simulated on Xilinx tool chain and design metrics are evaluated. The simulation results on FPGA show that the proposed comparator provides more than 19.3% reduction in power over the best-known comparator.

11 A Review of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) in Centre Indian Environment
Shivya parasher, Dr. Abhay Kumar Sharma

Abstract- India has an abundance of solar energy. With about 300 clear, sunny days in a year, India's theoretically calculated solar energy incidence on its land area alone is about 5,000 trillion kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year (or 5 EWh/yr). The solar energy available in a year exceeds the possible energy output of all fossil fuel energy reserves in India. The daily average solar power plant generation capacity over India is 0.25 kWh per m2 of used land area, which is equivalent to about 1,500–2,000 peak (rated) capacity operating hours in a year with the available technologies. However, the focus on solar energy in India is mainly on the Photovoltaic (PV) panel to generate electricity. There is still lack of thorough investigation in implementing the solar thermal, such as the Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) in Indian environment. This paper reviews the CSP technology and the potential of developing CSP plant in the Indian environment by taking into account the Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) and a few geographical aspects.

12 A Novel Secured Approach of Digital Image Watermarking Using Wavelet Decomposition
Vivek Soni, Rashika Gupta, Ravimohan

Abstract- There is a need of an effective watermarking technique for copyright protection and authentication of intellectual property. In this work we proposes a digital watermarking technique which makes use of simultaneous frequency masking to hide the watermark information into host. The algorithm is based on wavelet based decomposition of both the images. It generates a watermark signal using DWT in sub-bands, and at the same time the host is also decomposed into sub-bands, then sub-band mapping or coding is done in frequency domain. Since the watermark is shaped to lie below the masking threshold, the difference between the original and the watermarked copy is imperceptible. Recovery of the watermark is performed without the knowledge of the original signal. The software system is implemented using MATLAB and the characteristics studied.

13 Semantic Web Based Chemical Information Retrieval
A.Kavidha, Dr. A.Saradha

Abstract- Information retrieval in chemistry domain is challenging as there are enormous amount of chemical data present in chemical domain. Classification of chemical components will facilitate the scientist to work further. Chemical components are classified based on their structure and properties. Ontologies capture domain knowledge and facilitate easy retrieval. Hence Ontology based information retrieval is applied for chemistry domain. Semantic web technologies are applied in retrieving information from ontologies. In addition to chemical data, drugs details are also encoded in the ontology to find the chemical composition and side effects of drugs. This novel method of retrieval finds application in the domain of medicine.

14 List Scheduling in Cloud Computing with Trust Based Resource Selection
Pankaj Sareen, Parveen Kumar, Dr. Tripat Deep Singh

Abstract- Cloud computing is network based computing using the internet, which is utility based, on demand computing with each client using other systems hardware/software/infrastructure in a cloud environment accessed through closed network. Cloud computing is computing service delivery over the Internet. Cloud services allow people and Businesses to use software/hardware managed by third parties in remote locations. Cloud computing Ensures access to information and computer resources from wherever a network connection is available. List scheduling is fundamental to achieving cloud computing efficiency. Most list scheduling Cloud computing methods consider task resource requirements for CPU and memory and not bandwidth requirements. List scheduling creates a jobs list based on priorities and the highest priority job is executed by assigning it to a suitable resource till a valid/optimal schedule is found. As many services are provided by unknown parties/enterprises, this study proposes a trust based model and reputation based scheme to select suitable resources to improve tasks scheduling performance in a cloud environment.

15 Efficient signalling technique for free space optics using auto-correlation OFDM
Vinay Dewangan, Shikha Singh

Abstract- This document develops auto-correlated optical OFDM as a frame- work to implement OFDM on optical intensity channels. The drawbacks of conventional methods are mitigated in auto-correlated optical OFDM. Contrary to ACOOFDM and DC-biased OFDM, the proposed technique uses all the available bandwidth for data modulation and does not require reserved subcarriers. Simulation results verify that auto-correlated optical OFDM has gain in Bit Error Rate as compared to conventional optical OFDM schemes.

