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1 |
Role of Reverse Encryption Algorithm and RC6 Algorithm
in encrypting the database
R.H.Rathod, C.A.Dhote
Abstract —Data is the vital part of any organization which should
be kept secured all the way. Data is stored in the database. The
major consideration is to apply the security to this database by
applying various encryption algorithms from the unauthorised
access and attackers or intruders. Thus the encryption
algorithms play an important role in information security
systems and it is an effective way to protect the sensitive data in
the database and data encryption is a strong option for security
of data in database and especially in those organizations where
security risks are high. While encrypting and decrypting
database there is a disadvantage of performance degradation.
When we apply encryption on database then we should
compromise between the security and efficient query processing,
because the operations of encryption and decryption
greatly degrade query performance. We are trying to fill this
gap. In this paper we are trying to overcome the problem of
delay in processing the query performance. In this paper,
encrypted database query processing is investigated. In
this paper we will discuss an encryption algorithm, called
Reverse Encryption Algorithm (REA). Reverse
Encryption algorithm (REA) is simple and is fast enough
for most applications. REA encryption algorithm provides
maximum security and limits the added time cost for
encryption and decryption to as to not degrade the
performance of a database system. And the most common
encryption algorithm RC6 which is a new block cipher
submitted to NIST for consideration as the new Advance
Encryption Standard (AES). The performance measure of
query processing will be conducted in terms of query
execution time.
2 |
VLSI Implementation of Giant Multiplier for Cryptography
Abstract—The design of a power and area efficient high speed
768 000-bit multiplier based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
multiplication for fully homomorphic encryption operations.
Memory based in-place architecture is presented for the FFT
processor that performs 64 000-point finite-field FFT
operations using a radix-16 computing unit and 16 dual-port
SRAMs. By adopting a special prime as the base of the finite
field, the radix-16 calculations are simplified to requiring only
additions and shift operations. A two-stage carry-look-ahead
scheme is employed to resolve carries and obtain the
multiplication result. The multiplier design is validated by
comparing its results with the GNU Multiple Precision (GMP)
arithmetic library. The proposed design has been synthesized
using 90-nm process technology with an estimated die area of
45.3 mm2. At 200 MHz, the large number multiplier offers
roughly twice the performance of a previous implementation
on an NVIDIA C2050 graphics processor unit and is 29 times
faster than the Xeon X5650 CPU, while at the same time
consuming a modest 0.97 W.
3 |
Indoor Navigation System Based On Android Mobile Using
Wifi Triangulation
S.P.Prathiba, P.Nalayini
Abstract—Indoor location based system becomes a reality due
to widespread availability of WiFi networks in building. To
provide the indoor location based services (LBS), system use the
current location of human, a computer, mobile devices or
equipment such as quad copter. The most prominent method for
indoor navigation is RSS based location from WiFi Access points.
No prior knowledge of the access points location and the
environment is required. Because of environmental features like
temperature, interaction with objects, the intensity of signal can
change frequently. Varying and changing of WiFi signals to
provide a zero cost localization system which give a high accuracy
and granularity in Indoor navigation system. Using Triangulation
technique the behavior of WiFi signals in indoor environment for
localization is analyzed by the signals from three different access
4 |
Distributed generation for real time scheduling in
PEVs charging & optimization industrial microgrid
R.santhoshkumar, P.Krishnagandhi
Abstract—In this paper, we investigate the optimization
of electric vehicle (EV) and micro grid scheduling. Our
objective is to minimize the total electricity cost while
considering user comfort preference. We takes both
industrial occupancy and EV charging. The novel
contributions of this paper lie in the exploitation of EVs
as dynamic storage facility as well as detailed modeling
of user comfort preference, thermal dynamics, EV
travel, and customer occupancy patterns in a concrete
optimization framework Specifically, we show that the
proposed design can achieve significant saving in
electricity cost, allow more flexibility in setting the
tradeoff between cost and user comfort, and enable to
reduce energy demand during peak hours. It will utilize
the generators waste heat to fulfill thermal
requirements while considering the status of renewable
DERs to decrease the overall cost of IMGs.
5 |
Design-For-Test Solution for Efficient Testing of
Power Switches
S.Karthik, E.K.Arulkarthick
Abstract-Power switches are used as a part of the power gating
technique to identify the leakage power of a design. To the
systematic diagnosis method for accurately diagnosing power
switches. The proposed diagnosis method utilizes the recently
proposed design-for-test solution for efficient testing of power
switches in the presence of process variation. It divides power
switches into segments such that any faulty power switch is
detectable, thereby achieving high diagnosis accuracy. The
proposed diagnosis method is validated through SPICE
simulation using a coarse grain design synthesized with a 90-
nm gate library. Simulations results show that identify the
leakage power and reduce the power with help of coarse grain
6 |
Reduction of area and delay in binary adders using
S.Karthikeyan, R.Monia
Abstract -The clever top level architecture leads to
very Compact layouts, thus avoiding unnecessary clock
phases due to long interconnections. An adder designed
as proposed runs in the RCA fashion, but it exhibits a
computational delay lower than all state-of the- art
competitors and achieves the lowest area-delay product
(ADP). The rest of this brief is organized as follows: a
brief background of the QCA technology and existing
adders designed in QCA is given in Section II, the novel
adder design is then introduced in Section III,
simulation and comparison results are presented in
Section IV, and finally, in Section V conclusions are
7 |
FM/FM(a,b)/1 Queuing system with multiple
working vacations
Julia Rose Mary.K, Anuja. A
Abstract-We consider the queuing system is applied
for our models, M/M (a, b)/1 queuing system with
MWV. This paper develops a non-linear
programming approach to derive the membership
functions of a performance measures for a multiple
working vacation queue when the arrival rate and
service rate are fuzzy numbers. The basic idea is
based on Zadeh’s extension principle. Two pairs of
mixed integer Non-linear programs with binary
variables are formulated to calculate the upper and
lower bounds of the system performance at possibility
level α. Using α-cut approach fuzzy queue can be
reduced to a M/M(a, b)/1 queue with different α cuts.
Trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are used to demonstrate
the validity of the proposal. Numerical example is
provided to check the validity of the model.
8 |
A Framework for IVR Based Human Computer Interaction
for Blind People Using Normal Keyboard
A.Venkatesh, S.K.V.Jayakumar, K.Shanmugapriyan
Abstract-In this paper we describe about the technologies that
can adapt advantages of the IVR systems to access the personal
computer by visually impaired person.Here we use the
developing advancements of CHI (Computer-Human interaction)
to give a virtual interface to the totally visually impaired
individuals to control and perform a few operations on their
PC.Our point is to team up the procedures took after by the IVR
frameworks alongside the systems which supports the outwardly
tested individuals to access to the PC like an ordinary person
with no uncommon preparing which regularly they require in
different strategies.
9 |
Shunt Compensation for Improvement of Power
Quality and Load Power Factor at M.P. Transco’s
model EHV Sub-Station
Garima Mishra, Prof. M. R. Vaidya
Abstract-Practical loads have resistance, inductance, and
capacitance, so both active and reactive power will flow to real
loads. Power engineers measure apparent power (S) as the
magnitude of the vector sum of active (P) and reactive power.
Engineers care about apparent power, because even though the
current associated with reactive power does no work at the load,
it heats the wires and wastes energy. Conductors, transformers
and generators are designed to carry the total current i.e, (I
Cos + I Sin). Conventionally, capacitors are considered to
generate reactive power and inductors to consume it. If a
capacitor and an inductor are placed in parallel, then the
currents flowing through the inductor and the capacitor tend to
cancel. This is the fundamental mechanism for controlling the
power factor in electric power networks.
10 |
An Intelligent Vehicle for Improving Traffic Flow Using
Model Predictive Control with Connected Vehicle
K.Kalpana, T.G.Dhaarani
Abstract─ Due to the congestion there is chance of rear-ends
collision of vehicle that is the front end of a vehicle colliding into
the rear of another vehicle. These collisions can occur at high
and low speeds and almost always result in significant material
and physical damage to vehicle occupants and to the vehicles
themselves. Also the lane selection technology increases the
road capacity which provides smooth traffic flow.
11 |
On Strongly Product Difference Quotient Labeling On
Some Graphs
J.Devaraj, S.P.Reshma
Abstract - Let G be a (p,q) graph. We define the
strongly product difference quotient graph (SPDQ) as
follows. A simple graph G with n vertices is called
strongly product difference quotient graph (SPDQ) if
there is a one to one function f: v(G)→ {1,2,…,n} such
that the set of induced edge labels given by f(uv)
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
are all distinct. In this paper we proved
the following graphs K2+mK1, vertex switching of
wheel, helm and CHn , Mycielskian graph of path and
cycle are SPDQ .
12 |
High utility itemset mining in Dynamic datasets
Abstract-Data mining also called data or knowledge
discovery is the process of analysing data from
different perspectives and summarizing it into useful
information. It’s the process of finding correlations or
patterns among different fields in large relational
databases. Data mining, the extraction of hidden
predictive information from large databases, is a
powerful new technology with great potential to help
companies focus on the important information in
their data warehouses.
13 |
Effect of Fines on the Mechanical Behaviour of Sand
Ramesh Chanda, R.k.Panday
Abstract—The properties of clean sands pertaining to shear
strength and stiffness have been studied extensively. However,
natural sands generally contain significant amounts of silt
and/or clay. The mechanical response of such soils is different
from that of clean sands. The is to study of ’’effects of fines on
the mechanical behaviour of sand” addresses the effects of
fines on the small 1-strain stiffness , void ratio , optimum
moisture content, maximum dry density , specific gravity and
shear strength of sands. The behaviour of sand is affected by
the content of fine particles. How and to what degree the fines
content affects the small-strain stiffness, void ratio, the
optimum moisture content, maximum -dry density, specific
gravity and shear strength of sands was experimentally
studied in detail. The sand was procured from the market and
the fines were removed by wet sieves analysis. Fines were
extracted from the soil available in the premises of our
department. In this dissertation work the physical properties
of sand, sand-fines mixture in different proportions were
studied. In order to find the optimum dose of fines, different
percentages of fines (10%, 20%, 30% and 40%) by weight
were used. The physical properties of sand and sand- fines
mixture were determined by performing various tests such as
particle size analysis, standard compaction test, specific
gravity, void ratio and tri-axial test. From the particle size
analysis, sand was classified as SP. The specific gravity of
sand was found to be 2.74 and the maximum dry density
(MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) of sand was
found to be 1.605g/cc and 13.95% respectively. The cohesion
of sand was found to be 0.05 kg/cm2 and the angle of internal
friction was found to be 30°. The void ratio of sand was found
to be 0.704.
14 |
Multi-Protocol IP-Forwarding for Flexible Elastic
and Inelastic Traffic
Abstract— The booming of the Internet makes the volume of
IP network devices grow really fast, and their number would
be three times of global population in 2017 [1]. As a consequence,
we have already exhausted all the new IPv4 addresses. To resolve
this addressing issue, people has deployed IPv6, which is not
backward-compatible to IPv4. Hence, IPv4- and IPv6-devices
will coexist and create numbers of IPv4- and IPv6-islands [2].
The emerging of these islands fragments network topology and
brings new difficulties to traffic engineering (TE).
15 |
A Typical Approach for the Design of a Video Application
using Wireless 4G
K.Vasu Babu, K.Lakshmi Swetha, K.Jyothsna, K. Bhargavi
Abstract—The present challenges in wireless communication
such as the ability to operate in a time varying multipath
fading environment under limited power constraints and the
limited availability of the frequency spectrum are very
important in the development of many applications. OFDM
which data rates with sufficient robustness to radio channel
impairments is becoming the chosen modulation technique in
the wireless communications. The attraction of OFDM is
mainly due to how the system handles the multipath
interference at the receiver and the Compact spectral
utilization. The multipath results in the two effects:
frequency selective fading and inters symbol interference
(ISI).The effects can be overcome by the flatness of the
narrowband channel and a low rate modulation of the
transmitting signal. The use of powerful error correcting codes
along with time and frequency interleaving yields even more
robustness to frequency selective fading and the insertion of an
extra guard interval between consecutive OFDM symbols can
reduce the effects of ISI even more, negotiating the use of an
equalizer. In this method the basic processing involved in the
generation and reception of an OFDM signal through a
physical channel is visualized along with the description of
various steps involved. For this we consider a proposed OFDM
signal of Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standard in
wireless 4G as an example.
16 |
Managing Abnormal Supply Chain Events Using
Optimization Technique
K.Veeramanikanda karuppusamy, D.Ajith, S.Jeyaseelan, S.Subash
Abstract—Scheduling concerns the allocation of limited
resources overtime to perform manufacturing industries
are quite complex in nature and are to be best known of the
difficult combinatorial optimization problems. The job
shop scheduling problem may be described as follows:
Given‘n’ number of jobs, each comprises several
operations that must be processed on ‘m’ number of
machines. Each operation uses one of the ‘m’ machines for
a fixed duration.
17 |
Investigation on Design and Analysis of Two
Wheeler Chassis
Gaurav Vasantrao Bhunte, Tushar R. Deshmukh
Abstract-Chassis acts as frame work for supporting the body
and various parts of two wheeler. A significant consideration in
chassis design is to have adequate bending stiffness along with
strength for better handling characteristics. Therefore maximum
shear stress and deflection are important criteria for chassis design.
In two wheeler chassis various kinds of failures are taken place due
to static and dynamic loading condition. In the present work static
and dynamic load characteristics are analysed using FE modals
from this work. Maximum stress area location is found out in static
analysis and shear stress, equivalent stress, directional velocity for
various chassis in dynamic analysis.
18 |
Automatic Generation of Test Cases by using
Knowledge based rules
Jyothi Praveena.M, Muthukumaran A M J
Abstract— Software testing, which is an important technology
for ensuring software quality, is also facing a trend of automation
development. A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and
expected results developed for a particular objective, such as to
exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with
a specific requirement. Automatic generation of test cases is an
integral part of the software automation testing system. This
designs a test case auto-generation model. This model generates
test cases based on knowledge such as rules. In general, there are
three stages in software testing Auto-generation of test cases.
Implementation of test cases to the program to be tested
Comparison between implemented test results and test prediction
to obtain test evaluation. The system adopts production method
of knowledge presentation to describe the software. Attention
should also be given to the self-learning function of the
knowledge base. Knowledge base is the storage for the rules of
description software. These rules are composed in accordance
with their presentation method by the test engineers and
specialists through the analysis of documents and codes of the
tested software.
19 |
Power and Energy Reduction in Network-on-chip
through Data Encoding Schemes
TK.R.Akshaya, C.Chitra
Abstract-A significant fraction of the overall power
dissipation of a network-on-chip (NoC) based system-onchip
(SoC) is mainly due to the interconnection system.
The advancement in the future technology makes it
possible to place larger number of transistors on a single
die, with many different layers of interconnect and their
contribution is expected to increase and compete with the
power dissipated by the other elements of the
communication subsystem like routers and the network
interfaces (NIs). In this paper, a set of data encoding
schemes is aimed at reducing the power dissipation and
energy consumption by the links of a NoC and the values
are pre-computed.
