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Land Use/Cover Mapping of Bheemili Beach Road, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh using Geospatial techniques
B. Sridhar, Aditya Allamraju, Srinivas Elakurthi
Abstract: Aim: Quickly progressing geospatial technologies like
Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems and Global
Positioning System offer a proficient, convenient and
advantageous methodology for mapping resulting from its wide
area coverage; giving information about inaccessible areas and
timely repetitive coverage of the same area. In the present study,
the land use/cover mapping of Bheemili beach road,
Visakhapatnam district in the province of Andhra Pradesh has
been carried out on IRS-1D, LISS-III satellite image with
standard visual interpretation strategies. The identified land
use/cover features are beach, deciduous forest, single and double
crop, fallow land, gullied land, marine sand dunes, non-perennial
tank, perennial tank, plantation, reservoir, main river courses,
rural and urban built-up land, scrub forest and un-irrigated
land. Maximum area is covered by deciduous forest (26.63%)
followed by scrub forest (15.07%), gullied land (13.26 %) and
double crop (11.02%). The other land use/cover classes
individually cover less than 10% of the Total Geographical Area.
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Title: “Use of GIS and Differential GPS in Mapping of Spatial Distribution Evidence for Outdoor Crime Scene: A Simulation Study”
Puleno Kennao, Dr. Deepak Lal, Karen Isha Sahu, Dr. Lav Kesharwani
Abstract: It is vital to envisage the location of the
evidence to get an idea on how the crime took place and
in what manner. Managing outdoor crime scenes with
the application of conventional method can be a
demanding job to achieve exclusively when the crime
emerged in big space, where there is lack of reference
points and tress being surrounded. In this research, two
simulated outdoor crime scenes were created, where
both manual tape measurement and DGPS unit was
applied to see if the differential GPS offers an accurate
and reliable alternative for mapping the scene over the
baseline method. To develop a final digital map of the
simulated outdoor scenes was utilized using
Geographical Information System. The result indicates
that the DGPS unit provides a consistent reading when
compared to manual tape measurement giving an
average reading difference of 0.06 cm and 0.13 cm. The
study concluded through statistical analysis that DGPS
unit can be a viable alternative for mapping the outdoor
crime scenes.
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Aswathy Ramachandran
Abstract: Stock market is known as a pulse of
economy or economic mirror, which reflects the
economic conditions of a country. Investors are
believed to be the backbone of the securities market.
Stock market awareness comes under the broad concept
of financial literacy. The main objective of this study is
to recognize the impact of stock market awareness on
their investment. Primary data was is collected from
Convenience Sampling technique.
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Satra as a mean to Sanskritisation to Assamese Society
Bhaswati Das
Abstract: Satras plays a vital role in the life of Assamese society as well as
in the formation of Assamese society. The Neo –Vaishnavism
Movement, which was initiated by Srimanta Sankaradeva is the
most significant socio-cultural and religious phenomenon during
the medieval period. The Satra institution which is the most
notable contribution of the Neo-Vaishnava movement is perhaps
came to emergence at the hands of the great saints, Srimanta
Sankardeva and Madhavadeva. For that Satra institution plays a
very important role in Assamese society. Therefore, it is tried to
analyze the origin and development of the Satra institution in
Assam. The paper also aims to highlight the relationship between
Satra and society. This paper also made an attempt to
understand the role of Satra in the process of Sanskritisation in
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Varsha Sadhwani 1, Dr. Vasima Khan 2
Abstract: Cloud platform enable storage and accessing of data which is stored in it. It helps storage of data in such a manner that can be access using accessibility enabled algorithm with use of efficient parameter. Cloud computing comes with the multiple usability such as scalability, security features and other optimal of computation. Many approaches for the cloud storage, access and security architecture has been proposed. The limitations are with both one side which is storage or accessing and enabling security in between them. In this paper, an advance approach which combines such factor and provides efficient storage as well as accessing mechanism. A curve cryptography based security is also enabled to make use of user’s data in authentic manner. The algorithm is executed using the Java platform library and outperform using the computation time, computation cost as comparison parameter. Thus the efficiency of algorithm is improved and can be used over real time cloud platform.
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CH. RAJENDRA PRASAD1, S. Pothalaiah2
Abstract: This project proposes and implements a simple, secured, efficient and low cost biometric electronic voting machine using ARM7 microcontroller. An electronic voting system is a voting system in which the voter’s and voting data is recorded, stored and processed digitally. The proposed system consists of controller hardware and software. The hardware is implemented with ARM7 microcontroller along with FIM3030 finger-print module. A touch screen is used to select the candidate by simply touching on it. GSM module is used to send the message to the election unit if any unauthorized person involve in voting. The software code is developed in KEIL u Vision development environment for interfacing the ARM processor with finger-print module, touch screen and GSM. The proposed system gives the best solution for minimizing the time taken for identifying the voter. The design implemented in the biometric electronic voting machine is portable, flexible and with minimum power consumption. The designed system is user-friendly, easily adaptable and cost-effective. Further, the designed system has simple architecture, fast response time and scope for further expansion.