16 Study of WT, KLT and Adaptive Filter
Saurabh Rai, Anand Vardhan Bhalla

Abstract- Visual information transmitted in the form of digital images is becoming a major method of communication in the modern age, but the image obtained after transmission is often corrupted with noise. The received image needs processing before it can be used in applications. Image denoising involves the manipulation of the image data to produce a visually high quality image. Different noise models including additive and multiplicative types are prevalent. They include Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise, speckle noise and Brownian noise. In the past few decades, many noise reduction techniques have been developed for removing noise and retaining edge details in images. Hence, it is necessary to have knowledge about the noise present in the image so as to select the appropriate denoising algorithm. The filtering approach has been proved to be the best when the image is corrupted with Gaussian noise. The WT (Wavelet transform) and KLT (Karhunen-Loeve transform) based approach finds applications in denoising images corrupted with Gaussian noise. This paper contains a review of WT (Wavelet transform), KLT (Karhunen-Loeve transform) and adaptive filter as they are the popularly used for denoising an image affected by white Gaussian noise.

17 Assessment of Ground Water Quality and Source of Contamination by Multivariate Factor Analysis
Deena Prasad Prajapati, Sandhya Shrivastava

Abstract- In this study, the factor analysis techniques are applied to ground water quality data sets obtained from the Satna, city, Madhya Pradesh (India). The data obtained were standardized and subjected to Factor extraction to simplifying its interpretation and to define the parameters responsible for the main variability in water quality. The objective is to evaluate the mutual correlations among the various water quality parameters to reveal the primary factors that affect reservoir water quality, and the differences among the various water quality parameters. The factor analysis resulted in three factors explaining more than 77.4% of the total variation in ground water quality data set. The first factor indicates the variation in water quality is due to anthropogenic sources and second factor shows variation in water quality due to organic sources that are taking place in the system. Finally the results of factor analysis reflect a good look on the water quality monitoring and interpretation of the ground water.

18 Data Mining with WEKA
Simmi Bagga

Abstract- Data Mining is extracting of interesting, non trivial, impact, previously unknown and potential useful information and patterns from the data. WEKA supports many data mining tasks such as data preprocessing, classification, clustering, regression and feature selection. The WEKA application allows novice users a tool to identify hidden information from database and file systems with simple to use options and visual interfaces. In this paper we elaborate the use of WEKA in Data Mining. We will also explain the WEKA class structure and clustering using K means.

19 Design And Analysis Of Composite Leaf Spring- Review Paper
Rajale Ranjit R, Rana Mayuresh S, Praveen K Mali

Abstract- Present time the main issue of automobile industry are weight reduction. The automobile industry has looking for any implementation or modification to reduce the weight of the vehicle. The suspension leaf spring is one of the potential items for weight reduction in automobile as it accounts for 10% to 20% of the unsprung weight. The introduction of composite leaf spring made of glass fiber rein forced plastic (GFRP) has made it to possible to reduce the weight of spring without any reduction on load carrying capacity and stiffness. The achievement of weight reduction with adequate improvement of mechanical properties has made composite a very good replacement material for conventional steel spring. This work deals with the replacement of multileaf steel spring with mono composite leaf spring for the LCV. It is possible to reduce the weight of the leaf spring without any reduction on load carrying capacity and stiffness.

20 Design & Implementation of Efficient Transreceiver System of OFDM on FPGA
Hitesh.M.Raut, Dr.R.M.Deshmukh

Abstract- This overall paper will focus on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) research, simulation, and efficient implementation & analysis of OFDM [2]. OFDM is especially suitable for high speed communication due to its resistance to ISI. This paper is mainly focused on the design and implementation of transmitter & receiver system for FPGA. As communication systems increase their information transfer speed, the time for each transmission necessarily becomes shorter. Since the delay time caused by multipath remains constant, ISI becomes a limitation in high-data-rate communication. OFDM avoids this problem by sending many low speed transmissions simultaneously.[3]The detailed simulation of the OFDM system with 16 QAM will be implemented .The transmitter and receiver will be implemented using FPGA .All Modules are designed using VHDL programming language.

