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An Efficient Low Power S-BOX
Implementation for AES Using Power - Gated PLA
Kalaiselvie.C.M, Kavitha.D
Abstract —This paper present a low power custom hardware
implementation of Rijndael S-BOX for AES using power-gating
and PLA design techniques to increase speed and to reduce
power. AES is one of the most common symmetric key
algorithms. In AES the hardware complexity is mainly due to the
substitution box(S-BOX) and it is very expensive part in AES.
The proposed system is implemented using standard CMOS of
110nm with 1.2v power supply. Thus the number of transistor
counts will be reduced to 25% and increases speed by ten times.
2 |
Optimized Reconstruction of Depth Map Using Fuzzy
S.Masophin Salomi, C.Hariram, K.Divyalakshmi
Abstract—In this paper, we investigate how the recently emerged
photography technology—the light field—can benefit depth map
estimation, a challenging computer vision problem. A novel
framework is proposed to reconstruct continuous depth maps
from light field data. Unlike many traditional methods for the
stereo matching problem, the proposed method does not need to
quantize the depth range. By making use of the structure
information amongst the densely sampled views in light field
data, we can obtain dense and relatively reliable local estimations.
Starting from initial estimations, we go on to propose an
optimization method based on solving a sparse linear system
iteratively with a conjugate gradient method.
3 |
Efficient Torque Control Of Doubly Fed Induction
Machine-Based Wind Turbines Under Voltage Dips
Doodigama Sathish, Bandaru Sathish
Abstract—This paper proposes a rotor flux
amplitude reference generation strategy for
doubly fed induction machine based wind
turbines. It is specially designed to address
perturbations, such as voltage dips, keeping
controlled the torque of the wind turbine, and
considerably reducing the stator and rotor over
currents during faults. In addition, a direct
torque control strategy that provides fast
dynamic response accompanies the overall
control of the wind turbine. Despite the fact that
the proposed control does not totally eliminate
the necessity of the typical crowbar protection
for this kind of turbines, it eliminates the
activation of this protection during low depth
voltage dips.
4 |
Identification And Enhancement of Low vision pixel
channel of less quality video
Neha A. Wadaskar, S.A.Ladhake
Abstract—We gift Associate in Nursing example-based
approach to general improvement of degraded video
frames. The tactic depends on building a lexicon with
non-degraded elements of the video and to use such a
lexicon to boost the degraded elements. The image
degradation should originate from a “repeatable”
method, in order that the lexicon image patches (blocks)
ar equally degraded, so originating a lexicon with
degraded blocks and their residues (differences in
between degraded and original blocks). Once a match is
found between a degraded block within the video and a
degraded block within the lexicon, the associated residue
of the latter is soft-added to the block of the previous. the
tactic could be a generalization of the tactic for examplebased
5 |
Co movement of stock indices
Archna dixit
Abstract- This paper examined the empirical co- movement of
stock indices between the Indian stock return’s and USA stock
return’s, Japan stock returns. The sample size included stock
markets, of BSE, NSE, Nikkei’s, and NASDAQ. This study is
intended to be a useful contribution to the academician
researcher and students. The main objective of the study is to
find the co- movement between Indian stock return and USA
stock return and Japan stock return. We have applied unit root
test and OLS test, granger causality test and co-integration. Unit
root test found that data is stationary and OLS test, results is
found that all the sample countries stock return has significant
relationship except the NSE stock return. Granger causality test
it was found that there is no causal relationship. The cointegration
test found that BSE stock return and NSE stock
return are co- integrated with each other.
6 |
Method of Extracting the Road from Satellite Images –
A Survey
Kaleeswaran, Madhan Kumar
Abstract - Today’s the road data is very crucial for planning of
urban area, development of infrastructure, military purposes,
navigation applications, and for obtain the GIS topographic
databases. The remote sensing images of spatial resolutions are
rapidly increased. That enables a source for extract road
information. This research has been developed for a novel
approaches for a sub-urban area and rural area of road
extraction from the high resolution images. Road extraction
allows the road network that can be presented in the object space
when the transformation of images from the ground systems are
carried out and that is described by a method of the detection
and the localization of roads in an image. The automatic road
extraction tried to simplify and speed up the road extraction
process by automating focusing of this process. In digital image
processing, the road extraction is regarded as a challenging issue.
This paper has a detailed survey of various road extraction
techniques of satellite images and their performances are
7 |
A survey on automatic docking system based home
surveillance Robot
S.Saravanan, K.Ramamoorthy
Abstract- The automatic docking system based on
surveillance robot with fire detector, gas detector and
cleaning module are proposed in this paper. The
surveillance robot with automatic docking and
recharging system are used for home security. In this,
the surveillance robot communicates the docking
station through WI-FI and ZigBee. The fire detector
sensor, MQ6 gas detector sensor are used. The
docking station uses the IR sensors and the docking
system is based on self-localization of the robot.
8 |
Particle Swarm Optimization for Feature Subset
G.Jaya Suma, I. Grace Asha Roy
Abstract-The classification problems have large number of
features, but not all of them are useful for decision making.