20 |
Secure, Efficient and Fine-grained Data Access Control in
Cloud Computing Using Attribute Based Encryption
SRamesh Chandaka, Mahesh Kothuru
Abstract- Cloud computing is a promising technology in
computing area where resources of various computing
environments provides the services over the internet. As it is
promising it has several security issues to deal with and new
challenges arises on security of the data and accessing of data by
various users on the internet in large amount. The data may
contain some sensitive information which may be protected
carefully. Present techniques used by programmers to protect
sensitive data in untrusted servers are cryptographic techniques
that mean decryption/usages of keys among trusted users. By
using these techniques it creates the overload on the
computational servers. This creates problems in fine grained
searching at the time finding things over cloud. Hence the
problem of achieving fine-grainedness, data confidentiality in
searching is remains unsolved. This paper handles the problems
by using the data attributes and providing the confidentiality for
the data owners to handle the data from untrusted cloud servers
by hiding the low level/underlying the data contents. We achieve
this by applying attribute based encryption, proxy re-encryption
and lazy re-encryption. Our proposed system is successful in
overcoming the challenges.
21 |
Encrypted Data Sharing in OSN by Elevate Security
and Performance
R.Krishnamoorthy, V.Aruna
Abstract-Data sharing is now a day’s through a social
network is a difficult in concern with security. The data
transfer from one node to another through the network
should be more efficient and secured. There are various
mechanisms proposed to avoid security issues in the
network transmission of data. The Cooperative Key
based Authentication Scheme provides security for data
transmission in a social network. The data transmitted
from one end user is first encrypted using the ABE and
Double encryption algorithm. The data then
transmitted to the other end user is received first and
decrypted for two times to retrieve the data. The
security and performance analysis results indicate that
the proposed scheme is secure and efficient in OSNs.
22 |
Sharing Cloud Services with Enhancing
Trustworthiness in Nodes
Komal Mishra, G.K.Sandhia
Abstract-Trustworthiness is used to provide the security to the
user as well as cloud. The trustworthiness is enhanced by using
trust finder algorithm and trust values of the nodes. At present
few algorithms are available, in which a friend (neighboring
node) can use a system using credentials of the user and it has
biometrics systems for user authentication to provide security in
the network but it is not very trustworthy because anyone can get
access of our network and use it as a user. So enhancing
trustworthiness to provide better authentication. A system
proposal has been prepared in which trustworthiness is evaluated
by trust finder algorithm and a network IP address is used as
trusted personalized network.
23 |
Issues on Wireless Networks and Cryptography
G. Sasi
Abstract-For the first few decades of their existence, computer
networks were primarily used by university researchers for
sending e-mail and by corporate employees for sharing printers.
Under these conditions, security did not get a lot of attention. But
now, as millions of ordinary citizens are using networks for
banking, shopping, and filing their tax returns, network security
is looming on the horizon as a potentially massive problem. The
requirements of information security within an organisation have
undergone two major changes in the last several decades. Before
the widespread use of data processing equipment, the security of
information felt to be valuable to an organization was provided
primarily by physical and administrative means.
24 |
Detecting Stealthy P2P Botnet Using Statistical Finger
Kavitha.k, Shyamala Devi.J
Abstract— Botnet is a set of host which is controlled randomly
through an intruder using different manipulation command in a
channel. Here, Statistical finger signature techniques used to
detect stealthy p2p botnets. The Statistical finger signature
system identifies the entire host that is likely engaged in p2p
communication. Making modern botnets are stealthier in the
way to perform the malicious activity. Botnet are used in server
centric mode to analyze the traffic flow, malicious software
intrusion, congestion control and to optimize the storage access
in a network. Authentication systems provide more security and
detect malicious activities when compared with current detection
approaches. Among different methods used to detect the p2p
botnet is more effective. In this paper to provide a solution for
detect the bots and deliver the secure data. This is already
implemented in existing systems but it has more drawbacks and
hence we have proposed new solutions that decrease the
malicious activities.
25 |
Bilateral Filtering and Image Cartooning
J.Durga Praveena, K.C.Prasanthi, B.T.S.Bhavani
Abstract -This paper introduces a filter that smoothens the image
while preserving edges, by means of a nonlinear combination of
nearby image values. The method is local, simple and noniterative.
It combines gray levels or colors based on both their
geometric closeness and their photometric similarity and prefers
near values to distant values in both domain and range. In
contrast with filters that operate on the three bands of a colour
image separately, a bilateral filter can enforce the perceptual
metric underlying the CIE-Lab colour space and smooth colours
and preserve edges in a way that is tuned to human perception.
Also, in contrast with standard filtering, bilateral filtering
produces no phantom colours along edges in colour images and
reduces phantom colours where they appear in the
original image. In this paper we are introducing concept of image
cartooning which is an application of bilateral filtering.
Cartooning is one of the most extensively used procedures, be it a
gaming world, animation or the entertainment industry.
26 |
Implementation of Efficient Geo-fencing Algorithm over
Mobile Satellite Service Band
Jaimin M. Raval
Abstract—Geo-fencing is a virtual perimeter to predefined area
of interest that is marked on a map. According to the knowledge
of elementary geometry and graph theory, this paper presents a
new algorithm for geo-fencing by using the R-tree and geometry
equations. We propose a new algorithm of geo-fencing, which
consists of two main stages. At the first stage, an R-tree is used to
quickly detect whether a point is inside the minimum bounding
rectangle, splits data into nested minimum bounding rectangle of
a polygon. In the second stage, intersecting points will be sorted
according to value of X-position. After sorting out all the
intersecting points. If value of test point will be in between two
sorted points then it will inside polygon otherwise outside the
polygon. The developed algorithm achieves faster speed. This
new algorithm has been successfully applied to reporting service.
27 |
Particle Swarm Optimization Tuned Fuzzy
Controller for Improving Stability in Hybrid
power system using Quasi Z Source Inverter
P.Divya, M.Balachandran, V.Yamuna Parkavi
Abstract—Renewable energy systems, such as
Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind Power Generation (WPG),
are live a more and more important role in energy
production. Quasi Z Source Inverter (qZSI) is used to
interface the wind and solar hybrid system. However,
the output power of PV are usually strongly fluctuant
due to the uncertainty and intermittence of solar and
wind energy, which requires a large capacity of energy
storage to satisfy the load demand when the system
works in standalone mode, and results in a strong
impact on the utility grid when the system works in
grid-connected mode. Particle Swarm Optimization
(PSO) has been proposed to track the global maximum
point and which is used to tuned the fuzzy controller.
The key advantage of the proposed technique is limits
the harmonics and to increase the efficiency, search
space for PSO is reduced, and time required for
convergence can be greatly recovered.
28 |
Dual Unified Power Quality Conditioner with
SVPWM and Neuro-Fuzzy To Improving Power
A.Sathya Priyanka, A.Satheesh, A.Jesiline Naveena
Abstract—Electricity becomes one of the most important
things in today’s world. Maintaining a quality power
supply is an important potential problems to the power
Engineers. All the primary and secondary distribution
systems use three-phase four-wire systems (3P4W) to
provide the electric supply to the consumer. Many
single phase loads are connected to the three-phase
four-wire system which leads to the system unbalance.
Since all the loads connected the 3P4W system is not
same. Due to improvement in power electronic
technology, a lot of power devices are used in the
industrial and commercial applications. These types of
converters and inverters have non-linear characteristics
and create a flow of harmonic component in lines. Due
to this effect, load voltages, load currents and the
neutral current waveform due to unbalance gets
distorted. If this component is not mitigated, then it
affects the performance of the overall system. In this
project, the above effects are mitigated by Neuro Fuzzy
based iUPQC in the phase conductor. By installation of
the two active filters, a series active filter and a shunt
active filter (parallel active filter), load voltage becomes
nearly sinusoidal and the distortion in the load and
neutral current is reduced significantly. Therefore, the
space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) controls
of the iUPQC deal with a well-known frequency
spectrum, since it is controlled using voltage and
current sinusoidal references. In this project,
MATLAB/Simulink model is used to verify the system.
29 |
Low Power Topologically Compressed Flip Flop Using
Logical Pass Transistor Logic
T.Suriya Praba, R.Murugasamy
Abstract—Minimizing power consumption is vitally
important in modern circuit designs. The internal
components should be designed in such a way that they
consume low power with high speed. Flip flops are the
storage elements in all digital design but, consume much
power due to static and dynamic power dissipation and
clock skew. The main idea is to introduce the design of
high performance pass transistor flip flop which
acquires less area and transistor count. In the existing
method, an extremely low power flip flop named
topologically compressed flip flop is proposed. As
compared with conventional type FFs, the FF reduces
power dissipation by 75% at 0% data activity. The
reduction is achieved by merging the logically
equivalent transistors to the unconventional latch
structure. In order to reduce the transistor count and
power consumption, a new method logical compressed
pass transistor logic (LCPTL) is introduced. The
LCPTL will be reducing the transistor count and power
dissipation. The high performance of LCPTL is
designed and the simulation has been carried out on
Tanner EDA Tool. An experimental chip design with 40
nm CMOS technology shows that almost all
conventional FFs are replaceable with proposed FF
while preserving the same system performance and
layout area.
30 |
A Study on the Impact of Superconducting Fault Current
Limiter on the Voltage Sags in Power Distribution System
Ming-Tang Chen, Chi-Hung Nguyen
Abstract—This paper proposes the strategies of applying
Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) to distribution
system for voltage sags performance improvement. And the
effectiveness for different feeder types, radial and closed-loop
structures, is analyzed for Taiwan Power Company (Taipower)
system. When a fault happens to a certain point along the feeder
or at the tie breaker, the simulation results show that SFCL can
effectively limit the fault current, and the decrease in amplitude
can be up to approximately 55%. Besides, the voltage sag severity
is dependent of fault location. Therefore, the effectiveness of
voltage sag improvement is definitely illustrated by the curve of
Information of Technology Industry Council (ITI Curve).
31 |
A Stochastic Model for Aids Patients using
BURR Type X Distribution
Pandiyan, Subash Chandrabose, Pukazhenthi, Subramanian
Abstract—All around the world, persons living with
HIV/AIDS faces many problems in their society. In this
paper, the threshold of the HIV plays a major role in
the progression of infection. The important
characteristic of the threshold level of patients for a
person is considered. The patients may dead when the
total amount of antigenic diversity exceeds a threshold
level. Mathematical model is obtained for the expected
life time of AIDS PATIENTS by using Burr Type X
distributions. The Data collected in Chennai region and
fitted for this model.
32 |
Automatic DAQ for Intrinsic Optical Fiber PH Sensors
Using Wireless Sensor Network
V.Raghupathi, K.K Sangeetha
Abstract— This paper explores the potential of creating a hybrid
wireless sensor network (WSN) through the establishment of a
generic WSN platform. A wireless sensor network (WSN)
consists of spatially distributed sensor nodes typically used to
monitor physical or environmental conditions, acquiring
information like temperature, pressure, acceleration, vibration,
and chemical species [1]. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have
gained considerable world-wide attention in recent years, due
both to their autonomous nature and their significant potential to
be used in many different application scenarios.
33 |
Solar fed Neuro-Fuzzy Controlled Direct Torque
Based Speed Regulator for Induction Motor Drive
Alin Maria George, A.Satheesh, Yamuna Parkavi
Abstract—This paper presents a neuro-fuzzy controller
(NFC)-based direct torque control (DTC) scheme for
induction motor (IM) drive. The proposed controller
results in attractive controlled performance of induction
motor. Space Vector PWM is also included in this to
reduce the torque ripples. This paper also discuss about
the photovoltaic used to power the three phase
induction motor. The proposed DTC control of
induction proposed are verified both in theoretical and
experimental results. The proposed system is
implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.
34 |
Improve the Scalability and Efficiency of KASR on
Mapreduce in Bigdata Environment
V.Dhavamani, T.Anand
Abstract—In recent years, the amount of data in our
world has been increasing explosively, and analyzing
large data sets—so-called “Big Data”— becomes a key
basis of competition underpinning new waves of
productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus.
Then, what is “Big Data”?, Big Data refers to datasets
whose size is beyond the ability of current technology,
method and theory to capture, man-age, and process the
data within a tolerable elapsed time. Today, Big Data
management stands out as a challenge for IT companies.
The solution to such a challenge is shifting increasingly
from providing hardware to provisioning more
manageable software solutions.
35 |
High Throughput Low Power Self Timed CAM Using
Asynchronous Circuits
P.Uma Devi, P.Sukumar
Abstract—In this paper, we introduce a reordered
overlapped search mechanism for a high-throughput
low energy CAM version of this mechanism in [17]
and this work is the extension. An internet protocol
(IP) filter is used to unblock particular applications
which determine the next hop for a packet by finding
the longest prefix match. This lookup often occurs in
content addressable memory (CAM), which allows bit
masking of the IP address.
36 |
Improving security of mobile banking application
Using steganography
M.KavyaSri, P.Samba Siva Rao, P.H.A. Priyanka, V.Sravan Kumar, P.Joshana Kumar
Abstract—M-commerce is one of the new branches of e-commerce;
m-banking has become prominent as one of the main divisions of
m-commerce. As the m-banking was becoming popular, it has
begun upon supply of various services based on different systems
and with the aid of various services such as the Short Messaging
Service (SMS). However, in spite of its advantages, m-banking is
facing some challenges like scalability, reliability etc. One of these
challenges is the issue of security of this system. Our project
presents a method for increasing security of the information
requested by users with the use of Steganography. In this method,
instead of direct sending of the information, it is hidden in a
picture/text/audio by the password. Then the picture/text/audio is
sent to the user. After validation, the user can witness the
information extracted from the picture. In this method, the
information is never placed on the internet and exchanged on plain
form. Thus, the possibility of disclosure of information is very low.
Therefore there is no risk of disclosure of user password. In this
method, the amount of information exchanged between user and
the banking system decreases, so the responding speed of the bank
system increases. Steganography is a relatively modern method in
secret exchange of information.
37 |
Novel Approach for Self-Timed Reconfigurable
Controllers for Parallel Synchronization
R.Dhanaraj, P.Arulmozhi
Abstract—Synchronization is an important issue in modern
system design as systems-on-chips integrate more diverse
technologies, operating voltages, and clock frequencies on a
single substrate. By modifying the endpoint adjacency of a
common behavior graph via one-hot codes, several
configurable modes can be implemented in a single design
specification, thereby facilitating direct control over the
synchronization time and the mean-time between failures of
the parallel master-slave latches in the synchronizer.
Therefore, the resulting implementation is resistant to process
non idealities, which are present in physical design layouts.
This project includes a discussion of the reconfiguration
protocol, and implementations of both a sequential token ring
control device, and an interrupt subsystem necessary for
reconfiguration, all simulated in UMC 90-nm technology. The
interrupt subsystem demonstrates operating frequencies
between 505 and 818 MHz per module, with average power
consumptions between 70.7 and 90.0 μW in the typical-typical
case under a corner analysis. To improve the number of
interrupt in the given system.