21 Mobile Commerce and Its Comparison with E-Commerce
Pallvi Dhingra

Abstract- Gone are the days when customers queued in front of retail stores or cash counters to purchase a book or a movie ticket. With the emergence of the 21st century consumers have adopted easier and more convenient ways of shopping. They have responded to the technological advancement by demanding for more convenience and ease. The transition from in-store shopping to online shopping has taken centuries, but the shift (partial) from electronic commerce (e-commerce) to Mobile Commerce (MCommerce) has merely happened within a decade or two. In this paper we try to provide an overview of the fundamentals about MCommerce and e commerce. This paper attempts to help business managers, particularly those without IT background, to understand the key elements and basic issues of M-Commerce and to assess the impact of M-Commerce on current and future businesses as well as to identify new business prospects. This paper highlights the Business Model, applications of M-Commerce. Mobile advertising and its benefits are also discussed in this paper. Finally, Mobile Payment Methods and Challenges for MCommerce are also listed in this paper.

22 Compression of Brain Waves
P. Sushama Sankar, S. Srinitha

Abstract- In recent periods, more stress is given to compression of EEG due to the fact that it carries huge data and requires massive memory and bandwidth for storage and transmission respectively. Powerful EEG signal compression requires vigorous effort. This is due to the data contained in the EEG signal. So it is very difficult to obtain very high and powerful compression. An algorithm for compressing the EEG signal is framed and is applied to EEG dataset. A convenient method to express the exact EEG signal is in the form of an image or matrix. Wavelet transform can be applied to EEG signals which are followed by encoding the compressed dataset. This helps in good storage and transmission. In order to receive back the original EEG signal with minute losses, the difference produced between the original and after performing inverse DWT on already transformed signal, which is taken as the error and it can also encoded.

23 First Observations of Gravity Wave Momentum Flux with Different Frequencies
Gopa Dutta

Abstract- It is now well established that internal gravity waves play a significant role in the momentum and thermal budget of the lower and middle atmosphere. This paper presents a comparison of the momentum fluxes carried by gravity waves in two period bands (< 2 h and 2-8 h). It is observed that the shorter period gravity waves transport higher momentum fluxes in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over Gadanki, a tropical Indian station. Oscillations between 60-100 min are found to be prominent and contribute significantly to the mean flux estimates. The wavelet transform momentum flux spectra displayed the temporal variability and discretization of the gravity wave momentum fluxes in frequency and time.

24 Areca nut and Tobacco use among School Children –A cross sectional study
P.John Leeson, S.Krishnapriya

Abstract- Areca nut is the fourth most regularly utilized psychoactive substance as a part of the world after caffeine, liquor and nicotine. Its utilization is viewed as a benevolent and socially adequate propensity among most Indians. Like tobacco, biting areca nut likewise prompts oral and oropharyngeal growths. Biting of these substances more often than not begins ahead of schedule in life prompting a huge number of issues in adulthood. This study was directed among secondary school understudies to decide the commonness and to evaluate familiarity with wellbeing perils connected with these substances. This cross sectional study was completed in Pollachi, Coimbatore. All consenting school offspring of seventh, eighth and ninth class were talked with independently utilizing a pretested survey about their biting propensities. Larger part of understudies began biting somewhere around 13 and 14 years. Around 49% of clients were biting these substances routinely for over a year. Addictive propensities were found in two clients. 43% of clients bit the same item utilized by their relatives (P<0.025). 13.4% of chewer were from separated or isolated folks (P<0.005). Around 3/fourth of the members were unmindful of related wellbeing perils or thought these substances to be innocuous. Mindfulness level of wellbeing dangers was poor among the understudies. Wellbeing training against these substances at an early age may help in controlling this issue.

25 Utilization of Financial Schemes by Knitted Garment Exporters in Tiruppur District
N.Chitra, Dr.B.Mythili

Abstract- Export credit is required for short periods of time both before and after the dispatch or shipment or the execution of an order. These requirements of the exporters can be met through commercial banks that are authorized to deal in foreign currency and Export Import Bank of India by providing pre-shipment and post- shipment finance at subsidized rate of interest. The main objectives of the study are to analysis the various schemes utilized by the exporters. The commercial banks should create awareness among the exporters about the various schemes through proper training.