Particle swarm optimization, an evolutionary computation
technique can be used for Feature Subset Selection (FSS) to
extract useful and important features. The Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO) in continuous space and Discrete Binary
PSO (BPSO) on discrete space converged upon regions of search
space but there is no mechanism for leaps between regions. The
Multi-objective function for FSS using Geometric Particle
Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) introduced a geometric
operator crossover and mutation that allows leaps. Three
machine learning algorithms Naive Bayes, Random forest and C
4.5 are used to calculate the performance of the subset of
features given by PSO. The PSO for feature selection are
proposed for filter and wrapper approach. The results show
that PSO with wrapper approach gives better classification
accuracy and important features than filter approach. Varying
velocity and threshold values for PSO version are applied. The
PSO versions for feature selection gave a minimum number of
subset and better classification accuracy.
9 |
Green Concrete: Restrain Of Greenhouse Effect& Its
Fortitude Behavior
T.S.Kumanan, V.Naveen Raj
Abstract-The concrete is made with wastes which are ecofriendly
so called as Green concrete. Green concrete is a
revolutionary topic in the history of concrete industry. Concrete
is an environmental friendly material and the overall impact on
the environment per ton of concrete is limited. The paper covers
the aspect that how to reduce the cement content by some
replacement and its strength behavior and replacement of fine
aggregate to its suitability. It presents the feasibility of the usage
of by product materials like rock fractions as complete replaced
fine aggregates and ceramic wastes as partial replacement (10%,
20% and 30%) of cement in concrete.
10 |
An Area Efficient Asynchronous Adder
Savitha.S, Thangaselvi.E
Abstract─ In principle, logic flow in asynchronous
circuits is controlled by a request acknowledgment
handshaking protocol to establish a pipeline in the
absence of clocks. While these constructs add
robustness to circuit designs, they also introduce
significant overhead to the average case performance
benefits of asynchronous adders. Therefore, a more
efficient alternative approach is worthy of consideration
that can address these problems. In this paper, the
performance parameters of various adders are
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Development of Intelligent Diversity Aware Retrieval
System for Medical Data Analysis
V.Sudha, E.V.R.M. Kalaimani, E.Kirubakaran
Abstract -The hike of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs)
causes an explosive growth of the medical and clinical data. It
makes the medical search technologies become tedious to find
useful patient information in the large medical dataset. However,
the high quality medical search is a challenging task; in
particular due to complex semantic relationships among medical
concepts and use of many Synonyms, Antonyms and Hyponym,
simple word based Information Retrieval (IR) does not provide
the satisfactory results. Clinical databases are scarce in
healthcare today and most analytical tools have trouble in
extracting meaningful information from free text clinical data.
The proposed system contributes a novel measure of calculating
the similarity between sentences or between EMR documents
using Meta map concept identifier and MeSH (Medical Subject
Headings) ontology. Novel web search result disambiguation
strategy considers not only the aspect importance but also the
aspect similarity, to perform the diversity-aware EMR ranking.
To exploit the uncertainty in ambiguous medical queries,
semantic-based approach is used to achieve the diversity-aware
retrieval of EMRs, i.e., both the relevance and novelty are
considered for EMR ranking. The scope of the NEURAL
NETWORK CLASSIFIER is to train and test the indexed
documents and categorize the data to find the classified output.
With the support of medical domain ontology, we first mine all
the potential semantics (concepts and relations between them)
from a user query and consume them to model the multiple
query aspects. We believe that our experience can serve as an
important reference for the development of similar applications
in medical data utilization and sharing environment.
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BER Enhancement of Orthogonal wavelet Division
Multiplexing (OWDM) System in comparison with OFDM
Jaspreet Kaur, Sandeep Kaushal
Abstract-Orthogonal wavelet division multiplexing (OWDM)
which use wavelet transform is proposed as an alternative
approach to FFT based OFDM system. It is an efficient
approach to replace FFT in the OFDM systems due to its better
bit error rate improvement, interference minimization, timefrequency
localization, improvement in bandwidth efficiency and
many more advantages. OWDM is employed in order to remove
the use of cyclic prefix which decreases the bandwidth wastage.
In this paper we have compared the BER performance of
conventional OFDM and OWDM system in MATLAB under
various modulation techniques. The simulation results show the
superiority of the OWDM system over conventional OFDM
13 |
Survey of Routing Algorithms used in Delay Tolerant
E.Haripriya, K.R.Valluvan
Abstract— Mobile Adhoc Networks are used in several various
extreme environments where they suffer from different kinds of
link disruptions. The existing Internet protocols fail to work
properly in the context of ICNs, thus leads to a variety of new
challenging problems. Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networks are
emerging solutions to networks where the network suffers from
frequent network partitions and long end to end delay. Over
time, unicast routing, one of the key components common to all
DTNs, became an almost independent field of research in which
maximum efforts continue to be invested. But in case of network
architectural designs, scheduling and transferring issues dating
from the early days of Inter-Planetary Networks (IPNs) have
received relatively little attention and accumulate numerous
challenges. These papers compare the application of various
routing techniques in DTN and highlight the issues in each of
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Yield potential and land-use efficiency of hybrid rice (Oryza
sativa L) in Bangladesh through suitable spacing and
number of plants per hill
Afsana Ansari, Muhammad Shakil Hossain
Abstract— Bangladesh is a densely populated country and the
cultivated area is reduced in day by day while it is very
important to determine the efficient use of land. Until recently,
no case of land use efficiency of hybrid rice had been conducted
in Bangladesh. In this sense, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
was conducted an experiment to determine the appropriate
spacing and number of plants per hill for obtaining high
economic yield of hybrid rice. The treatment consisted of three
spacing (15 x 15, 20 x 15 and 20 x 20 cm) and one, two and three
plants per hill. The single effect of spacing and the combined
effect of plant spacing and number of plants per hill were
significant in different growth and yield components of hybrid
rice. In addition, the highest yield (7.09 t/ha) recorded from the
single plant per hill which is not significant but the yield
parameters (number of tillers per m2, number of panicles per m2,
panicle length, number of total grain per panicle, filled grain
percent and days to maturity) were significantly affected by main
effect of seedling per hill. The highest yield (7.66 t/ha) was
recorded from the combination effect of 20 x l5 cm spacing and
single plant per hill. It is difficult to conclude thus the studies
were conducted at one location in a single season by using only
one hybrid rice variety with small number of treatments.