38 |
Text Extraction Based Clustering Technique Using
P. Suganya, N.Vasudevan, S.Praveen Kumar, D.Rajini Girinath
Abstract—Text Clustering has become an increasingly
important issue because of the tremendous amount of
unstructured data available in online forums such as web,
social networks and information networks. In many
application domains metadata associated along with the
documents. Meta information may be links in the document,
document provenance information. In some cases, Meta
information is difficult when some of the information be
noisy. To improve the quality of the data and to retrieve data
efficiently clustering technique used. To implement efficient
clustering, datasets chosen from large databases. Datasets
may be any type depends on application as feature reduction
done by principal component analysis. An efficient clustering
is created with noiseless data by Topic Detection and
tracking mechanism. The proposed retrieval approaches are
well suited for data extraction in an efficient manner.
39 |
Optimized Test Case Generation Using Genetic
Algorithm for Object Oriented Software
Bhavya.P, A.M.J.Muthukumaran
Abstract—Testing is the most challenging and
dominating activity used by industry, therefore,
improvement in its effectiveness, both with respect to
the time and resources, is taken as a major factor by
many researchers. A new technique is presented for
automatically generating test cases using genetic
algorithms (GAs).Genetic algorithms have been
successfully applied in the area of software testing.
This technique extends the random testing by the use
of genetic algorithms. A good test case is a test case
whose chances of finding a bug are more. The factors
discovered are used in evaluating the fitness function
of GA for selecting the best possible Test Suit. The
object-oriented features like inheritance and
encapsulation have made it easy and suitable confined
to design. The inheritance feature encourages to reuse
the developed components where as the
encapsulation conceals the details from others. And
other features of object-oriented program like
polymorphism, data abstraction and modularity have
increased its richness. These features have increased
the job of software tester. Genetic algorithms are
useful in reducing the number of unfeasible test cases
by generating test cases for object oriented software.
40 |
A Review Paper of Non Sub Sampled Contourlet
Transform Application in Image Denoising
Sarika Shukla, Anshuj Jain, Bharti Chourasia
Abstract—Here the construction proposed is based on a
nonsubsampled pyramid structure and nonsubsampled
directional filter banks. The outcome is a flexible multiscale,
multidirectional, and shift invariant image decomposition that
can be efficiently implemented via the à trous algorithm. Next
to the interior of the proposed scheme is the non separable
two-channel nonsubsampled filter bank (NSFB). We make use
of the less stringent design condition of the NSFB to design
filter that lead to a NSCT with better frequency selectivity
and regularity when compared to the Contourlet transform.
We intend a design framework based on the mapping
approach that allows for a fast performance based on a
thrilling or hierarchy arrangement, and only uses onedimensional
filtering in some cases. In addition, our aim
ensures that the equivalent frame elements are regular,
symmetric, and the framework is close to a tight one. We
evaluate the performance of the NSCT in image Denoising
and augmentation applications.
41 |
Performance Comparison of Classification Algorithms
Using WEKA
Sreenath.M, D.Sumathi
Abstract— Data mining is the knowledge discovery process by
analysing the huge volume of data from various perspectives and
summarizing it into useful information. Data mining is used to
find cloaked patterns from a large data set. Classification is one
of the most important applications of data mining. Classification
techniques are used to classify data items into predefined class
label. Classification employs supervised learning technique.
During data mining the classifier builds classification models
from an input data set, which are used to predict future data
trends. For study purpose various algorithm available for
classification like decision tree, k-nearest neighbour ,Naive Bayes,
Neural Network, Back propagation, Artificial Neural, Multi class
classification, Multi-layer perceptron, Support vector Machine,
etc. In this paper we introduce four algorithms from them. In
this paper we have worked with different data classification
algorithms and these algorithms have been applied on NSL-KDD
dataset to find out the evaluation criteria using Waikato
Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA).
42 |
Design of 520Gbps Based Optical AP-DCDM
Naina Khanna, Ayoush Johari, Soni Changlani
Abstract—In telecommunication system, to increase the
network capacity and transmission medium utilization,
multiple analog signals, data or channels can be combined
together by a process known as multiplexing. Multiplexing is
one of the fundamental and essential parts in today’s digital
communications. The expected growth in demand for existing
narrowband services and future broadband-interactive,
multimedia-entertainment, and educational services has led
to a need for high capacity networks. The success and the
increasing diffusion of wireless system have made bandwidth
a scarce resource. Therefore, efficient use of limited available
band width is mandatory. For efficient use of limited
available band width we have designed five users Absolute
Polar Duty Cycle Division Multiplexing (APDCDM). In this
work each user has a different RZ duty cycle and data rate of
20Gbps; the 100Gbps signal is transmitted through a
Standard Single Mode Fibre. It has been observed that at
the signal is successfully transmitted up to 75 Km distance
and Signal to Noise Ratio also calculated as 43.12dB.
43 |
Web Opinion Development with Density Based Clustering
Manimaran.P, Saradha.M
Abstract—Owing to the development of Web technologies, a
huge volume of Web opinions is obtainable on social media sites
such as Web forums and Weblogs. These technologies offer a
platform for Internet users about the world to converse with
each other and articulate their opinions. Analysis of increasing
Web opinions is potentially precious for discover ongoing topics
of interests of the public like terrorist and crime detection,
understanding how topics evolve together with the underlying
social interaction between participants, and identifying
important participants who have great influence in various topics
of discussions. Nonetheless, the work of analysing and clustering
Web opinions is tremendously challenging. Dissimilar to regular
documents, Web opinions are short and sparse text messages
with noisy content. Typical document clustering techniques with
the aim of clustering all documents useful to Web opinions create
disappointing performance. In this paper, we investigate the
density-based clustering algorithm and proposed the scalable
distance-based clustering technique for Web opinion clustering.
We perform experimentation and benchmarked with the densitybased
algorithm to show that the new algorithm attain higher
micro accuracy and macro accuracy. This Web opinion
clustering technique allows the identification of themes within
deliberations in Web social networks and their development, as
well as the relations of active participants. We also developed
interactive visualization tools, which make use of the well-known
topic clusters to display social network development, the network
topology resemblance between topics, and the similarity values
among participants.
44 |
Identification and Arbitrary Checking Of Intermittent
Connections for CAN Network
S.Priyadharshini, A.P.Prabakaran
Abstract—Now-a-days, monitoring the Reliability of the
networking system becomes difficult and the cost
involving in that is also high. Several parameters affect
the reliability of the network. One of the main factors in
that is Intermittent Connection(IC), which is a short
random disconnection in a communication link of the
network. The main objective is to identify the IC
problem from passively collected network phenomenon.
If IC problem appears, then enough data are
collected to remove that problem. In this paper, the
identification of IC is based on the zero inflated
Poisson model. For Monitoring purpose Maximum
Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and Ranked probability
control chart are used. A test bed is constructed and a
computer controlled emulation system is developed. So
the early identification of IC is important and
necessary task is needed in the maintenance of the
networked system.
45 |
Design of Low Power VLSI Circuits using Energy
Efficient Adiabatic Logic
D.Rathika, P.Thamarai, B.Karthik
Abstract— This paper provides increasing demands to improve
system performance fueled the necessity of low-power design
methodology. Historically, the system performance had been
synonymous with circuit speed and processing power. But
recently, area and time are not the only parameters to be
considered while deciding the system performance. Power
consumption is yet another metric. Adiabatic logic, which works
on the principle of Energy Recovery, is proving to be an
emerging low power approach in low power design. This paper
compares conventional CMOS based design of 2:1 Mux with the
designs based on the adiabatic logic styles viz. PAL and CAL.
All the circuits are designed using cell based design approach
with channel length 180nm using Tanner EDA (S-Edit &
T-Spice). The outcome of this research work will provide
guidelines for designing Mux for low power and ultra-low
power applications.
46 |
Efficient Maintenance of Uncertain Databases
S.Somu, R.Karthikeyan, S.P.Vijayaragavan
Abstract—Social search engines like Google, Bing answer factual
questions but the recent research efforts have been focused on
the social based question and answer (Q&A) system which
resolve non-factual questions. The (Q&A) system cannot be
resolved by a web search engines and does not depend on the
centralized server or broadcasting methods in order to identify
friends based on social network. Hence in the mobile Q&A
system mobile nodes are accessed through internet however it
cannot directly use centralized or broadcasting methods because
generates high server bandwidth cost, node overload, and high
cost of mobile internet access. In this paper, we propose a new
method called Distributed Social- Based Mobile Q&A system
(SOS) which gives quick response to the asker. In decentralized
manner SOS enables mobile user to forward question and to get
potential and efficient answerers. SOS is the engineering
techniques of light weighted knowledge used to find accurately
the person who are and willing to answer questions, thus reduce
searching time and computational cost of mobile nodes. In this
survey paper we compare various research parameters for social
based Question & Answer system. In this paper I propose new
technique called Mobile based Q&A System in the cloud based
47 |
Original Article: Appendicitis - Revisited in Rural Bihar: Etiopathogenesis Unraveled
Rajesh Narayan
Abstract—Acute appendicitis is one of the commonest cause of acute abdomen in surgical practice. Clinically diagnosed cases of appendicitis in a Rural Medical College, Vardhman Institute of Medical Sciences, Pawapuri, Biharsharif were evaluated. Clinical, preoperative assessment and histopathological evaluation correlated to understand the etiopathogenesis of acute appendicitis. Methods: Between August 2010 to December 2014, 200 cases of appendectomies were assessed and analyzed by prospective cohort study.
48 |
DSW algorithm for FMX/FM/1 single working vacation
queuing model
K.Julia Rose Mary, Sheela Jancy.S
Abstract—In this paper, we construct membership function for
the performance measure of FMX/FM/1/SWV queuing system.
An approximate method namely DSW (Dong, Shah and Wang)
algorithm is used to define membership function of the
performance measure for the queuing model FMX/FM/1/SWV.
DSW algorithm is based on the α-cut representation for fuzzy
sets in a standard interval analysis. The performance measure
analyzed for the FMX/FM/1/SWV model provide more
information. Numerical example is also given, which checks the
validity of the proposal.
49 |
Service Oriented Two –Level Auditing In Cloud
J.Venkateshan, S.Balasubramanian, G.Sindhuja, R.Glory Mercy
Abstract—In day to day life cloud is most essential part.
Now cloud storage are use for business purpose the
cloud is popular due to their huge amount of
advantages the cloud is portable we can able to access
the cloud anywhere globally. A cloud service provider
maintains much duplication and each piece of data are
globally distributed on servers. The main problem of
cloud is to handle duplication of data which is too costly
to achieve powerful consistency on world wide .In this
paper we present a novel consistency service model
which contain a large amount of data cloud and
multiple audit clouds In The Consistency Service model
. a data cloud is maintain by Cloud service Provider
(CSP) and the number of user constitute group and that
group of user can constitute an audit cloud Which can
check whether the data cloud provides the valid level of
consistency or not we suggest the 2 level auditing
architecture, two level auditing architecture requires a
loosely synchronize clock in the audit cloud. Then,
design algorithms to quantify the commonality of
violations metrics, and the staleness of the value of a
read metrics. Finally, we devise a heuristic auditing
strategy (HAS) to reveal as many violations as possible.
To validate HAS is extensive experiments were
performed using a combination of simulations and a
real cloud deployment.
50 |
Vehicle Tax Pay System
Katta Naveen Kumar, Kavuri Vijaya Chandra
Abstract—Generally in previous we are having manually
operating system which is being complex to operate. So
here, we are designing automatic toll collection of
vehicles. The purpose of this project is to provide an
accurate and safe environment for toll collection and to
automatically control the vehicle movements at the toll
stations by providing individual identities to each user
with the help of smart card technology.
51 |
Investigation of Optimum Porous Pin Fin Parameter for
Forced Convective Heat Transfer through Rectangular
Channel Part-II
Shrikant Vasantrao Bhunte, Sanjay Kumbhare
Abstract—The efficient techniques of fabrication of super
heat exchanger mainly consist to exchange great amount of
heat between the surface such as extended surface and
ambient fluid. The porous media significantly intensifies not
only mixing of fluid flow but also increase the contact surface
area with fluid inside. The effective way of heat transfer
enhancement is the use of porous media. The flow and heat
transfer in porous pin fin heat exchangers for present study
can be modelled as forced convective heat transfer in partially
filled porous channels. The studies encounter is relates with
previous heat transfer with air fluid. The present paper
reports, an experimental study to investigate the heat transfer
enhancement in rectangular fin arrays defined porosity
equipped on horizontal flat surface in horizontal rectangular
duct. The data used in performance analyses were obtained
experimentally by varying PPI, different material inputs and
52 |
High speed Adaptive FIR filter design with reduced
arithmetic resource utilization using Common subexpression
Elimination (CSD)
K.S.Karthiga, K.N.Natarajan, K.Prithviraj
Abstract—Advancements of digital signal processing functions in
FPGA have put great efforts in designing efficient way of
multiplication for DSP functions. Conventional design of a
Digital FIR Filter based on the direct implementation of a N-tap
FIR filter requires N multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) blocks. .
Common Sub expression Elimination (CSE) and Canonical
Signed digit Multiplication(CSD)methods are used an efficient
approach to share the common sub expressions which produce
FIR filter coefficient multipliers with low complexity.
53 |
Evaluating the Mechanical Property of Luffa Fiber
Composite/Ceramic Bonding
Sri Sankar S P, Nirmal T
Abstract—The interface plays an important role in improving
the mechanical properties of composite materials. Hence, it is
essential to evaluate interface bonding of bio based
composites/silicon carbide. The interface bonding of bio
based composites/silicon carbide samples will be prepared by
various processing temperatures at constant holding time.
The interface characteristics will be evaluated by tensile test.
The results revealed that the maximum peak load at 374.458
N and use of the new material with the properties of both bio
composite and ceramic for suitable application.
54 |
MASQUERADERS Detecting Mechanism Using
User Behavior Profiles
Abstract—The primary goal of the project is to create a
user behavior profile to maintain the detailed
descriptions of various user roles in the system. This
ensures that the intruders or masqueraders who
penetrate the system can be identified with the change in
behavior. Once intruders are detected the system can be
secured from future attack.
55 |
An Improved Approach of Finger Image Use in Human
Dhanesh Hiremath, V. B. Baru
Abstract—In this paper, the finger images obtained from the
database are separated into finger vein and finger texture
images. These two images are processed separately as per the
concept presented in paper. The process involved in matching are
divided into image preprocessing, image enhancement, feature
extraction and feature matching. For feature extraction we have
used Gabor filter and for matching we have implemented score
level combination as holistic and nonlinear fusion. Finger vein
and finger texture matching system has more advantage than the
existing security systems. The vein pattern is not visible to human
vision without any special device and it will not produce any
trace in any object.