26 A Comprehensive Study on Filters in Digital Image Processing
Eswar Patnala, Rednam S S Jyothi

Abstract- To preserve the impression of depth, clarity and fine details, the image processor must have sharpen edges. Therefore we must detect edges correctly and reproduce them smoothly without over-sharpening. For that purpose we use a process known as filters in image processing for clear edge detection.

27 Varying DRC Violation Using PG Planning With Lower Metal Layers (M1&M2) and Higher Metal Layers (M5&M6) at Different Utilization Factors
Mani Prakash Polisetty, Sunil Babu Melingi

Abstract- In this paper the effects of choosing a Utilization Factor on total wire length, time to place & route and DRC violations have been explained. In addition, how the number of metals used to route between the standard cells will affect total wire length, and number of DRC (Design Rule Constraints) violations and time to place and route at different utilization factors has been studied. It’s observed that If the design has high utilization factor then power planning should be done on higher metal layers to avoid DRC violations and less time to place and route.

28 Synthesis, Characterization and Effect of Conductive Filler on Mechanical properties of thermosetting resin
V. T. Bhugul, G. N. Chaudhari

Abstract- Conductive polymer polyaniline (PANI) and its composite with activated charcoal ( AC) have been synthesized by in-situ polymerization technique and this composite is used as filler in unsaturated polyester resin. PANI-AC reinforced composite with supporting matrix of unsaturated polyester resin containing 5 to 30% PANI-AC have been used to study mechanical properties such as tensile strength, flexural strength, % elongation and young’s modulus by standard methods. The PANI-AC composite samples were characterized by FTIR, SEM and XRD. The results indicated that amount of reinforcing agent ie PANI-AC plays a vital role in the properties of thermosetting resin.

29 Efficient Packet Forwarding Using Static Routing in SDN
M. Krithika, M. Nithya

Abstract- Software Defined Networks (SDN) is a new networking paradigm in which the control plane is decoupled from switch. SDN is a radical new idea in networking promises to dramatically simplify network management and enable innovation and evolution. The network intelligence of a SDN is logically centralized (at the control plane) in software based controllers, and network nodes become simple packet forwarding devices (the data plane) that can be programmed via an open interface (Open Flow). This paper explains the system forwarding the packets between client and web server using static routing in software defined networks. A SDN router will receive raw Ethernet frames. It will process the packets, and then it will forward them to the correct outgoing interface. The system is simulated using Mininet simulator. The results show that packet forwarding using static routing in SDN minimizes the cost and time varies depends upon the usage when compared with traditional networking.

30/td> Fault identification of mild steel rod and hollow (steel/aluminium) pipe using finite element program, ANSYS
A. Z. M. Raqibul Ahsan, Muhammad Shakil Hossain, Afsana Ansari, Dr. Md. Rabiul Alam

Abstract- This study focuses to identify the faults of the ductile materials like steel aluminium etc, using finite element approach by comparing local stresses, strains and global displacement results between uncracked and cracked members. For simplicity of calculation and reduction of computational time and resources, a piece different size of steel rods and aluminium pipes were used in numerical analysis. In order to develop finite element meshes of the member twenty nodded solid rectangular brick elements & fifteen nodded wedge elements were used to model the and considered for this analysis. Impact dynamic load was applied at specified location (at the midpoint) of the member. ANSYS finite element software was used to solve the problem and process all information related to the above mentioned global and local responses. From the analysis response variables (displacements, strain & stress) were obtained at different locations for the different types of members is under applied load and two conditions (uncaracked & cracked). From the result obtained in this analysis it is seen that stresses and strains increase as crack depth increases and become maximum near the crack location. After making this comparison of the results it is determined whether there is fault within the member or not.