However, we demonstrate that 20cm x15 cm spacing with one
seedling per hill had higher grain yield, indicating that the
optimum spacing and seedling density is good for hybrid rice
varieties. This is the first findings which illustrate to use
appropriate spacing and number of plants per hill for obtaining
high yield of hybrid rice in Bangladesh. This work is an example
of public, private sectors and in farmers who cultivated hybrid
rice in Bangladesh and it has already accepted with popularity as
a milestone for cultivation of hybrid rice in all over Bangladesh.
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Bayesian Analysis of two parameters of Exponential
Distribution using S-Plus software
T.A.Rather, Kawsar Fatima
Abstract— In the literature we come across different types of
statistical models. Exponential distribution is one of the most
useful distributions for modeling and analyzing life time data in
the medical, paramedical and applied sciences. Nowadays great
attention has given to Bayesian method and is in contention with
other estimation methods. In this paper, we deals with the
Bayesian analysis of two parameters of exponential distribution.
Finally, we discuss the Bayesian analysis of exponential
distribution using different priors with the help of standard
statistical softwares.
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A Survey on Working Principle and Application of Hadoop
Surajit Mohanty, Girish Das, Himanshu Suman, Piyush Maharana, Raman Ratnakar
Abstract—Hadoop is a main buzz phrase and new curve for IT
today. Big data is driven data with high velocity, volume, variety,
veracity and value. It comes from different sources like mobile
devices, internet, social media, sensors etc. Traditional data
processing and analysis of structured data using RDBMS and
data warehousing no longer satisfy the challenges of Big Data.
Due to the high velocity and volume of big data, the effective
option is to store the big data through Hadoop, because it has
capability to store and process massive amount of big data.
Hadoop offers the big data implementation in small and medium
sized businesses. This paper presents the working with Hadoop
and its implementation in various sectors that include healthcare,
networking security, market and business, sports, education
system, gaming and telecommunications.
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Keyword Searching and Browsing in Relational
Databases Using Web Search Applications
Yellapu Vinay Kumar, C P V N J Mohan Rao.
Abstract-Spatial queries with keywords have not been
extensively explored. In the past years, the community
has sparked enthusiasm in studying keyword search in
relational databases. Conventional spatial queries, such
as range search and nearest neighbor retrieval, involve
only conditions on objects’ geometric properties. Today,
many modern applications call for novel forms of
queries that aim to find objects satisfying both a spatial
predicate, and a predicate on their associated texts. For
example, instead of considering all the restaurants, a
nearest neighbor query would instead ask for the
restaurant that is the closest among those whose menus
contain “steak, spaghetti, brandy” all at the same time.
Currently, the best solution to such queries is based on
the IR2 -tree, which, as shown in this paper, has a few
deficiencies that seriously impact its efficiency.
Motivated by this, we develop a new access method
called the spatial inverted index that extends the
conventional inverted index to cope with
multidimensional data, and comes with algorithms that
can answer nearest neighbor queries with keywords in
real time. As verified by experiments, the proposed
techniques outperform the IR2 -tree in query response
time significantly, often by a factor of orders of
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Lean Manufacturing Strategies: An Operational
Gantala Sarvesh Kumar
Abstract—This paper presents a review to evaluate the
contribution of lean strategies to reduce manufacturing
wastes within the manufacturers‟ resource constraints.
The evolution of manufacturing was characterized by
several innovations, concerning technologies, processes,
but also entire production systems, with radical
changes in strategies, product design, and management
of organizations. Lean strategies have been developed
to eliminate or reduce waste and thus improve
operational efficiency in a manufacturing environment.
However, in practice, manufacturers encounter
difficulties to select appropriate lean strategies within
their resource constraints and to quantitatively
evaluate the perceived value of manufacturing waste
reduction. A model is perceived to know the value of
lean strategies to manufacturing waste reduction and a
step-by-step methodology is provided for selecting
appropriate lean strategies to improve the
manufacturing performance within their resource
constraints. A „lean strategy-wastes‟ correlation matrix
has been proposed to establish the relationship between
the manufacturing wastes and lean strategies. By
identifying appropriate lean strategies for specific
manufacturing wastes, a manufacturer can better
prioritise implementation efforts and resources to
maximise the success of implementing lean strategies in
their organisation.