56 |
FM0/Manchester Encoding for DSRC Applications
M. Abinaya, T. Suganya Thevi
Abstract—Dedicated short range communications are one way or
two ways short-range to medium range wireless communication
channels specifically designed for automotive use and a
corresponding set of protocols and standards. DSRC is an
emerging technique to push the intelligent transportation system
into our daily life. The DSRC standards adopt FM0 and
Manchester codes to reach dc-balance and enhancing the signal
reliability. The Similarity Oriented Logic Simplification (SOLS)
technique integrates both FM0 and Manchester encoding in a
circuit. In this paper, the low power technique named supply
voltage scaling and power gating techniques are proposed to
reduce the power consumption of the integrated FM0 and
Manchester encoding circuit. By using these techniques, the
power consumption for FM0/Manchester encoding with SOLS
technique is reduced. The encoding capability can fully support
the DSRC standards of America, Europe, and Japan.
57 |
Fault Detection in Railway Track Using Mobile Robot
Wireless Sensor Networks
Kavitha.K, Keerthana.G, Ezhilarasi, Philomina
Abstract—The quickly expanding numbers of populace
have constrained the legislature to encourage the
general population with more quantities of open
transportations. In this way the expanded number of
trains need to be given a bearing track, nonetheless they
have outfitted us with the n number of trains it is
physically impractical by the people to keep a track of
every last heading track and recognizing the defect. To
effortlessly beat this issue we exhibit another idea of
FAULT DETECTION SYSTEM. In this framework we
will be managing IR SENSORS 555IC which transmits
and gets a recurrence scope of 38 kHz, ultrasonic snag
indicator sensor, venture down transformer, dc engines,
a Bluetooth instrument for correspondence between the
advanced cell and the robot, a LCD and a PIC16F877A
microcontroller for performing all the system.
58 |
Low Power and High Accuracy Mamdani Fuzzy Logic
Based Edge Detector
K.Moniga, S.ArunKumar
Abstract—Fuzzy is a set or combination of rules and decisions.
The accuracy level of edge detection in the image will be
improved by using fuzzy logic. The existing method used the
canny edge detector due to its superior performance. It has
higher latency because it is based on frame-level statistics. Sobel
edge detector is Simple, detects edges and their orientation. The
most commonly used fuzzy inference technique is Mamdani
method. It is widely accepted for capturing expert knowledge
and allows us to describe the expertise in more intuitive, more
human-like manner. The rules can be easily described for fuzzy
variables. The fuzzy inference Mamdani principles comprises of
four parts such as fuzzification, evaluating the rules, aggregating
the rules and defuzzification. This can be used for different
images and in medical application. Here the Mamdani fuzzy
logic is used for edge detection algorithm to detect both thick and
thin edges in the images with the help of MATLAB R2012a
software and simulation result is obtained. By using Xilinx9.2i
software the synthesis result of power and accuracy is obtained.
59 |
Intelligent Remote Control System for Street Light and
Traffic Control System
A.Sivakalyani, A.Joshna Jafferson
Abstract— One of the most import aspect of research in
Intelligent Transportation System is the automatic detection of
the information of local traffic and road condition and traffic
related pollution ,as well as the convenient transmission of this
information to the user as a query response. The recent
increasing pressure related to the raw material costs and the
greater social sensitivity to environmental issues are leading to
develop new techniques and technologies which allow significant
cost savings and a greater respect for the environment.
Investment in monitoring, collecting, and processing traffic
information can promote better urban planning and encourage
better use of public transport, both of which would help to
reduce congestion and pollution and automatic control of street
light help to save power. This project provides a flexible frame
work for different regional traffic information collection in
remote area and automatic control street light. This framework
serves as a basis for future research in designing and
implementing traffic monitoring in remote area. Controller Area
Network is established for traffic for transferring information
point to point through gateway sent to remote area and for
monitoring optimization which can do by genetic algorithm.
Sensor is used for automatic control of street light.
60 |
Analysis of flow through conical draft tube for maximum
uniformity of flow using CFD
Anitha Devi S.H, H.V.Harish, U. S. Mallikarjun
Abstract—To increase the performance of hydroelectric power
plant it is necessary to optimize the design of draft tube for
uniformity of flow. The draft tube is a pipe of gradually
increasing area, which connects the outlet of the runner to the
tailrace. Draft tube helps to convert the exit velocity head into
pressure or potential head. Different geometries of draft tube
have been created by changing the lengths and diffuser angles.
The numerical analysis have been done by using ANSYS CFX
code and optimum values of length and diffuser angle are found
for the maximum efficiency and head recovery for given
boundary conditions. Here divergence angles chosen are 4⁰ and
5⁰ and L/D ratio of 4,10, and 15 have been chosen whichever
gives more draft tube efficiency and more head recovery will be
optimized. The conditions of flow should be so designed that p1/w
shall not become less than vapour pressure head. Ultimately for
the model which has shown back flow, CFD simulation will be
terminated, Up to that length CFD simulation has been carried
and optimized L/D ratio. Here ICEM-CFD for modeling and
meshing, for analysis CFX software have been used. Here K- ε
turbulence model has been adopted. Behavior of flow for various
divergence angles is carried out and based on the results
optimization of draft tube model has been done.
61 |
A Study on Occupational Health Hazards among
Construction Workers in Karur District, Tamilnadu
V.Balaji, P.S.Kothai
Abstract—To study the general and morbidity profile of
unorganised construction workers. And also study the
most harmful risk factors according to the workplace
62 |
A Study on Minimization of Construction Waste through
Lean Construction Principles in Tirupur District,
C.Pradeepkumar, S.Loganathan
Abstract— Waste in construction projects indicate that
waste can arise at any stage of the construction process
from beginning, right through the design, construction
and operation of the built facility. Waste in the
construction industry has been the subject of
numerous research projects around the world in
recent years. It is commonly recognised that a very
high level of waste subsists in construction. The
following factors are considered to reduce the waste
in the construction industry such as site time and cost.
The objective of this study is to minimize the construction
waste through lean construction principles and improve
the site productivity using work sampling. Lean
Construction considers construction wastes as potential
wastes that hinder flow of value to the client and should be
eliminated. Mapping out the activities in the
manufacturing process with cycle time, downtime, in
process inventory, material moves, information flow paths,
helps to envision the current state of the process activities
and guide towards the future desired state. The process
usually includes the physically mapping of the current
state while also flowing on where you get to or the future
state map which can serve as the foundation for the other
lean strategies.
63 |
Design approach of Standalone Photovoltaic System
for Commercial Buildings
S.Raja, R.S.Nishathini, P.Rekha, A.Malliga
Abstract—Due to an increase demand in electricity
generation, PV system technology plays a major role
to meet this demand because of the rapid population
growth and increased industrial areas hence the
installation and use of PV system is also increased.
This paper presents about the design approach of
stand- alone photovoltaic system. The installation of
the PV system is being a part in today’s world. And
this also explains about the design steps for
implementing the PV system in an academic building
such as college. In this paper, the case study for one
block of the college is considered for the analysis and
total load power consumption per academic year is
calculated for all type of load appliances. Based on
the solar insolation data of the location of the college
and total watts hours consumed by the load, system
capacity and the PV panels required for that
particular block is also determined with the
parameters required for the design process. The cost
analysis between the conventional EB system and
renewable energy system are estimated and finally the
payback period is also calculated.
64 |
Evaluation of some seedlings date palm cultivars grown along
Wadi Kutom
Fatima Abd-Elrouf Ahmed, Dawoud Hussien Dawoud
Abstract—A study was conducted to assess characteristics of thirty six
date palm cultivars grown at 8 districts along Wadi Kutum (Follo,
AlZariaba, Umsiaala, Qubba, Naddi, Amo, Ain sero and Fata Burnu)
During the seasons 2002/2003,2003/2004,2004/2005 and 2005/2006.
All the studied parameters of the phenotypic characters of the leaves
pinnae ,bunches , physiochemical characters of the fruits at Khalal
and Rutab stage, yield /kg/tree, crude protein, crude fiber levels of
macro and micro element in, fruits at Khalal and Rutab stage
indicated a significant difference at 0.05%.
65 |
Comparative Study between Different Propagation Method
of Guava in the Sudan
Fatima Abd-Elrouf Ahmed, Dawoud Hussien Dawoud
Abstract— Various grafting methods as veneer, patch, (T)
budding, and cleft grafting were used on “El- Gassiem” and”
Pakistani” guava varieties. The parent trees of the two varieties
were developed or germinated from cuttings. Results of the
present study shown that veneer grafting was the most preferable
method for two varieties .It gave the highest percentage of
success among all methods in this study.
66 |
Effect of W/L ratio and supply voltage on propagation delay
and switching threshold of digital CMOS delay lines
MHarshada Deouskar, Pankaj Agrawal, Nikhil Saxena
Abstract— In this paper, an analysis of different delay lines based
on CMOS architecture has been done. The effect of supply
voltage and transistor sizing on digital delay lines has been
analysed as how supply voltage and transistor sizing affected the
value of propagation delay and switching threshold voltage of the
digital delay line. After the analysis of those performance
parameters, the trade-off has been made for better performance
of delay lines.
67 |
Antidiabetic activity of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in alloxaninduced
diabetic rats
Azza Dawoud H.Dawoud, Mohamed E1 Hassan Shayoub
Abstract—The families of plants with the most potent hypoglycaemic
effects include Leguminoseae, Lamiaceae, Liliaceae,
Cucurbitaceae, Asteraceae, Moraceae, Rosaceae, Euphorbiaceae
and Araliaceae. The most commonly studied species are: Opuntia
streptacantha, Trigonella foenum graecum, Momordica charantia,
Ficus bengalensis, Polygala senega and Gymnema sylvestre.
68 |
Effects of aqueous leaf extract of Eucalyptus camaldulensis on
oral glucose tolerance test in type-2 model diabetic rats
Azza Dawoud H.Dawoud, Mohamed E1 Hassan Shayoub
Abstract— The present study was undertaken to study the antidiabetic
activity of the aqueous extract of Eucalyptus camaldulensis
leaves on oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) on albino rats. The
administration of the aqueous extract at a dose of 500 mg/kg of
body weight showed a highly significant reduction on blood glucose
when compared with control (P<0.001).
69 |
Survey report on solar energy
Riddhi M. Shah, Mitul P. Shah
Abstract— Solar power is attractive because it is abundant and
offers a solution to fossil fuel emissions and global climate
change. Solar Energy is the best alternative in present days to
replace Conventional Energy Sources for power generation.
Petroleum-based fuels are going to be exhausted within a short
period of time due to population growth and continuously
increasing demand. With recent developments, solar energy
systems are easily available for industrial and domestic use
with the added advantage of minimum maintenance. Solar
energy could be made financially viable with government tax
incentives and rebates. Most of the developed countries are
switching over to solar energy as one of the prime renewable
energy source. This paper explains the need for significant
development and switchover to Solar Energy in India.
70 |
Region Based Compression of Ultrasound Image Using FFLBG
C. Abinaya, C.Nivedhitha
Abstract— Use of ultrasound image increases day by day among
the medical practitioners. So there exist a challenge in storing
and transmitting these images. In-order to overcome these
challenges ultrasound image is compressed. Instead of
compressing the entire image, a contextual region is defined
(which contains important information required for diagnosis)
separated from the background region. The contextual region is
compressed with high bit rate (or low compression ratio) and the
background region is compressed with low bit rate (or high
compression ratio) using Firefly-LBG (FF-LBG) algorithm and
are merged and decoded to form reconstructed image.
Experimental result shows that Contextual Vector Quantization
(CVQ) method with Firefly optimization is better than other
existing methods.
71 |
Impact of ladder training on selected bio motor
variables among college level hockey Players
K.Balamurugan, A.Palanisamy
Abstract—The Purpose of the study was find out the
impact of ladder training on selected bio motor
variables among intercollegiate level hockey players.
Twenty four men football players studying in
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu,
India were selected randomly as participants. The
subject‟s age ranged between 18 and 23. The subjects
were divided into experimental group namely ladder
training and control group. The experimental group
namely ladder training underwent for six weeks of three
alternative sessions per week and group II acted as
control. The following variables was selected as
criterion variables namely agility and speed. All the
subjects were tested on selected criterion variables prior
to and immediately after the training period. Speed was
assessed by 50 mts run, and agility was assessed by
shuttle run. The collected data were analyzed
statistically by using dependent “t” test to determine the
difference if any among the group prior to and
immediately after the instruction period on selected
criterion variables separately. Analysis of covariance
(ANCOVA) was used to determine the differences. If
any among the adjusted posttest means on selected
dependent variables separately. The level of significance
was fixed at .05 level of confidence, which was
considered as appropriate. The study support that facts
that ladder training can use to enhance agility and
speed among college level hockey players.
72 |
Comparison of agility and accuracy between
Hockey and basketball players
K.Balamurugan, A.Palanisamy
Abstract—The purpose of the study was to compare the
agility and accuracy between and hockey players.
Agility and accuracy were the basic components of
general playing ability and which are usually
considered to be the important forms of an individual.
To achieve the purpose of these study fifteen male
Basketball players and fifteen male hockey players from
Sports Development authority of Tamilnadu in
Thirunelveli were selected as subjects. The age of the
subjects ranged between 15-18 years. The selected
subjects had already participated in the School and
hockey in their respective games. The data was collected
by testing them through agility and accuracy test. The
data thus collected from the tests were analyzed by
independent „t‟ test, to find out the agility and accuracy
between and hockey players. To test the hypothesis 0.05
level was fixed as the level of significance. The result of
the study shows that significant difference on agility
and accuracy between hockey and basketball players.
73 |
Secure data transmission with unique combination
of Audio and Image Stenography
Deepika thakur, Prof. Papiya dutta
Abstract—Steganography is a type of security
technique in obscurity; the art and science of hiding
the available of a message between sender and
intended recipient. Steganography has been used to
hide secret data in different types of files, including
audio, digital images, and video. The three most
required parameters for audio steganography are
imperceptibility, robustness and payload. Different
applications have different requirements of the
steganography technique used. This paper intends to
give an overview of image steganography, its uses and
techniques. Paper work is an implementation of
Audio and Image Steganography for the same
plaintext, paper work uses three defendant key triple
layer of data protection, the avalanche in plaintext is
very high in present thesis work.