31 Dc-Dc Converter for Variable Frequency Operation of a Synchronous Buck Converter
K.Srinivas, P.Sruthi

Abstract- Several techniques are available for implementing DC-DC converters using digital controllers Among these FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) based implementation provides various advantages in terms of speed, flexibility, low power usage, reduced equipment sizing and massive parallelism. The traditional methods allow fault diagnosis only after the final implementation which leads to extra cost and loss of design time. This paper proposes a smart method of FPGA based implementation of DC-DC Buck Boost converter control system using Matlab and ModelSim. The control algorithm and coding is done by means of Verilog code and implemented on an Altera FPGA Board. The FPGA takes control of the entire system and decides whether to increase or decrease the voltage depending on the application. Load is applied and the efficiency is checked at variable load conditions.

32 Role of higher education in Human resource development
Dr. R.K. Sharma

Abstract- This paper will deal with role of higher education in Human Resource Development in India. The role of higher education in HRD is very important and demanding because human resource development is a necessity and should be worked out efficiently by all higher education institutions. The outcomes have to benefit both the development and welfare of the nation. The collaborative efforts among higher education institutions should be based on mutual benefits and interests.

33 Effect of Nd on Structural and Dielectric Properties of Lead Lanthanum Zirconate Titanate Perovskite Ceramics
R.K. Sharma

Abstract- In this paper I have reported the double doped La and Nd modified PZT (54/46) with different doping concentration x= 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 near the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) prepared by solid state reaction method. Pb1- 3x/2Lax(Zr0.54Ti0.46)1-5x/4NdxO3 where x=0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06) which were prepared by conventional mixed oxide (solid state reaction) method. Detailed studies of the structural and electrical properties of the samples have been carried out to investigate the effect of paired doping on PZT ceramics. The dielectric constant, loss of Pb1-3x/2Lax(Zr0.54Ti0.46)1-5x/4NdxO3 strongly suggest that these compounds are suitable for the preparation of high value capacitors and may be good candidates for device applications.

34 A Comparative Study of Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
C. Satya Kumar, V. Srinivas

Abstract- Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANET) – it is a collection of wireless mobile nodes communicating each without infrastructure support i.e. MANET is an infrastructure less network. Due to infrastructure less capability uses of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) in different applications increasing rapidly. There are different challenges where most of the research is going on bandwidth consideration, power consumption, scalability, routing and security. This paper mainly focuses on routing protocols which is the important challenging issue because of dynamic topology of ad hoc networks.

35 Waste Heat Recovery from LPG- Review Paper
Ukirde Mayur B., Mahale Rahul K., Satre Mahesh R., Kalase Rajesh.S.

Abstract- The LPG is cheaper and possesses an environmental free in nature with no ozone depletion potential (ODP). Also LPG is available as a side product in local refineries. This work investigates the result of an experimental study carried out to determine the performance of domestic refrigerator when a propane-butane mixture is liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) which is available and comprises 56.4% butane, 24.4% propane, and 17.2% isobutene. An experimental investigation of Performance is carried out by the effect of changing capillary tube length, capillary tube inner diameter and capillary coil diameter on the mass flow rate of refrigerant in an adiabatic helical capillary tube. Large amount of electricity supply is not available easily in large part of under development country like India. It will also prove to be an effective for remote area such as research sites, mines, & deserts where electricity is generally not available. The results of the present work indicate the successful use of this propane-butane mixture as an alternative refrigerant to CFCs and HFCs in domestic refrigerator. It would include Experimental setup of working model and detailed observation of the LPG refrigerator and represents its application in refinery, hotel, chemical industries where requirement of LPG is more.

36 Grid Connected 13 Level Inverter for PV System Using PI Controller
Ramavath Laxmanchander, Dharavath Mohan Rao

Abstract- Grid connected solar system uses to have converters Circuits followed by two levels: A DC/DC boosters and PWM Inverter. This combination of converters leads to decrement of Quality and efficiency of electric power, In this paper the author Propose a single phase 13- level photo voltaic (PV) inverter for Grid connected solar system with A novel pulse width-modulated (PWM) control scheme. The fast variations of solar radiation can be compensated by Digital proportional-integral controller. The inverter offers less total harmonic distortion and good power factor. The proposed system offers improved performance over five level inverters and is verified through simulation.