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Compression Study of FIR Digital Filter for Noise
Suppression in ECG Signal
Yogesh Babu Indoriya, Karuna Markam
Abstract-The paper present the compression study of FIR filter
for noise suppression in ECG signal. Intended to provide an
alternative approach for comparison of FIR digital filter by using
neural network. This proposed approach establishes relation
between order and width of main lobe of filter. In this paper
using FDA tool to design digital FIR filters of different order, and
neural network tool box to compare different filters using
different type algorithm of neural network. As the simulation
results shows, the proposed neural-based method is capable of
archiving a better performance for filter design.
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Performance Improvement of Image Denoising System
Aarti Namdeo, Anand Khare
Abstract- In the past few decades, many noise reduction
techniques have been developed for removing noise and retaining
edge details in images. The process of removing noise from the
original image is still a demanding problem for researchers.
There have been several algorithms and each has its assumptions,
merits, and demerits. The prime focus of this work is related to
the processing of an image before it can be used in applications.
The processing is done by de-noising of images. In order to
achieve this, combination of de-noising algorithms are being used.
Image denoising algorithms WT (Wavelet transform) and KLT
(Karhunen-Loeve transform) are applied on images to remove the
noise that are either present in the image during capturing or
injected into the image during transmission. The WT shows an
excellent performance in the denoise field while KLT shows a
good performance in the signal reconstructed ability. De-noising
plays a very important role in the field of the image processing. It
is often done before the image data is to be analyzed. Denoising is
mainly used to remove the noise that is present and retains the
significant information, regardless of the frequency contents of
the signal. De-noising has to be performed to recover the useful
information. The main purpose of an image-denoising algorithm
is to eliminate the unwanted noise level while preserving the
important features of an image. PSNR, MSE and MAXERR
parameters are being improved using combination of image
denoising algorithms WT (Wavelet transform) and KLT
(Karhunen-Loeve transform).
21 |
Non Coherent Block Coded Modulation of TAPSK Using
Multilevel Coding
Shailendra kumar, Suresh Sahadeorao Gawande
Abstract-In this work, first of all we derive minimum non coherent
distances of block-coded TAPSK (twisted amplitude and phase shift
keying) and 16QAM (quadrature-amplitude modulation), both
using multilevel coding. As per calculated distances, non-coherent
block-coded TAPSK (NBC-TAPSK) and non-coherent block-coded
16QAM (NBC-16QAM) are observed. Now we check the block
length, if it is small then NBC-16TAPSK performs best among all
non-coherent techniques and NBC-16QAM performs worse due to
its small minimum non coherent distance. Now, if the block length
is not small, NBC-16QAM has the best error performs among all
non-coherent techniques.
22 |
Digital Image Watermarking
Rekha Patil, Rupali Mahajan
Abstract-The recent progress in the digital multimedia
technologies has offered many facilities in the transmission,
reproduction and manipulation of data. However, this
advancement has also brought the challenge such as copyright
protection for content providers. Digital watermarking is one of
the proposed solutions for copyright protection of multimedia
data. This technique is better than Digital Signatures and other
methods because it does not increase overhead. Digital
watermarking is not a very old field. Most of research is going on
in this field. Researchers try to invent techniques that increase
the robustness, security, capacity, and imperceptibility of
watermarked images.
23 |
Smart Vehicle System Design For Road Condition
And Detection Of Potholes And Humps On Road
To Aid Drivers
P.Jothimani, Dr.P.Nagarajan
Abstract-Identification of potholes and humps not only
helps driver to avoid road accident or vehicle damage
but also helps government authorities to maintain road.
This proposed system has been developed to identify the
potholes and humps on roads and provide timely alerts
to driver. Ultrasonic sensors are used to identify the
potholes and humps and also to measure the depth and
height. The GPS receivers capture the location
coordinates of the detected potholes or hump and sends
message to the mobile SIM using GSM modem.
Potholes and humps of information send to server. This
server as a valuable source of information to the
government authorities and vehicle drivers. The mobile
application is used to alert driver. Alerts are given in
the form of flash messages with an audio beep.
24 |
High dimensional Data Using Neuro fuzzy classification for
Lymphoma Cancer data set
G.Sugendran, D.Dhanabagyam
Abstract-Clustering has been used extensively as a vital tool of
data mining. Data gathering has been deliberated widely, but
mostly all identified usual clustering algorithms lean towards to
break down in high dimensional spaces because of the essential
sparsely of the data points. Present subspace clustering methods
for handling high-dimensional data focus on numerical
dimensions. The minimum spanning tree based clustering
algorithms, because they do not adopt that data points are
clustered around centres or split by a regular geometric curve
and have been widely used in training. The present techniques
allow these algorithms to extend much more easily with both the
number of instances in the dataset and the number of attributes.
But the performance minimize soon with the size of the
subspaces in which the groups are found. The important
parameter needed by these algorithms is the density threshold
and it is not easy to set, particularly across all dimensions of the
dataset. The aim of this thesis is proposed method investigate
the performance of different Neuro-Fuzzy classification methods
for the distinction of benign and malign tissue in genes.
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Minimization of Torque Ripple of PMSM Drive with Model
Predictive Controller
P.Ramya, K.Sindhuja, V.Chandhrasekaran
Abstract-Model predictive direct torque control (MPTC) is the
emerging control technique in the field of electric drives.