74 |
Design highly throughput Orthogonal Encoder for MIMO
Shaeesta qureshi, Dr. Neeraj shukla
Abstract— Multiple antenna systems are an efficient means
for increasing the performance. In order to utilize the huge
potential of multiple antenna concepts, it is necessary to
resort to new transmit strategies, referred to as Space-Time
Codes, which, in addition to the time and spectral domain,
also use the spatial domain. Diversity-oriented Space-Time
Codes. Based on Space-Time Block Codes from orthogonal
designs (OSTBC), the Space-Time Block Codes from quasiorthogonal
designs are developed for any number of
transmit and receive antennas. This is achieved by
incorporating spatial and temporal redundancy, which
results in full diversity or in other words, in the maximum
decay of the bit error rate curves. Full diversity is also
achieved by OSTBC, which due to their structure transform
the matrix-valued channel for multi-antenna systems, so
called multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO)-channels,
into several parallel, scalar single-input-single-output
75 |
New Encryption for high throughput and high
avalanche Encryption
Shikha patel, Prof. Papiya dutta
Abstract— The paper work is an new approach in the
encryption area, the motivation behind the work is
that Encryption and decryption is an very important
requirement now a days but it is not the compulsory
requirement for the data communication it is just a
important need, the work done in the area till now is
itself an achievement and very robust, but it is also an
overhead for the system and the hardware and time
requires for the encryption and decryption is just a
overhead for the system, proposed work is an highly
secure encryption techniques for data communication
with less amount of hardware and less time, the
proposed work is the encryption technique which is
less complicated and uses proposed new unique
transform encoding, the work will doo encryption of
analog signals.
76 |
A New Approach for Image Interpolation Based on Newton
Forward Difference Technique
Sabhyata budhrani , Rashika Gupta
Abstract— In computer graphics, image interpolation is the
process of resizing a digital image. Interpolation is a nontrivial
process that involves enhancement in sense of
efficiency, smoothness and sharpness. With bitmap graphics,
as the size of an image is enlarged, the pixels that form the
image become increasingly visible, making the image appear
"soft" if pixels are averaged, or jagged if not. Image
interpolation methods however, often suffer from high
computational costs and unnatural texture interpolation. The
proposed work proposes a unique edge-adaptive image
interpolation method using an edge-directed smoothness
filter. Many image interpolation techniques are already been
developed and designed we are proposing a new method is
been used for edge-adaptive image interpolation which uses
Newton forward difference. This difference provides very
good grouping of pixels ones we consider target pixel for
interpolation Proposed approach estimates the enlarged
image from the original image based on an observation
model. The estimated image is constrained to have many
edge-directed smooth pixels which are measured by using the
edge-directed smoothness filter. Simulation results for the
work will can get by MATLAB and expecting that for the
proposal method it will produces images with higher visual
quality, higher PSNRs and faster computational times than
the conventional methods.
77 |
A method for Face recognition using modified PCA
Shilpa Valecha, Rashika Gupta
Abstract—A face authentication system based on
principal component analysis and neural networks is
proposed to be developed in this paper. The system
consists of three stages; preprocessing, principal
component analysis, and recognition. In preprocessing
stage, normalization illumination, and head orientation
were done. Principal component analysis is applied to
find the aspects of face which are important for
identification. Eigenvectors and Eigenfaces are
calculated from the initial face image set. New faces are
projected onto the space expanded by Eigenfaces and
represented by weighted sum of the Eigenfaces. These
weights are used to identify the faces.
78 |
Modified hand Gesture Recognition technique based
on Genetic Programming
Nidhi Patel, Rashika Gupta
Abstract— Automatic gesture recognition plays a
significant role in many modern applications such as
human-computer interaction, interactive gaming and
sign language interpretation. Research in areas
including motion analysis, machine learning and
pattern recognition all contributes to a reliable
gesture recognition system. Many previous studies
have been carried out to categorize human action and
gesture classes in video sequences.
79 |
New Approach for Face recognition using Artificial
Neural Network
Rakhi Rai, Rashika Gupta
Abstract— Face detection and recognition has many
applications in a variety of fields such as security
system, videoconferencing and identification. This
document demonstrates how a face recognition system
can be designed with artificial neural network using
Eigen faces. Neural network is used to create the face
database and recognize and authenticate the face by
using these weights. In this work, a separate network
was built for each person.
80 |
Real Time Harmonic Minimization For
Multilevel Inverter-connected To Solar
Panel Using Artificial Neural Network (Ann)
Priya.G, Ramani.G, Revathy.G
Abstract—A concept of application of Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) for estimating switching angle
in an 11 level full bridge cascaded multilevel inverter
with optimal pulse width modulation, which was
powered by five varying dc input sources. A solar
panel was connected to each cascaded inverter. For a
given modulation index the optimal switching angles
with lowest THD is generated using trained neural
network by replacing look-up table is proposed in this
paper. The odd harmonics ( 5,7,11) in the inverter is
eliminated by using the trained network. Theoretical
concepts have been validated in simulation results
using artificial neural network technique which shows
the high performance and technical advantages of the
developed system.
81 |
Seasonal Fluctuation in Nutrient Levels of Bearing and
Non-bearing Terminals in Mango
Fatima Abd-Elrouf Ahmed, Dawoud Hussien Dawoud
Abstract—The present project was initiated to find out level
of various nutrient elements in leaves at various growing
stages. It was noticed that leaves of bearing terminals
showed less concentrations of nutrients at stage one
(0.956% N, 0.057% P, 0.918% Ca) which gradually
increased from stage 2nd (0.981% N, 0.062% P, 1.131%
Ca) to stage three (1.626% N, 0.182% P, 2.482% Ca) with
minor variation in case of K, Mg and Fe. In case of nonbearing
terminals, highest level of nutrients was found at
stage one (1.589% N, 0.203% P, 0.839% Mg) with a
gradual decrease up to stage three (0.902% N, 0.063% P,
0.197% Mg) with minor variation in K and Cu. In Fe,
sugars and starch, a reverse pattern was observed. Zn and
Mn showed no variation from first to third stage.
82 |
Comparison of Digital Modulation Schemes Using
Fading Channels
Aastha Hajari, Devesh Kishore, Prof Pratibha Nagich
Abstract—A detail analysis of the performance of an
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
transmission with different digital modulation
techniques such as BPSK, QPSK and QAM has been
carried out. BER performance has been determined for
Additive white Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel. The
simulation results for the performance of OFDM using
different digital modulation schemes BPSK, QPSK and
QAM are determined for comparing their
performances. It is observed that the OFDM
multiplexing shows 4dB improvement in BER
performance for QAM modulation compared to that of
QPSK modulation. Similarly QPSK modulation
techniques exhibits 2dB improvement in the
performance compared to BPSK modulation. It is
observed that OFDM multiplexing indicates a gradual
improvement in BER performance with higher digital
modulation techniques. The simulation results are
presented and discussed in the paper. This paper
investigates several modulation techniques for WiMAX
based OFDM system including BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK
and various levels of QAMs. The system performance is
gained by dynamically choosing the modulation
technique based on the channel conditions. The
performance of OFDM system is accessed by using
computer simulations performed using MATLAB
83 |
Sentiment analysis with Text Mining
Tejashri R. Gaikwad, A.B.Raut
Abstract— In our day to day life we are always influenced by what
people think about us, how people judge us by their ideas and
opinions. So opinion plays a vital role in each and every field. In
today’s era internet plays an important role in people social lives,
it contains more and more information related to their opinions
and sentiments. The study related to such kind of knowledge
analysis is also called as sentiment analysis and opinion mining.
With the fast evolution of smart phones, mobile applications have
become necessary part of our lives. With smart phones and
tablets, the markets of mobile applications are also developing
speedily. The expectation related to application efficiency is very
high. Before downloading any application user want to
understand how the application works, how it is viewed by other
recent user of the application. So here we analyzed the user
reviews related to applications. Online user reviews contain two
parts first is rating system which gives only a numeric scale but
the second part that is textual comment reviews are capable for
the detailed summaries of applications. But the problem is that
textual comments reviews are in thousands of number. So it is
difficult for users to read each and every comment. The same
problem is for the developer of applications also to find out how
the application is reviewed by users. In this paper we are
discussing a system which provides the review application
depending on the user comments, the application get review
considering all aspects such as graphic user interface, battery
power, speed, user friendliness of application and all other which
are really important and easy to understand.
84 |
An Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items under
Conditionally Permissible Delay in Payments Depending on
the Order Quantity
J.Merlin Vinotha, W.Ritha, I.Antonitte Vinoline
Abstract—We consider the loss due to deterioration. In real world
situation, the demand of some items varies with change of
seasons and occasions. So it is more significant if the loss of
deterioration is time dependent. It is assumed that the produced
units deteriorate over time with uncertainty that follows different
distributions (Exponential distribution, two parameters Weibull
distribution). We then establish the proper mathematical model
to determine the optimal solution under various situations and
use two approaches to solve this complex inventory problem.
Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the theoretical
85 |
Self-Shaping Dependence Process for
Peer-to-Peer Systems
J.Punitha Nicholine, B.Pushpavanam, R.Baladhandapani
Abstract—A new trust model for P2P networks is presented, in
which a peer can develop a trust network in its proximity. This
paper presents a new distributed algorithm that enables a peer to
reason about dependability of other peers based on past
communications and references. It also identifies the networks
and searching of neighbor networks for the data collection and
comparison of data transactions between the peer to peer.
Further it detects the perfect peer for data transaction and also
avoids the transaction by detecting the Malicious Peers. A peer
can isolate malicious peers around itself as it develops trust
relationships with good peers. Interactions and recommendations
are evaluated based on importance, recentness, and peer
satisfaction parameters. Here three stage of module development
is done in order to achieve the proposed goal. In this paper a unit
module is developed, tested and the results were achieved for
detection, comparison and mitigation of malicious attacks.
86 |
Elemental Analysis Using Doe Approach on Flexural
Strength of Castellated Beam
U. D. Gulhane, P.P.Chavan, V.V.Pashte, B.M.Bhide, S.R.Patil
Abstract—Castellated beams have had occasional usage in this
country for many years, during which time they were produced
by simple hand procedures. Though these fabrication methods
were not conducive to broad development, castellated beams
have long been recognized as advantageous structural members.
The pattern of holes in the web presents an attractive appearance
for beams exposed to view. The web holes are becoming ever
more functional with the increase of piping, conduits and
ductwork in modern construction. The greatest advantage,
however, is the economy effected by the increased load carrying
capacity and stiffness. By analysis on these beams, we are trying
to find best suited combination of various parameters which give
maximum strength with less material.
87 |
On Some Aspects of Solar Radio Bursts and Associated
Sunspot Numbers
A. B. Bhattacharya, B. Raha, Shalini Sarkar, Aparupa Mondal, Sarmila Mondal
Abstract—CWe have used Log-periodic Dipole Array, Spectrum
Analyzer and Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) for capturing
the radio signals originating from solar bursts in the VHF band.
Photographs of the Sun in a variety of wavelengths as reported
by NASA have also been taken into account for getting the
sunspot numbers. Solar radio bursts and the associated sunspot
numbers have been analyzed in this paper for the period of two
months February and March, 2015 with a view to investigate
their characteristics during the present solar cycle.
88 |
Energy Efficient Cluster based Routing in Wireless
Sensor Networks
E.Prabashini, D.Sivakumar
Abstract—Energy is a scare resource in the wireless
sensor networks. Clustering is an effective way to
enhance the system performance of wireless sensor
networks. We propose an energy efficient cluster
based routing protocol in wireless sensor networks. In
this protocol, we study a data transmission for cluster
based wireless sensor networks, where the cluster
formations are based on some suitable parameters
such as residual energy of the node, remaining buffer
size, and distance to the sink. The Cluster head is
collect the data and aggregated after find an efficient
path then send to sink.
89 |
Base station Energy Saving with Green Wireless Cellular
Subin C Sebastian, C Damotharan
Abstract—Wastage of Energy is one of the major problems faced
by the Information & Communication Industry. Energy efficient
green solutions are not only beneficial for the environment but
also help to reduce the energy expenditure of the investors. Since
Base Stations (BS's) are the connecting factors of wireless cellular
networks, they are deployed to accommodate peak time traffic &
are underutilized most of the time. In this project, energy is saved
by both turning base stations on ⁄ off & adaptively adjusting their
transmission power according to the current traffic conditions.
To achieve this goal a nonlinear programming model for Green
Dynamic Base station Planning (GDBP) to find the best possible
topology which minimizes the energy consumption without
degrading the quality of service. The comparison of this result
with the result of non commercial optimization tool shows that
this GDBP scheme adaptively adjust the network topology to the
current traffic load & saves significant amount of energy without
violating the GoS constraints such as coverage ratio &
probability of blocking. It also serves as environment awareness
by reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by limiting the
unwanted usage of BS.
90 |
Ultra-Low-Power Test Generation by Merging of
Functional Broadside Test Cubes
Revathy.M, Padma beaula.A
Abstract— In a broadside test, a scan-in operation is
followed by two functional clock cycles that activate
delay faults and propagate them to observable outputs.
The test ends with a scan-out operation. Two-cycle tests
in general, and broadside tests in particular, can result
in excessive switching activity and power dissipation.
91 |
Performance Analysis of Vacant Spectrum Sensing Under
different Fading Channel
Yamini Verma, Neelam Dewangan
Abstract—To increase RF spectrum utilization is the main goal
of Cognitive radio technology design concept. Spectrum
sensing is the most appropriate method performed by cognitive
radio for the efficient utilization of RF spectrum without any
harmful interference to the primary users. Energy detector
based spectrum sensing method concept has been used.
Cooperative sensing is done to overcome the problem of miss
detection and false alarm over various spectrums sensing
technique which occur in the case of single node. Cooperative
spectrum sensing gives admirable performance. In CSS,
multiple cognitive radio users sense the free spectrum and send
their decision to fusion center and then final decision are made
by the fusion center. This paper studies the cooperative
spectrum sensing scheme by considering faded environment.
In this paper, Performance is done under three different fading
channels i.e. Rayleigh , Rician and Nakagami. Probability of
detection vs. probability of false alarm for all different channel
factors has been calculated. In previous paper, using same
concept, probability of detection under different value of SNR
for three different values of false alarm was calculated. All the
performance has been evaluated using MATLAB environment
and giving satisfactory results.
92 |
Automatic Person Detection System to Control
Electrical Appliances
K.Ashwini, S.Gokilamani, J.Dhivya
Abstract— The implementation of existing system in GSM
based control system for electrical appliance.GSM
module was received the short service message (SMS)
from the user that automatically passing the signal to
the controller to take further action like switching
ON/OFF electrical appliances such as fan, airconditioner,
light etc. This system works with GSM and
microcontroller interfacing with c language. This
system works after sending the SMS. Energy
conservation is not maintained and it’s not implemented
for all class of people. Our proposed system is used to
control the electrical appliance via sensor and
microcontroller. Our proposed system is efficient for
energy management.
93 |
Supervisory and Control of HVAC systems
C.Yamunadevi, S.Meianandhi, N.Deepa
Abstract— The main objective of an air conditioning
system is to fulfill the requirements in terms of air
quality (temperature, humidity and air purity degree)
to create the comfort and suitable conditions for living
and working in an air conditioned environment.
Climate chambers and chillers are the base element of
ventilating and conditioning system where air is
prepared to reach purity, temperature and humidity of
air. It is accomplished by filtering, heating, cooling,
mixing and wetting/drying of the air. In this project,
basic elements (industrial climate chambers and
chillers), working principles of HVAC systems with
control and monitoring configurations based on
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
are presented.