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Technological adoption behavior of sugarcane cultivators in flood affected area
Bhingardeve S. D. 1, V. J Tarde 2 and D.P. Deshmukh3
Abstract: The study was undertaken in year 2014-2015 indicates that all the sugarcane cultivators were completely adopted the practices like soil, mature sugarcane sets of 9-11 month age. All sugarcane cultivators obtained sometimes information from their relatives followed by friends. There were complete adoption of recommended practices like ridges and furrows method of planting as well as irrigation method, application of FYM, broadcasting method fertigation, fertilizer application. Lack of tolerant variety of sugarcane and unavailability of sugarcane sets in time due to failure of transportation facility in flood was the constraints faced by all sugarcane cultivators. The constraint like adsali season is not possible.
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Impact analysis of university released variety of Sugarcane on socio-economic status of farmers
S.D. Bhingardeve 1, D.P.Deshmukh 2and B. T. Kolgane 3
Abstract: A survey conducted on impact of advanced varieties of sugarcane shows that both the year of study, Majority (72.50 per cent) of respondents fulfill their fund requirement from Primary Agri. Credit Society and 97.50 per cent of respondents were obtaining short term loan for crop. For cultivar of Co-8014 and Coc-671 adoption gap was 100 per cent where almost all cultivars has 100 per cent adoption gap due to no adoption of suru seasons Majority of respondents were belonged below Rs. 2,00,000/- in the year 2010-2011 (73.33 per cent) and 2015-16 (48.33 per cent). Majority (89.17 per cent) of respondents obtained sugarcane yield below 150 t/ha
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A Study on the Level of Awareness regarding Sexual Harassment amongst Girls
Dr. Bhawana Sharma, Harshita Jain, Nisha Moolchandani
Abstract: Sexual harassment has become synonymous with sexual terririosm which outlines a system where males are controlling and tyrannizing women . Now a days it is becoming a significant issue at gloebl level. Thus, need is arises to study on the level of awareness which is spreading around the nation to oversome the problem.The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the current status of sexual harassment. The research orbits around the molestation and abusement due to sexuality of a person. This research takes an in depth view of the sexual harassment today and provides current knowledge on the subject . It mainly talks about the mal treartment . This paper also provides some useful measures to respond towards these cases as with every unwanted physical touch a woman’s imagination changes into horrible images. Sexual harassment is more worse than murder as victim dies throughout the period she lives.
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A Model Based Approach of Interaction Measures for Multivariable Processes
V. V. Yerande#1, B.B.Musmade#2
Abstract: In this paper a normalized interaction measure or Gramian-Hankel interaction mea-sure for stable multivariable systems is summarized. The normalized interaction measure is a dynamic extension of Gramians and Hankel norm of the single-input-single-output (SISO) elementary subsystems built from the original multivariable system. In fact, the success of controller design depends on the input output pairings as it decides the structure and e effectiveness of the controller. Several examples, for which the proposed loop pairing criteria gives comparatively useful interaction measure over existing techniques are employed to show its effectiveness.
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A Survey : Sybil Attack Detection And Prevention Approach Over Network
1Swamil Soni, 2Prof. Damodar Tiwari
Abstract: VANET is a special type of mobile adhoc network which is specially working towards vehicle entity and its moving knowledge. In such entity and moving scenario further various attack and problems get arise due to multiple interaction in nature. In this paper Sybil user which participate in the network and try to jam peer network through which a processing can get stop or not able to transfer the data via network is presented. This paper contains survey of previous techniques which used in Sybil detection and prevention over VANET. The existing technique associate with the paper makes use of a technique which uses to communicate in between the available vehicle in the network. In the existing paper author proposed a model which make use of technique name “Dynamic certificate generation technique”, which help in making system secure in such a manner in which a Sybil user detection and further prevention optimization is performed over network.
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Priyanka Usrate, Prof. Damodar Tiwari
Abstract: In current scenario social media and other online applications provides an easy and fast way to communicate to the others. But some radical organizations use these mediums to spread wrong perception among the society and to recruit peoples for terrorist and violent extremist activities .these organizations use these mediums to recruit youth to conduct their terrorist movements. A CTM based technique is presented which provides better detection for such posts which are used for online cyber recruitment by the radical organizations or terrorist groups. A result analysis for the proposed technique is presented in IV Result Analysis section which shows that CTM based technique provides better results as compare to the existing techniques.