Compared to conventional DTC it’s very accurate in voltage
vector selection as well yields lower torque ripples by using the
system model. The concept of duty cycle is merged along with it
to improve the efficiency. The null vector is employed along with
the selected voltage vector. The duty cycle is determined based on
various principles. This paper focuses on the torque ripple
minimization by optimizing the duty cycle of the selected vector.
Results are compared in both Simulink and hardware. The
Simulink is carried out with MATLAB.
26 |
Public Auditing For Shared Data with Efficient User
Revocation in the Cloud
C.Varun Vasan
Abstract-With data services in the cloud, users can easily
modify and share data as a group. To ensure data integrity can
be audited publicly, users need to compute signatures on all the
blocks in shared data. Different blocks are signed by different
users due to data modifications performed by different users. For
security reasons, once a user is revoked from the group, the
blocks, which were previously signed by this revoked user, must
be re-signed by an existing user. The straightforward method,
which allows an existing user to download the corresponding
part of shared data and re-sign it during user revocation, is
inefficient due to the large size of shared data in the cloud. In this
paper, we propose a novel public auditing mechanism for the
integrity of shared data with efficient user revocation in mind.
By utilizing proxy re-signatures, we allow the cloud to re-sign
blocks on behalf of existing users during user revocation, so that
existing users do not need to download and re-sign blocks by
themselves. In addition, a public verifier is always able to audit
the integrity of shared data without retrieving the entire data
from the cloud, even if some part of shared data has been resigned
by the cloud. Experimental results show that our
mechanism can significantly improve the efficiency of user
27 |
Design and Simulation of Transmitter part of UART for
Serial Communication using VHDL
Manju Wadhvani, Zoonubiya Ali
Abstract-Asynchronous serial communication is usually
implemented by Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
(UART), mostly used for short distance, low speed, low cost data
exchange between processor and peripherals. UART allows full
duplex serial communication link, and is used in data
communication and control system. This paper focuses on the
introduction of Transmitter; in this paper we presented the
transmitter part of UART which indicates how to transmit the
data serially during transmission. The result indicates that the
transmission of data is done serially.
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A New Static Leakage Reduction Technique for Low Power
VLSI Circuits
Krishna Kant, Shweta Agrawal
Abstract-The ultra-low power is the prime concern the modern
portable device which can be achieved by reducing leakage
current. In this paper, we first explore different type of leakage
reduction technique and then propose a new leakage reduction
technique. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is
evaluated and compared over the existing techniques. The
different techniques are implemented on NAND3 and SPICE
netlist is created and simulated with 32nm technology file. The
results of simulation on Synopsys HSPICE shows that provides
leakage reduction technique improves 21.6% reduction in
leakage over the explored leakage reduction technique in the
29 |
A Survey on Content Based Image Retrieval using Different
Abstract-Now a day, digital world increase with handheld
devices, storage technologies and social networking sites and
huge volume of images are stored on web. With significantly
huge image database it is difficult to extract that data and
retrieve relevant images. The term content-based image
retrieval is widely used to describe the process of retrieving
desired images from a large collection on the basis of features
that can be automatically extracted from the images themselves.
Feature Based Image Retrieval is a very important research area
in the field of image processing. It is comprises of low level
feature extraction such as texture, shape and color and similarity
measures for the comparison of images. Recently, the research
focus in FBIR has been in reducing the semantic gap, between
the low level visual features and the high level image semantics.
In this paper, various techniques for image retrieval have been
studied. Further, brief discussion has been done on content based
image retrieval which is included with feature extraction
methods based on texture, shape and color. At the end of this
paper, comparative study between various content based image
retrieval techniques has been done.
30 |
Fully Automatic Measurement of Intima Media Thickness
In Common Carotid Artery using B-Mode Ultrasound
Video Sequence
Sushma R. Hattarki, Sanjay S. Pawar
Abstract-In the cardiovascular events measurement of Intima
media thickness (IMT) has high clinical relevance. To analyze the
wall thickening there are many methods are used. In this paper
using B-mode ultrasound image, Segmentation and tracking
process of IMC is done and IMT can measure. This process is
fully automatic. Segmentation deals with robust identification of
the LI and MA interfaces in first frame of video sequence. In
tracking stage, tracking of LI and MA interfaces in subsequent
frames of CCA ultrasound sequence and inconsistencies of IMC
detected and also reduced. In this paper, some algorithms are
proposes to measure the Intima Media Thickness (IMT) using Bmode
ultrasound image.
31 |
MPPT Algorithm Based Solar and Wind Power
Generation Using Boost Converter with Total
Harmonic Distortion
S. Venkatesh Kumar, B.Sridhar, M.Karthik
Abstract-The hybrid system consists of photovoltaic
panels, wind turbines and storage batteries. In this
project deals with the modeling and analysis of
DC/DC converter with permanent magnet
synchronous generator based wind energy
conversion system. A simple and cost effective control
with DC-DC converter is used for maximum power
point tracking (MPPT) and hence maximum power is
extracted from the turbine and the photo voltaic
array. The perturbation and observation algorithm
fused with the proposed converters is used for
drawing maximum power from the input sources.
So power from the two sources can be delivered
either independently or simultaneously depending
on their availability. The main advantage of the hybrid
system is to give continuous power supply to the load.