94 |
Intelligent Method For Car Parking System Using
Neural Network And Fuzzy Logic
V.Divya, K. Rajiv Gandhi
Abstract— Car parking system is proposed to generate
a random parking slot with security. Many car
parking methods were deployed earlier where the
system consumes more time to search for a parking
slot and there is no security. The proposed method
gets the input and duration from the user then
generates a random parking slot for every user. The
system uses two algorithms as Neural Network based
Parking Slot Planner (NNPSP) & Adaptive Networkbased
Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) to get a
random parking slot in a short period of time. Two
method of parking is deployed in this system, one is
automatic method and another one is manual method.
In automatic method, the system generates a map and
the generated map is given to the automated car
through GPS. In manual method, the map is
generated and the map is displayed in mobile through
android apps where the user has to do manual
parking. Android Apps is created to deploy the
manual method of parking. The main advantage of
this system is less time consumption, security level is
high, and the easy method of parking.
95 |
A New and Enriched Decision Tree Based Switching
Median Filter
Rajbir Kaur Bandeshah, Kuldeep Sharma, Naveen Dhillon
Abstract— Noise in images has grown into one of the
important concerns in digital image processing. Several digital
image based methods results inaccurate outcomes when noise
is presented in the digital images. As a result many
researchers have suggested new and improved techniques
until now to decrease or eliminate noise from images.
Different kind of enhancement in the filters has been proposed
so far. Various filters fail when noise density in the images is
very high. Some filters results in over smoothed image i.e.
poor for edges. This paper has planned a new enhanced
Multiple Selection Policy or Enriched Decision based Tree
switching median filter which has the ability to reduce the
high density of the noise from images and likewise overtakes
over others when input image is noise free. The proposed
technique has also capability to preserves the edges by using
the gradient based smoothing. The proposed technique has
been designed and implemented in MATLAB tool using image
processing toolbox. Different kind of the digital images has
been taken for experimental purpose. Comparative evaluation
has shown that the proposed algorithm is reasonably effective
over the available techniques.
96 |
Original Article: Ultrasonic Evaluation and Management of Intra-abdominal abscesses
Rajesh Narayan
Abstract— A study was undertaken with a total of 78 patients of intra-abdominal abscesses over a period of 5 years in Nalanda Medical College Hospital, Patna. Out of 78 cases, 72 cases 92.31% were confirmed by ultrasonography examination. Others were confirmed by CT. Scan 7.69% and laparotomy. 61 cases 78.21% were treated by USG guided aspiration, 10 cases were treated by conservative management,4 cases(5.13%) required laparotomy and 3 cases(3.85%) were managed by surgical drainage. Complication rate of intra-abdominal were minimal, out of 61 cases, 3cases 4.92% faced minor complications.
97 |
Modern Approaches for Data Leakage Detection
Reena Somani
Abstract— Data leakage is the unauthorized transmission of data or
information from within an organization to an external destination or
recipient. Data leakage is defined as the accidental or intentional
distribution of private or sensitive data to an unauthorized entity.
Sensitive data of data and other information depending upon the
business and the industry. Furthermore, in many cases, sensitive data
shred among various stakeholders such as employees working from
outside the organizational premises, business partners and companies
and organization includes intellectual property, financial information,
patient information, personal credit card customers. This increases the
risk of confidential information falling into unauthorized hands. A data distributor has given sensitive data to a set of trusted
agents(third parties).Some of the data is leaked and found in an
unauthorized place(e.g. on the web).The distributor must assess the
likelihood that the leaked data came from one or more agents, as
opposed to having been independently gathered by other means. We
proposed a data allocation strategy (across the agents) that improves the
probability of identifying leakages. These methods do not rely on
alterations of released data (e.g. watermarks).For some cases we can
also inject “realistic but fake” data records to further improve our
chances of detecting leakage and identifying the guilty party.
98 |
Cooperative Relaying Spectrum Sharing In Cognitive
Radio Networks
A.Arunkumar, S.Kumaran
Abstract— Next Generation (4G) communication
networks, also known as Dynamic Spectrum Access
Networks (DSANs) as well as cognitive radio networks
will provide high bandwidth to mobile users via
heterogeneous wireless architectures and dynamic
spectrum access techniques.
99 |
Analyze the Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in
Cognitive Radio Networks
RArunmozhi.M, Rajalakshmi
Abstract— Cognitive radio (CR) is the enabling
technology that allows unlicensed secondary users
(SUs) to exploit idle licensed frequency bands,
forming thus a cognitive radio network (CRN). CRs
can autonomously adjust their transmission
parameters and modify their behaviour based on the
electromagnetic environment conditions. Spectrum
sensing is a key phase in the operation cycle of a CR
[1], leveraging the radio’s ability to measure, sense
and be aware of the channel characteristics. It can be
performed either individually or cooperatively in
order to detect idle frequencies, referred to as
spectrum holes, and minimize interference to the
licensed or primary user (PU) activities [2]. The
accuracy on detecting spectrum holes determines the
efficiency of exploiting the spectrum. Thus, either
sensing errors related to hardware outages [3], [4] or
susceptibility to specialized attacks on the sensing
functionality can result in significant performance
degradation. Existing works on security in CR mainly
address concerns of designs for cryptography,
intrusion detection system and authentication.
100 |
Performance Analysis of OFDM for Multiple
Brindha, Jayakumar
Abstract— The paper employs chaos technique at the
decoding stage of the Non-binary TTCM decoder,
since the turbo decoding algorithm can be viewed as a
high-dimensional dynamical nonlinear system. A
simple technique to control transient chaos of turbo
decoding algorithm is devised. The analysis of nonlinear
discrete deterministic Non-binary TTCM
decoder used the Binary (0-1) test for chaos to
distinguish between regular and chaotic dynamics.
The most powerful aspect of the method is that it is
independent of the nature of the vector field (or data)
under consideration. The simulation results show that
the performance of the TTCM decoding algorithmbased
chaos technique outperforms the binary and
non-binary decoding methods and suitable to deal
with error control coding of the STBC-OFDM
101 |
Improving Industrial Efficiency by Energy Audit
P.Loganayagee, Ushalekha Aroo, A.Premkumar, V.Lingesan, L.Ramesh
Abstract— First of all we have find out more energy
consumption area just like a pump, light and water,
etc. In Some analysts we use the average cost of
electricity for calculating energy savings with the help
of instruments. Instrument measures the actual
running condition of pumps and lumens, primarily
based on lighting, pumping, cooling and water
observation was adopted to investigate. During
energy audit process we have collects some important
data’s, with the help of energy audit process. We
reduce the losses in (water, lighting, pumping system
performance etc.) and increases the overall efficiency
of the plant by reducing these losses.
102 |
Low-Complexity ICI Suppression Methods Utilizing
Cyclic Prefix for OFDM Systems in High-Mobility
Fading Channels
Monica V, Anandan R
Abstract— The core technique of DTMB, time-domain
synchronous orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (TDS-OFDM) distinguishes the standard
cyclic prefix OFDM (CP-OFDM) by replacing CP
with the prior known pseudo noise (PN) sequence as
the guard interval (GI) [2]. The PN sequence can also
work as the training sequence (TS) for both
synchronization and channel estimation (CE) at the
receiver side, which saves a large amount of
frequency-domain pilots commonly used in CPOFDM.
103 |
Portable Roadside Sensors for Vehicle Counting,
Traffic Control, and Ambulance Monitoring
Ajai Kumar S, Dinesh S, Narendran N, Saravanan D, Rajesh S
Abstract— Traffic congestion and associated effects
such as air pollution pose major concerns to the
public. Congestion has increased dramatically during
the past 20 years in the 85 largest U.S. cities. During
this time, the number of hours lost each year by an
average driver to congestion has increased by 300
percent. In the 13 largest cities, drivers now spend
the equivalent of almost eight work days each year
stuck in traffic [1, 2]. Increasing the capacity of the
roadways is expensive and, in some areas where land
is scarce, is not an option. Improving the efficiency of
the current transportation system through the
implementation of advanced technologies may
alleviate traffic congestion and decrease the vehicle
crash-related fatality rate. Real-time traffic
surveillance is one of the most important components
of this approach.
104 |
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing In Cognitive Radio
Networks Using Energy Efficient Algorithm
Rajesh V, S.Kumaran
Abstract— Cognitive radio (CR) is the enabling
technology that allows unlicensed secondary users
(SUs) to exploit idle licensed frequency bands,
forming thus a cognitive radio network (CRN). CRs
can autonomously adjust their transmission
parameters and modify their behaviour based on the
electromagnetic environment conditions. Spectrum
sensing is a key phase in the operation cycle of a CR
[1], leveraging the radio’s ability to measure, sense
and be aware of the channel characteristics.
105 |
Speed Control of Induction Motor Using Direct
Torque Control Method in Z-Source Inverter
Sampath C, S.Arumugam
Abstract— To resolve these problems for three level
DTC and also to improve performance enhancement
while maintain robustness and simplicity. Fuzzy logic
control with PID and the speed adaptive flux observer
are used to enhance the performance of the system.
Adapting the technique of pre-excitation the issue of
large stating current is investigated. The effectiveness of
the proposed method is evaluated by matlab simulink
106 |
Low Cost Agronomics Robot
B.Satheshkrishnan, S.Rojer Nice, Pradeep Kumar, J.Prabhu, Mohan Raj
Abstract— The robot is used as a test platform for
biologically-inspired as well as traditional robotic
algorithms, in outdoor navigation and exploration
activities. Leader following using multi blob tracking
and segmentation, and navigation using statistical
information and decision inference from image
spectral information are discussed. The design of the
robot is open source and is constructed in a manner
that enhances ease of replication. This is done to
facilitate construction and development of mobile
robots at research institutions where large financial
resources may not be readily available as well as to
put robots into the hands of hobbyists and help lead
to the next stage in the evolution of robotics, a home
hobby robot with potential real world applications.
The aim of this work is to describe the project of an
experimental platform for data acquisition in field for
the study of the spatial variability and development of
agricultural robotics technologies to operate in
agricultural environments. The proposal is based on a
systematization of scientific work to choose the design
parameters utilized for the construction of the model.
107 |
Harmonic reduction in Three Phase Voltage
Source Inverter by 150 degree conduction
V. Viji, S.Arumugam
Abstract— This paper presents a novel 180o conduction
mode of widely used three phase voltage source
inverter (VSI). In 180oconduction mode of three phase
VSI each switch conducts for 180otime period. So the
output phase voltage of VSI becomes 7 level, 12 step
waveform compared to only 4 level and 3 level in
180oand 120oconduction modes respectively. This
result into 50% harmonic reduction compared to
conventional 180oand120oconduction modes. Moreover
the lowest order harmonic (LOH) comes down to the
11thorder. The comparison of this scheme with other
multilevel VSI topologies likes Neutral Point Clamped
(NPC), Cascade H Bridge and Flying Capacitor is also
shown. Simulation results are obtained using
108 |
Design And Analysis Of Barrel Shifter Using
Reversible Logic Gate
Vijayaprabhu A, Muthamizhan M
Abstract— The logic gates are divided into two types.
One is reversible logic gate and other is irreversible
logic gates. Some irreversible logic gates are AND, OR,
NAND, NOR. Generally these gates consume more
power. Whereas reversible logic gates are characterized
by N input N output and its reversible nature which
results in less power consumption. Thus it can be used
to design the sequential and combinational circuits. In
this paper, Fredkin gates are used to design Barrel
Shifter circuits. So barrel shifter is designed in way to
consume low power, reduced area and then efficient
performance. The circuit is made testable by cascading
two shifters together thereby neglecting the use of
external testing units.
109 |
Multipath Forwarding In Vanet For Securing
Message Dissemination
S.Jemima Evangelin, R.Karthick, S.Vaijayanthi
Abstract— The traditional routing techniques are
geographic routing which has been proven to be more
suitable for the highly mobile environments like
VANETs; it’s so because of the enhanced scalability and
the feasibility. Vehicular ad hoc network have a key
issue hindering implementation of the message
dissemination standard in the wireless access in
vehicular environments. Currently single path routing
protocol for VANET is performed and vehicular
network are very likely to be deployed and most
relevant from of mobile ad-hoc network. In this project
we are going to propose a multipath routing protocol
for VANET named Fast Restoration On demand
Multipath Routing (FROMR) and we address the
security of these networks and also we provide a
detailed threat analysis and devise appropriate security
architecture. It focuses on rapidly building on alternate
path if the original route is broken. In our study, and
simulation conducted to evaluate the efficiency an
efficacy of the proposed solution. Our results shows
FROMR can provide the higher packet delivery ratio in
multiple path routing protocol with comparable latency
to other geographic routing schemes and provide a set
of security protocol, we show that they protect privacy
and we analyze heir robustness and efficiency.
110 |
A Mobile Atmospheric Monitoring System Using
Low Cost Sensors
R. Sathyamoorthy, G. Prabhakaran
Abstract— This paper presents an online mobile unit
for air pollution monitoring. The proposed system
consists of a transmitter and receiver part. The
transmitter part is integrated single-chip
microcontroller, air pollution sensors array, a
General Packet Radio Service Modem (GPRSModem),
and a Global Positioning System Module
(GPS-Module) for transmitting the information. The
receiver part is a pollution server with internet
connectivity and a database unit and connected to
various wired and wireless clients for further
retrieval of information. The transmitter part consists
of a Mobile Data-Acquisition Unit (Mobile-DAQ) and
receiver a fixed Internet-Enabled Pollution
Monitoring Server (Pollution-Server). The Mobile-
DAQ unit gathers air pollutants levels (CO, NO2, and
SO2), and packs them in a frame with the GPS
physical location, time, and date. The frame is
subsequently uploaded to the GPRS-Modem and
transmitted to the Pollution-Server via the public
mobile network. A database server is attached to the
Pollution-Server for storing the pollutants level for
further usage by various clients such as environment
protection agencies, vehicles registration authorities,
and tourist and insurance companies. The Pollution-
Server is interfaced to Google Maps to display realtime
pollutants levels and locations in large
metropolitan areas. The system reports real-time
pollutants level and their location on a 24-h/7-day
111 |
Localization Of People In Underground Disaster Using
Magnetic Induction Based Wireless Under Ground Sensor
Abstract— Several peoples are getting affected due to natural
calamity in the world. Disasters are unexpected & unstoppable
events that are either man made or natural, such as landslide,
terrorist attacks, earthquakes, wildfires and floods etc. [1].
Disasters create an emergency and critical situations to provide
basic services to the victims must be coordinated quickly. Most
of times we observe that many people dies by trapping in these
disasters, but the people are also dying on a large scale because
they didn’t get help in instant time or the help provided to them
is late. This paper proposes a magnetic induction based on
Wireless Underground Sensor Network (WUSN) which is
designed for human existence & detection in an unmanned area
can be done only by wireless sensor. This system proposed a
monitoring human body localization function and communicates
over the WSN. Wireless sensor network is composed of a large
number of micro-sensors nodes which have better compatibility.
