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Mrs. Gigi Thomas, Dr.R.Shankar Shanmugam, Dr E.Prabu
Abstract: Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the level of drug compliance and quality of life of Type
2 diabetic patients(T2DM) and their association between them. Methods: A descriptive study
design was adopted. A total of 100 subjects were selected using convenient sampling. The
structured interview schedule was used to collect data from samples by using modified diabetic
drug compliance scale of 10 day recall method and Quality Of Life of Indian Diabetic patients
(QOLID) questionnaire. Results:Among 100 samples, majorities (37%) of them were in the age
group of 51-60 years and 4% of them were in the age group of 21-30 years. 88% of them were
adherent to 75-100% medications and 12% of them were adherent to 50-75% of medications.
With regard to QOL, the study showed that 44% of diabetic patients had poor QOL, 46% had
moderate QOL and none of them had good QOL. The study revealed that there was a moderate
positive correlation between drug compliance and QOL of diabetic patients. Conclusion: Drug
compliance is very important in managing chronic diseases like diabetes for better glycemic
control and prevention of complications which in turn results in improved QOL.
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To Study the Elemental Concentrations in Selected
Medicinal Plants by EDXRF Technique
S. Jyothsna, G. Manjula
, A. S. Nageswara Rao
Abstract: Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence
(EDXRF) technique was one of the most
powerful and quick multi elemental analyses
with high sensitivity has been used to detect
characterized for trace elements. To determine
the trace elemental concentration in selected
medicinal plants namely, Eclipta prostrate,
Acalypha indica, Andrographis paniculata,
Datura metal, Alstonia scholarisis, Aloe vera and
Acacia catechu which are traditionally used by
the natives of the Telangana State. From the
present study, thirteen elements (P, S, Cl, K, Ca,
Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Se, Br, Rb and Sr) and their
elemental concentrations were determined in
these plant samples. In this we are found to
contain significant amount of the S, Fe, Cu, Mn
and Rb, which can used to a new standard of
prescribing the dosage of herbal drugs prepared
from the plant material to integrate their
medicinal values in the modern system of the
medicines. It is hoped that, this elemental data
will be a useful lead for phytochemists and
pharmacologists for further study.
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Immanuel Kant’s Transcendental Logic
Han Sangsin
Abstract:Philosophical logic not only determines to associate with the principle of logical thinking but also determines the fundamental meaning of the Logos itself, for judgmental thinking activity. This research article is based on the relationship of transcendental logic and the general logic issues in Kant’s book 'Critique of Pure Reason'. In his book ‘Critique of Pure Reason’ he connotes the direct relationship of ‘transcendental logic’. Kant thinks that the outcome of transcendental analytics can be substituted with conventional ontology because ‘Critique of Pure Reason’ has been considered as ‘the preliminary studies’. The intent of this article is to solve the following problems. In what way general logic and transcendental logic are related? What represent the earlier progress? While the transcendental logic has superiority of function based on general logic, because latter derived from the former.
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Hydrocolloids as intensifying agents in Piperidin-4-one for the corrosion protection of mild steel in 1 mol L-1 HCl
T. Brindha*1 and K. Parimalagandhi1
Abstract: The present work deals with the evaluation of corrosion inhibitive properties of starch (hydrocolloids) and its combination with 2,6 diphenyl piperidin-4-one on mild steel 1 mol L-1 HCl using weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy methods. The effect of temperature (303-328 ± 1 K) inhibition of corrosion has also been studied. The corresponding corrosion kinetic parameters were calculated and discussed. Potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance studies were also carried out to determine its the corrosion behaviour on mild steel.
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Prime – Antimagic Labeling of Some Special Classes Of Graphs
K.Thirugnanasambandam 1, G.Chitra 2
Abstract: An Prime Antimagic Labeling of a finite simple undirected graph with p vertices and q edges is a bijection from the set of vertices to the integers { 1, 2, .... p } such that for each edge uv , the labels assigned to u and v are relatively prime and the induced edge labeling f ( uv ) = f ( u ) + f ( v ) are all distinct. A Graph is called Prime Antimagic if it admits Prime Antimagic Labeling. In this article we study the new classes of graphs K_n^c + K_2 , P_(n_((m)) ), SF( n,m) and Fans are Prime Antimagic graph. We also discuss Prime Odd Antimagic labeling of theta graph , fan graph and in the contex of graph operation fusion.
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Land Distribution For Dalits In Andhra Pradesh And Telangana
Dr. Chikkala Kranthi Kumar#1, Post-Doctoral Fellow
Abstract: This paper will focus on land distribution to SCs from 1-11-1954 to 3-11-2013 (as on 24-06-2014, in the seventh phase). It will also review the various government programmes for the development of lands allotted to SCs and the problems faced by them during the distribution of land. This work may be quite useful to understand and identify the problems involved for certain social groups in accessing the said land.
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Dr. Hirdesh Kumari* Dr. Murlidhar Paliwal**
Abstract: Prana is the basic life force which is the master of all other energies working at different level. The literal meaning of whole word prana are breathing, breath, respiration, inspiration and expiration, breath of life, spirit, vital action or life. Consideration of Prana as vital entity for the sustenance of life is since Vedic period and its significance is proved by Praneshana as described in Samhitas. God and medicinal plants were praised directly, during Vedic period, for being blessed with prana i.e. life. Acarya Sushruta mentioned dvadasha prana. Although acarya Caraka and Vagbhata, each has mentioned 10 pranayatanas but there is slight variation in their consideration of different entities as pranayatana. Dvadasha prana could be considered as the physiological entities of body while the other entities like anna, rakta etc. could be accepted as both physical and physiological entities.