37 Some Investigations on 5G Mobile Technology
Pankaj Shankar Srivastava, Upendra Kumar Agrawal

Abstract- In mobile communication there is very fast development from 1G to 4G. In 1G, 2G, 3G FDMA, TDMA and CDMA were used respectively. 4G uses multiple access technique in OFDM. Now 5G is going to implement. There are many limitations of present mobile communication like call drop, mobile radiation, and data rate. We tried to review that how these limitations overcome in 5G as per available literature.

38 Recent trends in the Green Building Concept
Saiful Islam, Mohammed Abdullah Al Awadh, Roohul Abad Khan

Abstract- Green building concept, in broader terms, involves a building, which is designed, built, operated, maintained or reused with objectives to protect occupant health, improve employee productivity, use wisely natural resources and reduce the environmental impact. In other words the green building process incorporates environmental considerations into every stage of the building construction. This process focuses on the design, construction, operation and maintenance phases and takes into account the lot design and development efficiency, energy and water efficiency, resource efficiency, indoor environmental quality, building-owner maintenance and the building’s overall impact on the environment .

39 Characterization of Silver Doped Polyaniline-SiO2 Nanocomposite
Radhika Thankappan, R. Jothi Ramalingam, F.Adam, Tarekegn Heliso Dolla

Abstract- Polyaniline/silica and polyaniline-Ag/silica nanocomposite were prepared from naturally available rice husk silica after adopting the treatment process. The synthesized materials were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques and suggested that the formation of polyaniline in salt form exist in benzenoid and quinoid forms. The thermal analysis shows that the stability of Ag doped composite is enhanced greatly compared to raw polyaniline. The UV-Vis spectra of Pan-Ag/RHA, shows two absorption bands obtained (~250-300 and ~ 400-500) is due topolymer in contact with silver nanoparticles. Ft-Raman resuts shows the bands at 1426 and 1519 cm-1 are due to the C=N stretching vibrations in quinonoid diimine and in polyaniline, a strong band appears at 1598 cm-1 due to the C-C stretching vibration of the benzenoid-like rings. Morphology of polyaniline has been studied and observed as fibers and polyaniline/Ag-silica composite forms the petals of flowers morphologies for silver doped nanocomposite.

40 Survey of Customized Medium Access Control Protocol for Co-operative Wireless Network
Poorvi Behre, Prof. Pankaj Sahu

Abstract- Wireless signals have an inborn broadcast nature, which makes it possible for the adjacent stations to overhear the transmissions destined for a particular node. When these neighboring stations help the transmissions by choosing a high data rate path (among various paths) instead of the low data rate path, then such a scheme is called a co-operative transmission scheme. The co-operative scheme always promises a higher throughput and lower delay performances at the cost of overhead. Here, a medium access control scheme known as Customized-MAC is proposed, where the neighbor i.e. the relay node is selected not only on the basis of higher data rate and reliability which are conveyed through the relay frame broadcasted by all the relay nodes. So, a better decision may be taken when deciding whom to co-operate with. This will make the overall system reliable and also increase the lifetime of the network.

41 Hybrid Modelling and Control of Advanced Photovoltaic-Wind Energy Conversion System
Dr. P. Umamaheshwari, L. Surya

Abstract- This paper proposes a crossover vitality change framework brushing photovoltaic and wind turbine as a li ttle scale elective wellspring of electrical vitality where customary era is not reasonable. The cross breed framework comprises of photovoltaic boards, wind turbines and capacity batteries. The wind and PV are utilized as principle vitality sources; while the battery is utilized as go down vitality source. Two individual DCDC help converters are utilized to control the force stream to the heap. A straightforward and savvy control with DC-DC converter is utilized for most extreme force point following (MPPT) and henceforth greatest force is separated from the o turbine and the photograph voltaic cluster. The demonstrating of half breed framework is produced in MATLAB-SIMULINK.