At the same time due to the special nature of the wireless network
is that it can spread the wireless signal, we can easily locate
human. By sensors like humidity, temperature, visibility we will
get all the weather reports. The main objective of this Paper is to
rescue more & more number of people from the adverse
112 |
Building Ad-hoc Network on Android Platform
N.Sowmiya, B.Rajesh Kumar
Abstract—Portable specially appointed interpersonal
organizations (MASNs) are developing as an outlining
toward oneself and sorting toward oneself out informal
communication standard, which upgrade neighborhood
associations among versatile and handheld gadget
clients. On the other hand, the MASNs can't be
coordinately inferred on interest for different Android
frameworks from existing interpersonal organizations
(SNs) without having entry to end-to - end IT organize
framework. In this article, we propose a nitty gritty
arrangement called BASA which would help in quickly
constructing neighborhood versatile impromptu
informal communities on top of the current Android
stage. BASA secures a four -layer framework
construction modeling as indicated by the fundamental
difficulties and prerequisites in MASNs. BASA is
actualized in an EU task named "SOC-ITIES." Our
model demonstrates that BASA is adaptable to assist
different administrations.
113 |
Enhanced Study of Security Issues in VANET
Nitish Kumar Bharti, Manoj Sindhwani
Abstract— Security in the Vehicular Networks has been studied
by several researchers in the past. However still there are several
issues and attacks, which are needed to be solved in Vehicular
Networks. VANET, faces security challenges because in VANET,
the network topology keeps on changing rapidly, the nodes are
not stable, so it directly affects the security of networks. In any of
the networks, security plays a vital role, so it cannot be neglected.
In this paper we discussed about the various security attacks and
challenges faced by the VANET, and we also proposed the
solution to the security problems.
114 |
Improvement in Gain and Efficiency of Antenna Using
Curtain Cotton Cloth
Nidhi sharma, Anjana Goen
Abstract— In this paper diagonally symmetric slotted Micro
strip patch antennas are proposed on different (jeans, wash
and curtain cotton) fabric material. Circularly polarized
radiation can be achieved using any arbitrarily shaped slots in
diagonal directions on the ground of micro strip antenna. The
aim of this symmetric slots antenna design is to study the
parameters like gain, efficiency, s- parameters and directivity
of the antenna by using different fabric or wearable material
at 2.4 GHz frequency range. In general, all the measured
antennas yield very good results, fulfilling the requirements
for practical application and in particular, the third fabric
antenna i.e. cotton curtain antenna utilizing the accurate
value of the gain and efficiency determined shows superior
performance characteristics compared to others, indicating
the correctness of our approach. Thus, the suitability of fabric
substrate materials for the development of textile antennas
with micro strip patch configuration is also well
115 |
Literature Survey on issues and challenges of
clustering in VANET
Aditya Upadhyay, Manoj Sindhwani
Abstract— VANET is an immerging technology in which the
world looks something different from twenty first century.
VANET uses a different mobile nodes to create a
turns participating node into wireless node allowing 150 to 350
meters of each other to connect. As node falls out of the signal
range another node can join forming a network. Vehicles can be
grouped in a cluster for communication. Clustering in VANET is
a control scheme to manage media access and make VANET as a
global topology. Most algorithms and protocols are derived from
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) which have some challenges
and regarding issues. This paper is a literature survey for
providing the challenges and issues of Clustering in VANET with
clustering based routing protocols to increase the scope of
research in VANET.
116 |
Performance Comparison and Analysis of Proactive and
Reactive Protocols for MANET
ShilpaKhot, J.K.Patil, S.B.Patil
Abstract— Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a
collection of mobile nodes which are connected by wireless link.
Each node operates as an end system but also as a router to
forward packet. The nodes are randomly move anywhere in the
network. This nodes change the position randomly. The main
types of routing protocols are proactive, reactive and hybrid.
Reactive protocols are AODV, DSR, and proactive are DSDV,
OLSR.. Nodes in a MANET normally have limited transmission
ranges, some nodes cannot communicate directly with each other.
Energy Conservation is a very important design issue for mobile
ad hoc networks (MANET) since mobile nodes are powered by
batteries with limited capacity. In this paper we study the
comparison of DSDV and OERRRP routing protocol based on
throughput, packet drop, Throughput Vs simulation time, packet
delivery ratio, average energy consumption, end to end delay and
117 |
Ensuring Data Storage Security based on Data
Authentication in Cloud
Mercy. A, Hariram. C
Abstract— Distributed storage empowers clients to remotely store
their information and appreciate the on-interest amazing cloud
applications without the weight of neighborhood equipment and
programming administration. Distributed computing has a
character of low upkeep which will give a compelling answer for
offer asset among gathering of clients in the cloud. Real issue
openly cloud is the way to impart information's and reports
taking into account fine grained access control strategies, because
of incessant change of the participation information partaking in
element gatherings to safeguard information and personality
security from a cloud which is an untrusted one is still a testing
issue. Encoding the Report with distinctive key, for example,
Property Based Encryption and Intermediary Re-Encryption has
numerous downsides. In this paper, propose a security protected
multi proprietor information offering plan by utilizing gathering
signature, marked receipts and Development Encryption
Standard strategies, any cloud client can namelessly impart
information to others. In the meantime overhead in the capacity
and calculation cost for encryption of our plan for the quantity of
clients renounced are autonomous.
118 |
A probabilistic approach for the design of horizontal line
and Window based stereo matching system
I.Srilekha, B.Divya Sri lakshmi, G.Triveni, M.Sunil Babu
Abstract— To obtain reliable and accurate disparity
maps, indicating distance of surface from the camera
pair, have significance in robotic applications and
autonomous systems. Intelligent systems, which can
revolve around by it, could be developed by obtaining
depth information from the sensors. To obtain depth
information of the scene stereo vision is one of the
methods. It takes stereo image pairs from two cameras
to produce disparity maps that can be easily turn into
depth maps. Reliability and Accuracy of depth maps
and computational cost of algorithm is major issue for
implementing real time robust applications. Stereo
Matching Algorithms like Matching (Window-Based),
Matching (Horizontally Line-Based) have been
implemented to generate a good disparity Map. The
Algorithms of Stereo Matching are verified on standard
images like Tsukuba, Cravon, for matching the images,
we can also try on the same images and prepare the
experimental real time setup. Stereo Matching
Algorithm Adaptive Support-Weight Approach for
visual correspondence search has been implemented to
produce disparity map. We use quality metrics for
calculating the efficiency of the stereo correspondence
algorithms and the methods used to obtain our image
data sets and got comparisons and ground truth
estimates of all algorithms.
119 |
Review on Machine Vision Based Sorting and Colour
Grading System for Agricultural Produce Using MATLAB
Lata B. Kokate, Ashwini G. Andurkar
Abstract— Tomatoes find numerous uses in both fresh and
processed forms. Export of these processed products of tomatoes
yield more income for country. In order to get good quality of
processed products the quality of tomatoes should be good.
Sorting of tomatoes by manual means required large number of
labours and is the time consuming process. Automatic sorting of
tomato is easy, time saving process and reduces the man power.
This paper presents an integrating system for sorting good and
defected tomatoes and also grade the tomato based on their
colour and size. The proposed system aims to implement sorting
and grading of tomatoes using matlab software and various
images processing algorithm. The proposed system designed to
overcome problems of manual techniques. The hardware model
is designed which contain conveyor system, DC motor, IR sensor,
microcontroller 89C51RD2, camera and grading assembly. The
entire system designed over matlab software to inspect color and
size of the tomato.
120 |
CRF Segmentation and MRF Classification for Skin
Lesions in Dermoscopic Images
Delfin Ruby S, Subbulakshmi N, S.Allwin Devaraj
Abstract— In my project work, Conditional Random Field Based
Segmentation and different model-based Markov Random Field
(MRF) classification for skin lesions in dermoscopic images are
proposed. This method is used in the pattern analysis
framework, diagnosis the melanoma used by dermatologists. A
Dermoscopic image is smoothened by Wiener Filer Method and
converted into Grayscale Image. Then dilute the image, gives the
contour of an image. The input image is segmented by
Conditional Random Field technique. The Estimated CPU time
is calculated which gives less Processing Time. Then classification
is carried out by an image retrieval approach with different
distance metrics. These features are supposed to follow Gaussian
model, Gaussian mixture model, and bag-of-features histogram
model. The main aim of this paper is the classification of an
entire pigmented lesion and analysis the texture of an image.The
image database extracted from a public Atlas of Dermoscopy.
Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Curve is used to
evaluate the performance of Segmentation Process which gives
more accuracy. Finally analysis the skin lesions with their levels.
121 |
Experimental Investigation of Fibre Reinforced Concrete
by the Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate by Pumice
R.kalpana, P.S.Kothai
Abstract— Lightweight concrete is commonly used in
civil engineering field, especially as a filler material
(or) for the manufacture of heat and sound insulating
units. In most industrialised countries, lightweight
concrete production is performed by using a highly
mechanised processes based on different automation
techniques. Various artificial and natural porous
aggregates are generally used in these types of
concrete. All the porous aggregates have their own
characteristic properties, which markedly affect the
properties of lightweight concrete. Among the
lightweight concrete, pumice concrete was generally
considered as being unsuitable for load bearing uses.
Increasing utilization of lightweight materials in
structural applications is making pumice stone a very
popular raw material. The experimentations are
designed by replacing the coarse aggregates by
pumice aggregates in different percentage, such as
10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% for M20 grade
concrete. From this replacement, the optimum value
is achieved at 30% and 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% of polyester
(Recron 3s) fiber is added. The compressive strength,
splitting tensile strength of concrete samples made
with different fibers amounts varies from 0%, 0.5%,
1%, 1.5% were studied. The compressive strength,
Spilt tensile strength and flexural strength of pumice
concrete is seen to increase with the fiber content and
reaches an optimum value. The samples with added
Polyester fibers of 1% showed better results in
comparison with the others.
122 |
Analysis of Electric Arc Welding Process for the
Improvement of Weld Strength and To Minimize Cracks in
Weld of ASTM A106 Grade B: DOE Approach
U. D. Gulhane, A. B. Bapat, T. D. Kalambate, R. A. Kamble, H. H. Kher
Abstract— Design of experiments was conducted for the analysis
of the influence of the welding parameters including welding
speed, current and electrode diameter of welding rod on the
welding strength and occurrence of surface cracks .The sample
used was ASTM A106 Grade B. Strength was measured on UTM
by means of tensile test whereas surface cracks were found by
dye penetrant test. Taguchi method was used to find main factors
influencing strength and surface cracks. The electrode diameter
was found to be the most significant parameter influencing the
weld strength and the current was found to be the most
significant parameter influencing the surface cracks.
123 |
Architecture model and Techniques of Data
Aggregation in VANET
Nitish Dahda, Manoj Sindhwani
Abstract— Growing of vehicles results in more traffic on the
roads. VANET is used to control the road traffic and accidents.
This paper deals with the data aggregation in VANET. In this
paper there is overview of data aggregation and its techniques.
The main aim of data aggregation is to combine all the
messages and disseminate the combined message in larger
region. The main purpose of this paper is to study the
components of the VANET architecture along with its data
aggregation flow process.
124 |
Analyzing the Prostate Cancer Risk Using Fuzzy Expert
Ch. Bindu Madhuri, D.Varalakshmi
Abstract— In the past 20 decades the usage of artificial intelligence
drastically developed and it can be applied to different fields like
engineering, medical sciences etc... Now a day’s Cancer is the
major health problem faced by the people in all over the world.
Especially, Prostate cancer is the most common cancer which
leads to death in men in Asian countries, and it always depends
on several factors such as ‘age’, ‘level of prostate specific antigen
(PSA) in blood’ family cancer history. The ‘level of PSA in
blood’ is plays a vital role in to diagnosis the cancer in patients.
After diagnosing the prostate cancer, the patient is aid with the
prostate biopsy. This paper proposes an expert system (ES), as a
Prediction System for diagnosing the prostate cancer risk by
using the age, prostate volume (PV) and prostate specific antigen
(PSA) factors of patients as the main
attributes/features/parameters based on fuzzy sets and calculated
the risk factor.
125 |
Echo Cancellation using with and without Vector Space
Based Method in Different Adaptive Algorithm
Hitesh Kumar Verma, Nitin Naiya
Abstract— The problem of echo is foremost in today’s
telecommunication systems. It generally occurs in full duplex
mode means when source and sink both communicate at a time.
Hands-free loudspeaker telephone is a common example. It can
also be seen in case of speech. In this situation the signal which is
received is output through the telephone loudspeaker, the
original signal is reverberated because of unwanted signal called
echo. This effect in time delayed and attenuated original signal
to the user. Because of this echo the signal interference caused to
both user side which cause reduction in quality of signal. This
interference distract to both users. Therefore, the more
important task is cancellation of this echo to get signal without
degradation in signal quality. This paper focus on the use of
adaptive filter techniques to reduce this unwanted echo, results
in increasing communication quality. A class of filters that
iteratively alter its parameters is adaptive filter which is used in
order to minimize a function of the difference between a desired
target output and their own output. Comparison analysis of all
adaptive filter algorithms is done for echo cancellation in this
paper. Performance is also done at Vector based calculation.
Comparison shows that Vector space based technique performs
better as compared to other algorithms.
126 |
A Review on Word Sense Disambiguation for Punjabi
Jaskiran Kaur, Amardeep Singh
Abstract— WSD for Punjabi language is untouched domain
where a lot of work can be done. In order to take an initiative
in that direction, we have discussed a range of approaches
which could be employed for disambiguation polysemous word
in Punjabi language.
127 |
Investigation of Extrusion Hand Moulding Process
Parameters for Badges
G.J. Abhyankar, Dipesh A. Salvi
Abstract— AMS group of industries located in Chiplun,
manufactures plastic products like pens, key chains, badges,
imitation jewellery. They are having some problems in badge
manufacturing. Daily production of badges is 4000 badges per
day on one machine, total production of plant is 24000 badges
per day, but out of 10 badges 3 are defective means 30% of
overall production is defective. The defects are improper shape
of badge, too weak at small cross sections, darkness in colour.
AMS group of industries gave us an opportunity to analyse the
process, find out problems & give solutions to reduce defects.
Here complete process of badge making is analyzed and complete
operation done by workers on each machine studied to decide
which parameters are affecting the process and cause the defects
to get the combination of affecting parameters giving best
product. Taguchi technique is being used to analysis of
experiments statistically to reduce defects & improve quality of
128 |
Trust and Interest based File Diffusion in Disconnected
D.Divya, R.Chithra Devi
Abstract— In this paper, we propose a Social –P2P Content
aware –Trust based methods, named TFS –SP2P, for
simultaneous efficient and trustworthy file sharing in
disconnected MANETs. A node role assignment algorithm
chooses stable nodes in a community as coordinators and
highly mobile nodes that travel frequently to foreign
communities as ambassadors. The most subscriptions inside
a community can be served in an intra-community fashion,
reducing the communication overhead and the response
delay. Content aware –Trusted Routing Protocols (C –TRP)
are proposed to forward a query travel along trustable social
relationships, they also gain higher probability of being
successfully resolved by socially close nodes, and it
simultaneously enhances efficiency and trustworthiness.
