IJAIR- Volume 4 Issue 10 (October 2015)


Sr/No/ Title Pdf
1 Artificial Neural Network in ATM Forecasting: A Survey
Renu Bhandari , Jasmmen Gill

Abstract —This paper summarizes the some of the most important developments in neural network research. Our purpose is to provide a synthesis of the published research in this area and stimulate further research interests and efforts in the identified topics.

2 Design the Effect of Flow Mal-Distribution on the Performance of a Catalytic Converter
M.Achudhan, Premjaikumar

Abstract—The first step in improving emission performance was to move a fraction of the total required catalyst volume into the engine compartment to take better advantage of the hot exhaust gases for early catalyst light off. These so called warm up systems were already efficient enough to avoid the usage of more complex external supplemental heat systems. In order to define the most efficient insulation method, the heat transfer modes need to be analyzed. In the past, catalytic converters have been insulated internally by the mat surrounding the ceramic substrate but also by adding an external heat shield. The insulation mat is a mixture of ceramic fiber and vermiculite, which expands at high temperature and mechanically holds the catalyst to compensate for the difference in expansion between the ceramic substrate and the metallic can. Later, the internal insulation alone was found to be sufficient. This allowed removal of the heat shield, which was often a source of audible noise.

3 Design and implementation for PV inverter based on novel soft switching current –fed half-bridge front end converter
S. Sentil Kumar, Sidappa naidu

Abstract—Front end converter (FEC) plays a major role and its switching operation is per-formed by MPPT based pulse generations. The overall converter performance is verified through MATLAB (Simulink). Recent days the growth in peak demand for the increasing of distributed and deregulated energy systems require an optimized grid control unit. The advances in computing and communication technologies forming the traditional power network into a smart grid, capable of real-time remote monitoring and control. Mart is particularly well- suited for renewable energy sources; power is utilized, depending upon the availability of natural resources.

4 Efficient Data Storage in Cloud and Ensuring Data Security Using Des Algorithm
Sabbavarapu Venkatesh, Shaik Shafiulilah

Abstract—Cloud computing is a term explains storage and retrieval of data through computing techniques rather than having them in local servers or personal devices to use the applications. In cloud computing, the term cloud refers to internet. So the term cloud computing means a internet based solution to provide various services such storage retrieval, modifications to organizations computers and devices through the internet. Cloud computing in general terms delivering services through the internet. Cloud computing provides an virtual storage for users based on their usage , other way by default specified virtual storage is given to users. This helps the organizations to reduce the maintenance and investment costs of servers. User data is sent to cloud and stored in public environment. In public cloud other user’s data also present and for security reasons it is vulnerable. Another chance that the cloud providers can see the data if there is no encryption. Security of cloud storage is ensured through confidentiality parameter. The data storage on un-trusted cloud makes data security as a challenging problem. This work is towards using cryptographic techniques to overcome this problem. The user’s data encrypted before send to the cloud storage. This approach makes the data secure and private even though it is stored in a public domain. In this project used Drop-box as public cloud and JAVA programming language to implement this project.

5 Ethical Hacking phases and securities

Abstract-Hacking is a process in which, a person or team exploits the weakness in a system for selfproceeds. Ethical hacking refers to the act of locating weaknesses and vulnerabilities of computer and information systems by duplicating the intent and actions of malicious hackers. Ethical hacking is also known as penetration testing, intrusion testing, or red teaming. Ethical Hacking is an activity which focuses on the vulnerability in a system and discovers the weakness and try to rectify the security weakness of a system. In the emergent field of internet, computer security is the ultimate concern for the organizations and governments. Ethical hacker plays a vital role in protecting the valuable and sensitive data in a system. Ethical hackers typically have very strong programming and Networking skills and apply their silks to protect sensitive data they work on client side.

6 Levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water at Betem Rivers State
T.J.K. Ideriah, J. Nwinaa-ie

Abstract - The levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in ground and surface water in parts of Betem community were assessed using Gas Chromatograph, HP 5890 Series II. The results showed that the highest concentrations of carcinogenic PAH in the area were Benz(a)anthracene 0mg/l (in both Ground and surface water), Benzo(a)pyrene 1.280x10- 4mg/l (groundwater) and 5.194x10-5mg/l (surface water), Benzo(b)fluoranthene 6.025x10-4mg/l (groundwater) and 1.779x10-4mg/l (surface water), Benzo(k) fluoranthene 8.736x10-4mg/l (groundwater) and 2.930x10-4mg/l (surface water),Chrysene 8.941x10-5mg/l (groundwater) and 2.203x10- 5mg/l (surface water), Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1.254x10-4mg/l (groundwater) and 6.113x10-5mg/l (surface water), Indeno (1,2,3-cd)pyrene 6.480x10-4mg/l (groundwater) and 1.145x10- 3mg/l (surface water). The total PAHs in the water from the area exceeded permissible limit. The t-test between the mean concentrations of carcinogenic and non carcinogenic PAHs showed no significant difference (P>0.05) in all the sampling stations. The ground water samples were more contaminated than the surface water samples. The concentrations of toxic and carcinogenic PAHs such as Benzo(b)fluoranthene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene and Indeno(1,2,3-c,d) pyrene exceeded their permissible limits in Abude hand dug well, Maakakuru stream and NDDC Borehole. The inhabitants of Betem community are exposed to serious health and environmental effects as they depend on the water from these sources for drinking, agriculture and other domestic purposes. It was recommended that Government should provide better sources of drinking water for the community. Also there should be awareness campaign and local crude oil refining (bunkering) activities should be discouraged.