The LC filter at the output of the inverter kept THD
of grid current within the standard limit, and easily
found that power fluctuation has been completely
reduced using battery bank.
32 |
Fuzzy Logic Control Based High Efficiency Multilevel DCDC
Converters for High Voltage Direct Current System
Vijayalakshmi. R
Abstract-In this paper presents new topologies Multilevel DCDC
buck-boost converter which consists of an inductor based
boost circuit and a switched capacitor circuit has high voltage
gain and flexible output voltage. Operation of these switching
devices causes inherently nonlinear characteristic to the DC-DC
Converters include buck-boost converter. It is suitable for a low
voltage power source such as fuel cells. To achieve a stable and
fast response, nonlinear controller were applied to control buckboost
converters. The efficiency of the proposed converter is
improved compared with the conventional soft switching
converter in high boost ratio. The operation of the proposed
converter has been confirmed by circuit experiments and
simulations by using MATLAB Simulink.
33 |
Naive Bayes Based Document Classification Using Term
Frequency and Word Net Corpus
Megha Mishra, Bharti Sahu, Vishnu Kumar Mishra
Abstract-Text mining is variance of a field called Data mining.
Data mining (sometimes referred to as knowledge or data discovery)
is that the process of analyzing knowledge from totally different
views and summarizing it into helpful info. Text mining is the
larger field of data mining. This paper proposes an effective
document classification technique which uses term frequency, word
net corpus, Charles miller dataset and Naive Bayes Classifier. This
method has achieved satisfactory result. Hence the proposed
method improves the performance of Naive Bayes classifier.
34 |
The Future Trend: An Efficient and Optimal Cost
Monitoring Systems for Medical & SM
Enterprises with Concepts of Internet of Things
Thota Mahesh Babu, A.V.Subba Rao
Abstract-Its quit interesting to starts with some
philosophical manner rather than the aim of paper, that
is, human kind likes more and more simplified life in
their daily activities. The people like, simplification in
cooking, travel, education, fashion design, dressing,
information availability about certain things,
communication from one place to another and so on.
That means, the people like intelligent automated life.
In contrast artificial things can interact with the human
kind and solves their desires. For example, someone
may have lost something, somewhere, but they forget
where they lost. The difficulty here is, how find the
thing, someone may give the solutions RFID technology
but it works in certain range. So from the discussions,
we need, the autonomous mechanism that can trace out
the locality or information regarding to what we lost?
In simple manner, we need a common platform to
integrate entire world of thing. For a little while, the
common platform is internet and hence we labeled
Internet of Things (IoT). That’s what; the paper is
going to deal. So the principal objective is to monitoring
the thing of parameters from anywhere in the world.
The paper is not aimed to integrate entire world of
things right now but dedicated to two fields, medical &
small, medium enterprises. In medical field, monitor the
patient through camera interface and patient’s
moments using WSN interface. And in case of SM
Enterprises monitors, temperature, water level,
machine motion detection using WSN and visual
through Camera Interface. The paper is built with high
speed and low cost Raspberry-Pi Controller.
35 |
Performance Analysis of FIR Digital Filters Using Artificial
Neural Network for EMG Signals
Hemant Kumar, Anjana Goen
Abstract-In performance of EMG signal, signal acquisition
must be noise free. This paper deals with the application of the
digital FIR filter on the raw EMG signal. In this paper different
window techniques are used to design FIR filter and their filtered
values are used to compute MSEs with the help of Artificial
Neural Network. The dataset is configured for multilayer
perceptron (MLP) training with feed forward algorithm. Finally
the MLP is trained and the results of Mean squared error & Best
validation point are shown in table-I.
36 |
Effect of Filling Ratio on Thermal Characteristics of Heat
Pipe using Titanium Oxide Nanofluid
V.Arivazhagan, D.Mala, K.Dinesh Kumar
Abstract-An experimental study was carried out to investigate
the thermal characteristics of heat pipe using nanofluid and
Deionized water (DI water) is presented in this work. The
TiO2/water nanofluid is used as one of the working fluid in
experimental heat pipe with concentration of 1.0% wt .The test
section of the heat pipe is made of copper tube with outer
diameter 16 mm, inner diameter 14 mm and length 1000 mm.
The heat pipe is tested with (DI water) and nanofluid
respectively. This study focused on the effects of heat input, fill
ratio and angle of inclination on the thermal efficiency and
thermal resistance of heat pipe. The experimental results
indicate that the thermal efficiency increases when
nanoparticles are added with the DI water (nanofluid) and also
the heat pipe which uses nanofluid as working fluid shows lower
thermal resistance value when compared to the heat pipe which
uses DI water alone.
37 |
Design a Low Noise Amplifier Using Cascading of
Resistive Shunt Feedback with Current Reuse
K.E.Purushothaman, V.Nagarajan
Abstract-Resistive shunt feedback is a feasible option
for wide band low noise amplifier design. It provides
wideband input matching with the assistance of a
feedback network. However, low voltage and low-power
design enact severe limits on the design options. The
linearity of the LNA is mainly limited by the low supply
voltage of the LNA, which is a direct consequence of the
low-power design and the migration to lower supply
voltages. Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) is the first
energetic component in the front-end of the receiver.