129 |
Distributed the Data over multiple server using
Load balancing in cloud
M. Baby Jasmine, N. Subbulakshmi
Abstract— Load Balancing is an important aspect of cloud
computing environment. Efficient load balancing scheme ensures
efficient resource utilization by provisioning of resources to cloud
user’s on-demand basis. Load Balancing may even support
prioritizing users by applying appropriate scheduling criteria.
This paper presents various load balancing schemes in different
cloud environment based on requirements. Load balancing is the
process of balancing the workload among multiple nodes. This
paper proposes an optimized load balancing technique and
Cloud clustering technique over cloud environment. Load
balancing is a methodology to distribute workload across
multiple computers, or other resources over the network links to
achieve optimal resource utilization, maximize throughput,
minimum response time, and avoid overload. Performance of the
cloud of clouds can be optimized by load distribution and
balancing. Energy efficiency is one of the most important issues
for large scale server systems in current and future data centers.
The multicore processor technology provides new levels of
performance and energy efficiency. The present paper aims to
develop power and performance constrained load distribution
methods for cloud computing in current and future large-scale
data centers. In particular, we address the problem of optimal
power allocation and load distribution for multiple
heterogeneous multicore server processors across clouds and
data centers.
130 |
Scalable Clustering Method for Cluster a Large Weather
Datasets in Data Mining
Vijayameena P, Chithra Devi R
Abstract— Clustering is the unsupervised arrangement of
information things into homogeneous gatherings called clusters.
Data linkage is the task of identifying different data items that
refer to the same entity across different data sources. De-
Duplicating one data set or connecting a few data sets are
imperative undertakings in the data preparation tasks of
numerous information mining methodology. Information linkage
is customarily performed among tables to cluster the
information. In traditional system has set aside long time for
grouping the information from information sets. In this new
proposed method, permitting numerous such administrators to
be dynamic in parallel. P-Class is upgraded to create starting
results rapidly and can conceal unpredictable postpones in
information landing by responsively planning foundation
preparing. The principle point of this undertaking is optimized a
query grouping operation and execution. Contingent on given
query, involve segment just connected and clustered from climate
data sets. At last, specific information's will be grouped and show
with clustering timing. Accordingly, contrast with conventional
technique, proposed clustering strategy is quickly to bunch the
information from data set. Inevitably, correlations of execution
details are put away in a log document (i.e., txt record). This log
document utilizing to survey the data's as a part of report. Along
these lines, P-Class is a powerful answer for giving quick inquiry
reactions to clients even in the vicinity of moderate and bursty
remote sources.
131 |
Efficient Trust Establishment in Delay-Tolerant Networks
Based on iTrust Protocol
E.Vadivel, M.Sriram, S.P.Vijayaragavan
Abstract— We propose iTrust introduces a periodically available
TA, which could launch the probabilistic detection for the target
node and judge it by collecting the forwarding history evidence
from its upstream and downstream nodes. Then, TA could
punish or compensate the node based on its behaviors. We
assume that each node must pay a deposit amount before it joins
the network, and the deposit will be paid back after the node
leaves if there is no misbehavior activity of the node. TA could
ensure the security of DTN routing at a reduced cost. If any Node
leaves or Joins the Network, then the Key will be alerted and
send as E mail Alert to the Corresponding Nodes of the Network.
Previous Nodes cannot access the data from the newly joined
Network. We assume that each node must pay a deposit amount
before it joins the network, and the deposit will be paid back
after the node leaves if there is no misbehavior activity of the
node. TA could ensure the security of DTN routing at a reduced
132 |
Gain Enhancement of Microstrip Patch Antenna on An EBG
Substrate for WLAN Applications
Bharti Kewat, Amit Gupta
Abstract— Microstrip patch antenna with EBG structure is
proposed for the high gain WLAN application, gain is enhanced
by the periodic structure on the substrate of the patch. A
microstrip patch antenna is measured for wireless local area
network application in the range of 5.15-5.35 GHz. The
microstrip antenna is fed by a coaxial probe and is integrated
within a circularly polarized structure. Coupling of the energy
between the patch and metallic structure increases the radiation
field. Electromagnetic field of the patch can be controlled by
adjusting size and geometry of the circular structures of EBG.
The size of the microstip patch antenna is 1.675 X 1.263 cm2 and
the size of the ground plane is 8.3 cm. The experimental results
show that the proposed antenna has the gain of 6.452 dB at
5.251GHz. The radiation patterns and return loss obtained from
measurements show a good impedance matching and a gain
enhancement of the proposed antenna.
133 |
Conceptual Clustering Algorithm Based Food
Systematization for Patients
Kodeeswari.K, Sivananaitha Perumal.S
Abstract— The propensity for Data mining application in
Healthcare Organizations is awesome on the grounds that
Healthcare area is rich with data and Data mining is turning
into a need. Health awareness associations deliver and gather
vast volumes of data on regular schedule. The sustenance and
their calories are recommended for the patients utilizing choice
tree calculation. The gathered information things are sorted
out in Decision tree structure which can be utilized to
anticipate the sustenance for the specific sickness. The
nourishment and calorie substance will be recommended
taking into account the parameters, for example, age, sex and
their seriousness. The bunch development done by k-means
bunching calculation. Two bunch will be looked at by
INTERSECT strategy. This strategy is taking into account the
Conceptual Clustering calculation. The framework
accomplished grouping exactness of the request of 98%,
accordingly demonstrating the attainability of the proposed
methodology is extremely difficult.
134 |
Line balancing technique for labor optimization and
productivity improvement in a compressor
manufacturing industry
Janagiraman R, K.Sripriyan
Abstract— The purpose of this research is to apply the
line balancing technique for labor optimization and
productivity improvement in a compressor
manufacturing industry. The study is done on the 2 Hp
air compressors. And then by using suitable Lean tool
for eliminating the non-value added activities. Line
balancing technique is used to meet the customer
demand. This paper concludes that by implementing
line balancing technique for labor optimization and
productivity improvement. Therefore the objective of
this research is to increase the effective use labor and to
meet the customer demand.
135 |
Comprehensive Model for Image Enrichment Using
Histogram Transform
K. Maheswari, R.Gowri
Abstract— With the progress of technologies and the
popularity of imaging devices, billions of digital
images are created every day. Because of detrimental
environment, the nature of the image is not
satisfactory. As a result, image enhancement is
needed. To date, contrast enhancement process plays
an important role in enhancing image’s quality.
Several previous studies proved that contrast
enhancement techniques capable to clean up the
unwanted noises and enhance the image’s brightness
and contrast. In this paper, we combine both grey
balancing and contrast enrichment to accomplish
good tone even as preserving contrast of an image
using linearity and non-linearity functions of
histogram transform.
136 |
Comparison of Nano Coated Aluminum Plate and Nano
Coated Copper Plate for Development of Energy Efficient
Heating/Cooling System
S.Arul, M.Easwaramoorthi, M. Meikandan
Abstract— Energy and material-saving considerations,
as well as economic and ecological incentives, have
led to concerted efforts to produce more efficient
heat-exchange equipment. The usual goals are to
reduce the size of a heat exchanger required for a
specific heat duty and to upgrade the capacity of
existing heat exchange equipment. The present trend
is moving toward components with augmentation,
enhancement or intensification. However, the heat
transfer augmentation by providing extended surface
to air side increases pressure drop and obstruct
airflow. Considering the pressing need to enhance
the heat transfer performance on airside in
developing an energy efficient thermal system and
recent developments in the field of nanotechnology,
the specific objective of the present work is to
explore the effectiveness of Nano-coating on the heat
exchanger surface through thermal performance
137 |
Similarity Based Logo Matching and Recognition Using
C.Prathap, S.Nirmala Josphine, L.Bhuvaneswari, R.Jayaveni Kalpana
Abstract— We propose this paper for matching and
recognizing the multiple instance of multiple reference logos.
The duplication of products is the serious problem in the
commercial market area and false logos designed in a quick.
Hence images or logos are recognized to avoid false product.
In existing system only full logo are recognized and matched
by the similarity between the interest points of original and
test logos. It uses context dependent similarity algorithm with
entropy and fidelity terms. In proposed system for improving
the accuracy and for detecting partial logo CDS with
preprocessing is done with the cool drinks logo dataset to
identify whether the logo is genuine or fake with background
138 |
Testable QCA Circuit Design Using TMR & Fault
Detecting By a Comparator Circuit
R.Mathiazhagan, N.Sasipriya, N.Mageshwari
Abstract— One of the emerging and promising
nanotechnologies is Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA)
that has significant improvements over CMOS technology in
diverse areas such as extremely low power dissipation, high
operating frequency and small size. Emerging technologies
have been widely supported to replace the projected
limitations of CMOS technology at the end of the roadmap.
Computation at Nano technologies is substantially different
from conventional VLSI. Extremely small feature size, high
density and low power dissipation are some of the
characteristics that emerging technologies must address, while
implementing new Computational paradigms.
139 |
A Review: Different Algorithms for Energy
Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks
Gautam Sallan, Monika Sachdeva
Abstract— Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), as the
name suggests, is a network which consists of wireless
sensor nodes which are used for the purpose of
receiving, storing and transmitting information.
Wireless sensor network consists of a large number of
sensor nodes which are used for the purpose of
monitoring and collecting data. These sensor nodes
are non-rechargeable and has limited amount of
energy. Energy efficiency of sensor nodes is a key
issue that needs to be addressed in case of wireless
sensor networks. In this paper, various algorithms for
energy efficiency of sensor nodes in wireless sensor
networks have been discussed. The discussed
algorithms are LEACH, I-LEACH, HEED,
140 |
Comprehensive analysis of drinking water of different
places around CBIT-VBIT campus during the academic
year 2014-15, Vidya Nagar, Proddatur, Kadapa (DT), AP,
C.M.Bhaskar Reddy, U.Sulochana, N.Bhargavi, M.Sreedevi, P.Madhavi
Abstract— The study is based on the comprehensive analysis of
drinking water parameters in villages around cbit-vbit
campus situated in vidya nagar, pallavolu, proddatur, kadapa
(dist) ap, india. This has been collecting ground water samples
to a detailed chemical analysis. In the present study four
water samples are taken from different villages around cbitvbit
campus. Water quality parameters namely, pH, hardness,
Do, alkalinity, acidity are detected.
141 |
Design of LMS Adaptive Filter Using Arithmetic Unit
M.Priyadharshini, M.Thiruveni
Abstract— Adaptive filters are broadly used in several Digital Signal
Processing applications. These filters are designed by using
arithmetic units such as adder and multiplier which performs the
addition and multiplication operations. An efficient adder design
essentially improves the performance of a complex DSP system.
60% of total power is consumed by adders in the conventional
digital circuits. In existing system has the conventional Carry
Select Adder (CSLA) which involves the RCA–RCA configuration
that generates a pair of sum words and output carry bits
corresponding to input-carry and selects one out of each pair for
final-sum and final-output-carry. Proposed CSLA take out the
complex RCA units and create the Sum and Carry Generator
(SCG) unit and the sum and carry selection unit. Binary to Execss-
1 Convertor (BEC-1) method is used for the reduction of area and
power of the regular CSLA. Logic operation involved in the
conventional and BEC based CSLA is eliminated, then new logic
formulation introduced for the CSLA. This new design involves
significantly less delay than the recently proposed BEC-based
CSLA. Due to the small carry output delay this CSLA is used for
Square-Root CSLA (SQRT-CSLA). So the throughputs, power
consumption and Area-Delay Product (ADP) reduced. Carry Save
Adder in LMS adaptive filter is replaced by using the CSLA to
achieve the fast computation.
142 |
Module Paper on - Design and Development of Real Time
Trainable Industrial Robotic Arm
Shruti V Ramteke, Kanchan Dhote
Abstract— In this project we aim at developing a system wherein
one can train robots to perform a task by performing the task
once, manually. Such a system would reflect on the human
methods of teaching wherein a person teaches a child how to
perform a particular task by showing them how it is done by
actually performing it once himself. As a child observes the
teacher’s methods and actions and tries to replicate the same
when he tries it himself, our system will instill this characteristic
into our robot as well.
143 |
Zigbee Based Human Rescue Robot for Search
D.Murugave, D.Mangavaram, M.Premila
Abstract— In recent days an android application is
very useful in various fields. The AndroRC is a remote
control car (RC) unit. It is controlled by a Smartphone
running on an Android application. The remote control
car is used in search missions in the occurrence of various
natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, building
collapses, hurricanes etc. In this kind of natural disasters
so many peoples are immediately catch them and it causes
large damages to the buildings. At that time the rescue
team went to the affected spot to save the victims as soon
as possible. Even though the rescue team can’t able to save
many peoples inside the collapsed buildings due to so
many difficulties. The rescue team is using so many
trained search dogs, cameras and listening gadgets to find
the victims from the ground surface. It takes much long
time to search the peoples. The search dogs are very
effective in finding the rescuers but it cannot able to locate
the exact place to the rescue team. For avoiding this kind
of difficulties use remote control car unit for searching
missions. The remote controlled car is developed
autonomously. An extra servo motor is used for providing
the left and right directions. The Remote Car is equipped
with an ultrasonic distance sensor, a camera, a Bluetooth
receiver, two 12-V batteries and two Arduino
microcontroller boards (UNO and MEGA), PIR sensor
and Zigbee. The arduino MEGA is used for controlling
the propulsion and direction. The UNO receives the
information from the distance sensor to stop the car at the
certain distance. The Android application uses the
embedded orientation sensor on the Smartphone to
determine the four directions such as forward, backward,
left and right. The Zigbee is used at the receiving end for
collecting the information about the rescuer where they
are located. A PIR sensor is used for detecting the
presence of human beings inside the collapsed building of
the ground surface.
144 |
Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis Of Damping
Effectiveness In Lower Frequency Ranges Find
Automotive Muffler Used Acoustics Principle
B.Balaji, Dr.P.Senthil, M.Vairavel
Abstract— This projects describes the pressure wave
propagation in a muffler for an Ic engine. The
Application of the model is to shown with analyze both
inductive and resistive damping in pressure acoustics as
well as coupling the fluid to the surrounding elastic shell
and tube insert structure. Finally, the Pure Aquastic
pressure of a pure structural problem is analyzed and
the modes compared to peaks in the transmission loss.
The sound level from a car,truck with heavy load
structureas depends to a great extent of the quality of
the muffler. New trend technolgys , are intradusing
researchers in the automotive industry have struggled
to produce mufflers that are efficient from both an
acoustic and an environmental effectiveness controling.
This research model describes the varying pressure
wave propagation in a muffler for an IC engine. The
model also shows how to analyze both inductive and
resistive damping in pressure acoustics consisting a
different mass flow pressure optimization in
multiphysics comsol software.