7 Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Wind Turbine Systems under Recurring Grid Faults
G.Suganya , K.Mekala

Abstract- In this work, analyses the performance of DFIG WTS under recurring symmetrical grid fault, and establish the mathematical model of the DFIG under recurring symmetrical grid. The analysis is based on the DFIG wind turbine system with the furthermost conventional Low Voltage Ride Through strategy – using rotor side crowbar. The effect of the voltage dips level and the grid fault angle of the first grid fault, as well as the duration between two faults on the transient rotor current, stator current and torque fluctuation under the second grid faults are estimated, and compared with the situation under single grid fault. The mathematical model of the DFIG under recurring grid faults are tested by the simulations on a 1.5MW DFIG WTS simulation model, and it is also experimentally tested using a 30 kW DFIG test platform.

8 A study on preparation and characterization of pineapple jams prepared with carrot for enriching vitamin A content
Jalees Siddiqui, Dheerendra Kumar, Madhulika Singh

Abstract-The present investigation was made with an attempt to develop nutritional jam blend with β- carotene rich carotene. Since jam as widely used in households and mainly consumed by children, therefore, such kind of product could prove beneficial. The experimental product constituted of increasing concentration of carrot juice with decreasing amount of pineapple while absence of carrot in control product. The four treatments (T2,T1,T0 andT3) were compared on their different properties viz., physico-chemical analysis moisture percentage, acidity, protein, ascorbic acid, ash, and pH for estimating its nutritional content and safety and Organoleptic characteristics like flavor and taste, body and texture, color and appearance by trained panelist using 9 point hedonic scale. The treatments T3 showed best results obtaining the highest score value. Microbiological analysis was carried out to assess the shelf life of the treatments. The results revealed less than 10/g (standard value) yeast and mould count and negative coliform test when compared with the FPO standards.

9 Multi Stage Power Conversion with Power Electronic Transformer
J.Thirumalesh, G.Srinivas, R.Ramanjan Prasad

Abstract-This paper proposes the simulation of Multi- Stage power conversion with bi-directional power flow capability with power electronic transformer fed to Induction Motor. The conversion topology not only performs voltage transformation and electric isolation as the traditional power transformer does, but also provides additional features like facility to control the input current and power factor. Also, it makes the whole system smaller and compact and there is no need of installing any other protective relays for protection during faults .It simply works as a power quality conditioner. Conversion of single phase ac to constant frequency adjustable magnitude ac with a high frequency transformer fed Induction Motor is introduced.

10 A Review on Distribution System Feeder Reconfiguration
Ankita Sharma, Nisheed Soni

Abstract─ Power distribution systems typically have tie and sectionalizing switches whose states determine the topological configuration of the network. The system configuration affects the efficiency with which the power supplied by the substation is transferred to the load. This paper presents a review over the reconfiguration of the distribution system to minimize the losses. The various techniques used by the previous researchers are reviewed.

11 Novel Approach for Glaucoma Detection
Harshada Sonkamble, Dipti Pawade, Shubhangi Rathod

Abstract -Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of blindness. The manual examination of the optic disk (OD) is a standard procedure used for detecting glaucoma. It is based on analysis of the optic disk (OD). An automatic OD detection technique is based on division of OD and cup regions from single eye retina images. A cup segmentation method is based on anatomical evidence such as vessel bends at the cup boundary. The proposed system will use circular Hough transform for OD segmentation which gives the circular shape of an optical disk. Cup segmentation is applied to the optic disk. SURF (Speed up Robust Feature) is used for feature extraction. SVM classifier is used for classification.

12 DComparative study I.C. Engine air cooling circular fin using different aluminum alloy materials
Rohit Sahu, K. K. Jain, R. K. Dave

Abstract-The fins are generally extended surfaces of projections of materials on the system. The fins are generally used to increase the heat transfer rate from the system to the surroundings by increasing the heat transfer area. The heat transfer rate depends upon the velocity of the vehicle and fin geometry and temperature of cylinder many experimental methods are available in literature to analyze the effect of these factors on the heat transfer rate. The main objective of the research is to accomplish the comparative study of fins of different profile made by different aluminum material alloys. The study is carried out based on the finite element analysis. The aim of the work is to determine the optimum material fin based on the various parameters based on the thermal analysis. The parametric model is created in 3D modeling software CATIA V5-R20. Heat transfer simulation will be conducted using ANSYS Workbench 14.0 software.