The high power consumption stalks from the fact that
an LNA must provide concurrent wideband matching,
high gain, low noise, and high linearity, all of which
typically require high power and high supply voltages.
The existence of a feedback network and boosting
inductors might cause the LNA to be possibly unstable.
Power can be reduced by using cascading of resistive
shunt feedback in the Low Noise Amplifier design. In
this paper cascading of resistive shunt feedback LNA
amplifier has been designed. It is used to achieving low
power, high noise-factor and high bandwidth. Current
reuse technique is also implemented.
38 |
ARM Based ATM Terminal Design Using Biometric Access
A. Gouthami, K.Venu Gopal
Abstract-This paper reports the design of ATM with
enhanced security using biometric access. Finger print
recognition is done using an ARM CORTEX (M4) Processor.
When a user tries to navigate the account authentication is
needed, it is going to be done in two stages where the RFID
tags are allotted to every individual user in the first stage. In
second stage the finger prints are collected in according to the
details filled in the data base. As per the provided
authentication stages its easy to trace the unauthorized user.
Because, at the time of transaction the user involved with the
mismatched fingerprints or with wrong RFID card are
captured through the camera, where it will be invoked with
their pins connected to the processor ports internally. The
captured snap of the user is stored into memory as well as in
the site. Then we can know the person who is unauthorized
and if the finger print matches transaction gets completed
39 |
Content based Image Retrieval using Texture features in
the DWT domain
Lata Kuldeep, Shreya Jain
Abstract-The digital image data has tremendous growth in
amount, quantity and heterogeneity. The conventional
information retrieval techniques does not gratify the user’s
demand, so an efficient system is require to develop for content
based image retrieval. The content based image retrieval are
comely very useful for the purpose of exact and fast retrieval of
different images. The problem of content based image retrieval
is based on generation of distinctive query. The low level visual
content features of query image that is color, texture, shape and
spatial location is used for retrieving image. These distinct
features of images are extracted and executed for a equivalence
check among images. First we analysis the visual content
description of image and then the elementary schemes use for
content based image retrieval are considered. We also
inscription the comparison between query image and target
image of large data base accompanied by the indexing scheme to
retrieve the image. These CBIR techniques are implemented on
a database having 280 images spread across 7 classes and each
class having 40 images for each CBIR technique query image
applied on the database and precision & Recall values are
computed. The result has shown performance improvement as
compared to other techniques used for CBIR at reduced
40 |
Advanced Image Processing Tool for Face Identification using
Gabor Filter Based Neural Network
S. Srikanth, K. Sumalatha
Abstract-The main objective of this paper is to develop a software
tool for the identification of faces on the applied input image. The
existing techniques may also gives this result but the main intention
is to develop a software tool in the MATLAB using neural
networks under simple and fastest executable algorithms. For that
we are introducing Gabor filter based neural network. This
technique will give the better result in the short span of time with
efficient techniques. It needs only simple MATLAB software and
simple predefined inbuilt functions. This technique is mainly
helpful in facial and image processing environments. It is the initial
analysis of any face processing technique for image contents. So
this may also helpful in criminal cases like robbery to identify the
face of thief’s. For that here we are using neural networks which
can acts and analyze like human brain.
41 |
Finite Element Analysis of Sintered Metal Powder
Preform during Extrusion Process
Poonam Chourasia, Rohit Raj Vedya
Abstract-Metal powder technology is currently
arousing global interest as an economic method of
producing components from metal powders. Parts
manufactured by conventional Powder Metallurgy
(P/M) process of compacting metal powders and
sintering, have relatively poor mechanical properties
due to porosity. There are several applications
demanding high tensile, impact and fatigue strength
and for such applications the material should have
minimum or even zero porosity. Bulk processing of
metal powder preform is a convenient method of
reducing or eliminating the porosity from the
conventional powder metallurgy products. In this new
technology, sintered porous metal powder preforms are
used as starting materials in metal forming processes.
The bulk processing of metal powder preforms has
therefore wide industrial applications because of good
dimensional accuracy and surface finish of metal
powder components with enhancement load bearing
capacity. A finite element analysis (FEA) of the cold
extrusion process was undertaken. The FEA simulation
was carried out using ANSYS,FEA software,
specifically produced for metal forming simulation. An
axisymmetrical 2D geometric model of the tooling and
billet was constructed for the analysis. The high-grade
aluminium billet was modeled as a perfect plastic
material for the non-linear analysis during the finite
element simulation. Output from the finite element
program included Total deformation, shear stress,
Directional deformation and equivalent stress.
42 |
Designing Of Scalable Fire, Smoke, Gas Leakage Monitor
And Alarm System Based On Zigbee Technology
Kuchipudi Durga Prasad, Sandeep Chintoju
Abstract-Security is primary concern for everyone. Security is
the degree of protection against danger, damage, loss, and crime.
Design of effective security alarm by using different sensors that
can monitor an industry, offices, home or any public place.
ZigBee is the name of a specification for a suite of high level
communication protocols using small, low-power digital radios
based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard for wireless personal area
networks (WPANs), such as wireless headphones connecting with
cell phones via short range radio. The technology is intended to
be simpler and cheaper than other WPANs, such as Bluetooth.
