IJAIR- Volume 6 Issue 1 (January 2017)


Sr/No/ Title Pdf
1 Hand Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm
A. H. Tirmare, V. V. Khandare, P. S. Mali, S. R. Mohite

Abstract — In many industries wireless operations are necessary especially in dangerous or hazards areas. In some of the industries it is necessary to handle few jobs with very high temperature which is not possible by human hand in such cases wireless operations are more efficient. This paper focuses on design of hand gesture controlled robotic arm using microcontroller.

2 Implementation of Robo-Maid using Controller
Sangita Mohite, Aarti Tirmare, Vidya Khandare, Priyadarshani Mali

Abstract — The aim of automation is to save time and human efforts. We need an automatic system that cleans on its own without human interventions. People in cities have irregular and long working times in such a situation a person will always find ways of saving time. Previously many gadgets that reduce human efforts were present but these gadgets need some manual work even. Like a vacuum cleaner also need to move around where ever it’s necessary to be cleaned. So there is need to atomise such systems. This paper focuses on implementation of Robo Maid using microcontroller which will be very useful for household applications.

3 Review on Mobile Sink Based Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
M. Karthiyaini

Abstract — A wide variety of applications in our daily life used is based on the sensors. The main downside with the sensors is that it is resource constrained mainly with respect to energy storage capacity. Because of its miniature size it can be easily deployed to the monitoring devices. The significant requirement is that the sensors should have a continuous connectivity to the deployed area. If it fails the entire process will be ineffectual. The communication process in the network consumes more energy. To enhance the lifetime of the network, the energy should be used effectively. Different protocol stacks and its layers keep their own strategies to reduce the consumption of energy level. The network layer plays an important role in routing. Thus a study is made to enhance the network life time.

4 Energy Efficient DCT Architectures for Image Processing Applications: A Review
Neha Bhargava, Shweta Agrawal

Abstract — The exponential growth on the image processing applications on the portable devices demanding energy efficient signal processing. Inage compression is required to efficiently communicate and transmit huge image data over the portable mobile devices. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is the most compute intensive unit in the image compression standards. The performance of the DCT significantly affects the performance of the application. Therefore, different approximate DCT architectures are developed in the literature. In this paper, an exhaustive literature review is done and then the performance of the existing DCT architectures is evaluated and compared. These existing designs are implemented and simulated with benchmark input to compute the efficacy of one over the other existing architectures. The designs are modelled on MATLAB and Tanner, simulated with benchmark inputs and then quality and design metrics are evaluated and compared.

5 A Novel Low Complexity Energy Efficient DCT Architectures
Neha Bhargava, Shweta Agrawal

Abstract — DCT is the prime component in image compression unit which is employed in most portable devices exhibiting multimedia applications. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is the most compute intensive unit in the image compression standards. The performance of the DCT significantly affects the performance of the application. This paper presents a novel energy efficient DCT architecture by exploiting several non-significant driven complexity reduction techniques. The proposed DCT architecture provides energy scalability by exploiting boundary error resiliency. This architecture provides significant improvement in the energy efficiency without degradation in image quality. The proposed and existing designs are implemented and simulated with benchmark input to compute the efficacy of one over the other existing architectures. Simulation results show that proposed DCT architecture requires 10.3% reduced area and 52.1% reduced energy over the existing DCT architecture.

6 Agricultural Data Mining
Vaishnavi.S, Shobana.M, Chokkalingam.S, Balamurugan.K

Abstract — Agriculture in today’s world cannot be run through like it was done by forefathers by word of mouth. Climatic changes of today’s world leads to unnatural things to happen such as less rainfall, poor weather and high temperature. It is difficult for farmers to cope up with climatic changes. Data Mining helps agriculture to give good decisions. Using data mining system, agricultural recommendations can be given to the farmers. It provides knowledge about crop to sow, fertilizers needed, water management. This proposed system aims to provide accurate decisions using C5 algorithm.

7 Preview paper on digital comparator for better Noise Response and Higher Speed
Deepika Soni, Karishma Sahu

Abstract — This paper introduces a survey on advanced comparator for better commotion reaction and higher speed. It depends on the general type of the n-bit computerized comparators with lion's share capacities. Different paper has been examined for finding the best procedure for change of clamor proportion and speed for quicker operation of comparator The requirement for low power, range productive and rapid comparator is pushing towards the utilization of timed computerized comparator which augment speed and power proficiency. As CMOS innovation downsizes, different short channel impacts emerges which builds the spillage current because of low limit voltage and waste some rate of force as spillage power Conversion amongst simple and advanced signs is a fundamental capacity in flag preparing. With the most recent advances in flag handling, the requirement for quick and low-control simple to computerized and computerized to-simple converters is expanding. In A/D converters, comparators have high impact on the accomplished execution.

8 An Adaptive filter design based on Residue number system
Shivam purwar, Deepika soni

Abstract — Computerized channels are imperative things in Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) outlines. The accessible Finite Impulse Response (FIR) channel prepares a long transient reaction which considers as its significant impediment. To get over this disadvantage, Residue Number System (RNS) based FIR channels is been proposed which is clarifies in this paper. Rapid is acquired by utilizing the buildup math way that permits the calculation for channel yield by utilizing N FIR sub channels for diminished element extend working in parallel frame. Add up to three moduli 2n- 1, 2n, 2n+1 sets are utilized as a part of proposed RNS based Filter. 4-tap Low Pass Filter (LPF) sort for FIR channel and RNS based FIR channel alongside 4-tap LPF are planned. Verilog HDL dialect is utilized for RTL section and broke down in this paper. The reenactment is done utilizing Xilinx EDA apparatus Integrated Simulation Environment ISE-12.2.

9 Design of High throughput and efficient Brain tumor detection from MRI image
Astha vishwakarma, Silky Pareyani

Abstract — Medicinal picture handling is the most difficult and developing field now a day. Handling of MRI pictures is one of the parts of this field. This paper depicts the proposed procedure to identify and extraction of mind tumor from patient’s MRI examines pictures of the cerebrum. This strategy consolidates with some commotion expulsion capacities in light of DWT change and MRI Image preprocessing in light of Otsu Thresholding and morphological operations Erosion and expansion and finally histogram examination based Tumor area and measurement perception Detection and extraction of tumor from MRI filter pictures of the cerebrum is finished by utilizing MATLAB programming.

10 Analyze the Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
G.Sudhagar Govindhaswamy

Abstract — The cognitive radio is a network to alleviate spectrum scarcity; cognitive radios (CRs) have attracted intensive research attention recently. While great strides have been made in spectrum sensing techniques in cognitive radio networks, these approaches are susceptible to unconventional attacks that may result in catastrophic performance degradation of the spectrum usage efficiency. For example, primary user emulation, intelligent jamming and denial of service for spectrum usage may impact the performance of classical spectrum sensing approaches. A sensing quality metric is defined as a measure of the correctness of spectral availability information based on the fact that spectrum sensing information at a given space and time can represent spectrum information at a different point in space and time. A distributed Selective-(CORN)2 (S- (CORN)2) is introduced by extending the distributed algorithm to allow secondary users toselect collaboration neighbours’ in densely populated cognitive radio networks. Challenges associated with spectrum sensing are given and enabling spectrum sensing methods are reviewed. The paper explains the cooperative sensing concept and its various forms. External sensing algorithms and other alternative sensing methods are discussed.