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A Study To Assess The Impeding Factors For Nurses’ Participation In Continuous Professional Development Activities
Dr.S KalaBarathi1, Mrs.J.Jagadeeswari2, Dr.P Mangala Gowri 3
Abstract: Continuous professional development (CPD) is described internationally by a variety of terms. This includes continuing nursing education, life-long learning, continuous professional development and professional skills development. The purpose of continuous professional development activities are to help the nurses to maintain updated skills set so that they are able to care for patients safely and competently. The objectives of the study are to assess the impending factors for nurses’ participation in continuous professional development activities and to associate the impending factors among nurses with the selected demographic variables. A Non-experimental design was used selected to assess the impending factors for nurses’ participation in continuous professional development activities. A self administered questionnaire method was used to collect the demographical variables and impeding factors for nurses’ participation in continuous professional development activities. The study results shows that impeding factors like work related factors, financial related factors, lack of peer support, availability and accessibility had shown more frequent when compared to other impeding factors. There is no statistically significant association with the impeding factors for nurses’ participation for continuous professional development activities.
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Title: Glycemic control of intermittent fasting in type-2 diabetes A case report
Vijayakumar. PS*, Sahana AU.
Abstract: Type 2 diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin. The condition may be reversible with diet and lifestyle changes. The understanding that by achieving specific glyceamic goals morbidity can be substantially reduced has made the treatment of hyperglycaemia a priority. An increase in the prevalence of sedentary lifestyle and obesity has been the primary cause that has led to the increase of diabetes mellitus. Data shows that approximately 150 million people suffer from diabetes the world over, and that this number may well double by the year 2025. Practitioners do not have any clear pathways of therapy to follow despite of numerous reviews on management of diabetes being published in recent years. Some people find Intermittent fasting interventions better as these diets are easier to follow than traditional calorie restricted dietary approaches. Reduction of body weight, normalization in blood glucose, insulin and leptin levels are observed during dietary restrictions in obese animals and humans. We examined the glycemic controlling effect of intermittent weekly fast in type 2 diabetes patient; significant reduction in glucose levels after six months of weekly fast has been found, hence promoting the fact that intermittent fasting is a better add on as dietary intervention for type 2 diabetes.
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Energy Consumption Anomaly Based Intrusion Detection In Mobile Using Rule Based Data Mining Approach
Aparna Sen, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma
Abstract: Smartphones are important part of life today, where we use it for personal and professional purpose. Mobile applications make availability of different concepts to make it user friendly environment. Android is a popular platform which is open source and adopted by people. While dealing with a large structured platform to run a mobile application. There are area where the chances of finding anomaly which may harm the user device or its data. Thus a proper analysis of such incoming and outgoing entity is needed. Many technique to detect such is presented like behavior based, signature based detection etc. still a lacking in covering all anomaly properties. Battery is the internal entity which harms devices. In this paper a energy based rule mining EEHAD approach is presented for anomaly malware detection. The experiment performed on multiple android devices with set of application anomaly signature dataset. The output observed result shows the efficient of proposed work.
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Development of Efficient enhancement technique for Underwater Image Enhancement using Median Filter and HSV Stretching and (MFHS)
Chanchal kumar Gohiya, Prof. Agranshu Dwivedi,
Abstract: Underwater environments generally cause color cast or color scatter while photography. color scatter is due to haze effects appearing when light reflected from thing which absorbed or may be scattered several times by particles of water. Thesis work present a novel procedure for which is a special integration for various available techniques also it has new approach in order to image stretching and image equalisation. Proposed procedure enhances shallow ocean optical images or videos using stretching cum equalizing cum median filter and also as per wavelength properties. Our key contributions are proposed include a.novel shallow water imaging model that compensates in order to attenuation discrepancy along propagation path and an effective underwater scene enhancement scheme recovered images are characterized by a reduced noised level, better exposure for dark regions, and global contrast where finest details and edges are enhanced significantly.
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Design of fast and Error free ECG signal filter with LMS Thresholding
Rahul Mandle, Prof. Vishal Shrivastava,
Abstract: An ECG signal is usually corrupted by various types of noises. Some of these noises are power line interface, baseline drift, muscle contraction, motion artifacts, electrosurgical noise, instrumentation noise and electromyography noises. It is highly required to develop a method which can filter ECG signal noises significantly. In this work, an EMD along with adaptive switching mean filter based new method for de-noising of ECG signal has been proposed. Unlike, conventional EMD based de-noising approaches, where only lower orders IMFs are denoised in this work, along with EMD, ASMF operation has been employed for further signal quality improvement. The lower order IMFs are filtered through wavelet de-noising technique to reduce high-frequency artifacts and retain the QRS complexes. Then, considering the effectiveness of ASMF, for further enhancement of signal quality adaptive switching mean filtering is performed. The validity of the performance of the described technique is evaluated on standard MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. Gaussian noise at different signal to noise ratio (SNR) levels are added to the original signals
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Rakhi Patel, Prof. Vishal Shrivastava,
Abstract: Proposed paper utilize a general source separation technique, Independent Component Analysis. Particularly, basic ICA was applied to separate mixtures of low frequency, narrow band, non-Gaussian signals by using closely spaced uni-directional microphones. The localization routine worked with an average condition number of test cases. The routine was tested on data collected form MATLAB standard audio files. Localizing sounds with different frequency and time domain characteristics in a dynamic listening environment is a challenging task that has not been explored in the field of robotics as much as other perceptual tasks. This thesis presents an integrated auditory system localization method which can be used in humanoid robot, Sounds with different frequency components and time domain characteristics have to be localized.