ZigBee is targeted at radio-frequency (RF) applications that
require a low data rate, long battery life, and secure networking
ZigBee is a low-cost, low-power, wireless mesh networking
standard. The low cost allows the technology to be widely
deployed in wireless control and monitoring applications, the low
power-usage allows longer life with smaller batteries, and the
mesh networking provides high reliability and larger range.
43 |
Experimental Study of Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum Wall
Abstract-There is a huge growing requirement of building
materials in India due to the existing housing shortage mainly for
the low income groups in urban India. To meet this challenge,
India requires innovative, energy efficient building materials for
strong and durable housing in fast track method of construction
at affordable cost. It is also important that housing and buildings
are disaster resistant to protect the lives and properties of people.
All these concerns are involved in sustainable and inclusive
development. In this project, we are going to carry out test on
gypsum reinforced with glass fiber to check the influence of fibers
on compression and tensile strength of Glass Fiber Reinforced
44 |
Experimental study of prefabricated
Brick panel roofing
Abstract-This paper aims to point out the various aspects of
prefabricated roofing methodology for low cost housing by
highlighting the experimental study of prefabricated brick panel and
RC Joist roofing technique, and the economic advantages achieved by
its adoption. India is currently facing shortage of about 17.6 million
houses. This method merely satisfies the most bottom and
fundamental human needs. The material tests are conducted
successfully in this research paper. The specifications of Indian
Standards and other research studies are co related with in this
experimental study. The test results are tabulated in this study those
satisfies the basic needs of engineering properties of roof panel. Also
explain the economical comparison of the load bearing structure in
prefabricated roof panels.
45 |
Design of Cache Controllers with Additional Features
G.Narsimlu, Kayala. Manohar
Abstract-To meet the growing needs of computing power,
communication speed and performancerequirements
demanded by today’s applications, processor clock speed
has to be increased. However, increasing clock speed is not
viable due to heat dissipation and power consumption
constraints. Hence Instead of trying to increase the clock
speed, multi-core processor architectures with the lower
frequency can be used. A multi-core processor is a single
integrated circuit in which two or more processors have
been attached for enhanced performance, reduced power
consumption and more efficient simultaneous processing of
multiple tasks. Multi-core processors, which have multiple
processing units on a single chip, are widely viewed as a
way to achieve higher processor performance. Well
scheduling of running threads on these processors will
result in achieving higher performance. Modern multi-core
systems are designed to allow clusters of cores to share
various hardware structures, such as last-level caches,
memory controllers, and interconnections without
considering these shared resources, scheduling the threads
will cause serious degradation in overall performance of
the system. In this paper we are showing one basic problem
in multicore processor. The simulation results showed that
the requirement of scheduler or cache-controller to avoid
lot of problems that come in to the existence during shared
caches memory shared by many cores located on single
chip as well as the simple solution on it with simulation
46 |
High-Throughput Multistandard Transform Core
Supporting H.264/Mpeg/Vc-1 Using Common Sharing
Distributed Arithmetic
Kayala. Manohar, G.Narsimlu
Abstract-This paper proposes a low-cost high-throughput
multi standard transform (MST) core, which can support
MPEG- 1/2/4 (8 × 8), H.264 (8 × 8, 4 × 4)[2][3], and VC-1 (8
× 8, 8 × 4, 4×8, 4×4) transforms[4]. Common sharing
distributed arithmetic (CSDA) combines factor sharing
and distributed arithmetic sharing techniques, efficiently
reducing the number of adders for high hardware-sharing
capability[5][7]. This achieves a reduction in adders in the
proposed MST, compared with the direct implementation
method. With eight parallel computation paths, the
proposed MST core has an eightfold operation frequency
throughput rate.The CSDA-MST[8][9] core thus achieves a
high-throughput rate supporting multi standard
transformations at low cost. The CSDA-MST core achieves
a high-throughput rate supporting multi standard
transformations at low cost and it measures to achieve a
high-throughput rate of 1.28 G-pels/s, supporting the
(4928×2048@24H) digital cinema or ultrahigh resolution
47 |
Designing an intelligent Microcontroller based traffic
control system with countdown timer
(Case Study: Agbor Metropolitan)
Igbajar Abraham, Eze Chinenye
Abstract-The traffic Control System in Agbor is basically
done by human effort and intelligence. This is not efficient
enough to serve the rising need of traffic control system
owing to the rapid rate of increase in vehicular movement.
The optimization of traffic light controller in Agbor which
is using human effort traffic control system was studied.
In this paper, multiple traffic light control and monitoring
systems using microcontroller is presented. The system to
reduce possibilities of traffic jams, caused by human error
and sentiments. The micro-controller used in the system is
8051 microcontroller. The microcontroller is embedded
with an intelligent conditional program code written in
assembly language, this program was embedded into the
microcontroller using programmer. The new
microcontroller based traffic light was simulated and
tested with Proteus simulation software, and the code was
written in MiDE, this was done by developing a prototype.
The functionality of the prototype shows that the
developed system can successfully serve the desired
purpose when deployed to a real life scene. Apart from
serving its full purpose in controlling traffic congestion,
the developed system can be employed as a training kit in
learning traffic light control system design and operation.
Also, it can be used as a teaching aid in schools,
institutions and colleges for various road users and the
simulation can be useful in driving schools.