13 Improving the Power System in CMOS Start-Up Circuit in Radio Frequency Identification Application
Pavendan.K, Padmapriya.G

Abstract— CMOS is used to construct the integrated circuits with low level of static leakage. With this low level leakage we are designing all the transistor circuits in CMOS logic. To control this static leakage in the circuits the supply voltage is a major concern. Here the step-up converters with charge pump and the level for maintaining its threshold voltage (VT) is to be analyzed and proposed. Here we are going to propose the novel approach as body bias effect and sub-threshold logic. This will be applied for the step-up converters for energy harvesting applications. In this paper we design a step up converter using Variable body bias technique using cadence Tools.

14 Asynchronous Domino Logic Pipeline Design Critical Data Path and low power consumption
T.Pravagna, P.Prakash

Abstract— Asynchronous domino logic pipeline design method, targeting to latch-free and extremely finegrain or gate-level design. The data paths are composed of a mixture of dual-rail and single-rail domino gates. Dual-rail domino gates are limited to construct a stable critical data path. Based on this critical data path, the handshake circuits are greatly simplified, which offers the pipeline high throughput as well as low power consumption. Moreover, the stable critical data path enables the adoption of single-rail domino gates in the noncritical data paths. This further saves a lot of power by reducing the overhead of logic circuits. Compared with a bundleddata asynchronous domino logic pipeline, the proposed pipeline, respectively, saves up to 60.2% and 24.5% of energy in the best case and the worst case when processing different data patterns.

15 Performance and Analysis of CLA with Sal Logic & Reversible Logic to Reduce the Overall Power Consumption
Jenath.M, Suria.S.T

Abstract— Low power design has become one of the primary focuses in both analogue and digital VLSI circuits. Digital sub threshold logic circuits can be used for applications in the ultra-low power end of the design spectrum, where performance is of secondary importance. A sub threshold digital circuit manages to satisfy the ultra-low power requirement because it uses the leakage current as its operating switching current. This minute leakage current, however, limits the maximum performance at which the sub threshold circuit can be operated. Sub-threshold CMOS theory is a technique which can reduce the power consumption to lower than threshold voltage specified and adiabatic logic circuit is a technique to reduce energy consumption by suppressing the voltage applied to the resistance of the circuit. This paper proposes that sub threshold adiabatic logic design implementation of carry look ahead adder. Many power consumption techniques have come in existence and with that the low power design is also achieved by scaling supply voltage, considering sub-threshold region in this region thereby obtaining a minimum energy consumption which also suits for low operating frequency. By using SAL logic to design 4-bit carry look ahead adder (CLA) and reduces the overall power dissipation. Results are evaluated through extensive simulations in 180nm CMOS technology using CADENCE VIRTUOSO TOOL at 180nm technology.

16 A High Performance Low-cost VLSI Architecture for Image Scaling Processor
Sk.Ayesha, A. Rama Krishna Prasad

Abstract—Image scaling is the process of resizing a digital image. It is one of the most important methods used in various applications such as sharpening of an image, image zooming, preserving edge structures in an image and the image processing techniques described here can be implemented by both the hardware and software contained within image processing system. One method is to determine various functions which possess the similar shape in both the space domain and frequency domain. This strategy yields the result of various image interpolation algorithms. The higher resolution images yielded by this algorithm consisted of blocking artifacts. For the purpose of alleviating the blocking effects, the algorithm known as bilinear interpolation is introduced. The performance of an edge enhancement process is shown in above Figure (2). Here an efficient Image Scaling algorithm is proposed for the VLSI Image scaling processor using VERILOG code to the existing method. Simulation results shows, the code developed algorithm for proposed image scaling algorithm can reduce the memory requirement, and hardware cost and needs only one-line buffer memory compared to conventional schemes.

17 A Literature review on Computation of floating point logarithmic unit
Veeresh.P.M, Vikas.D.Patil, M.S.Sonawane

Abstract-In this paper we like to survey different procedures used to compute floating point logarithm unit. Here we are surveying on different algorithms like An Algorithm for the Computation of Binary Logarithms [1], a parameterizable floating-point logarithm operator for FPGAs [2] and efficient floating-point logarithm unit for FPGAs [3].from this we are able to know various techniques developed in calculation of the logarithm.

18 Enhancing network connectivity and Data security in Institutions with Remote Campuses, Using Virtual Private Network
Ilo S.F, Igbajar Abraham

Abstract—There is an increasing demand nowadays to connect to internal networks from distant locations. VPN (Virtual Private Network) technology provides a way of protecting information being transmitted over the Internet, by allowing users to establish a virtual private “tunnel” to securely enter an internal network, accessing resources, data and communications via an insecure network such as the Internet. Virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network, such as the Internet. It enables a computer to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if it were directly connected to the private network, while benefitting from the functionality, security and management policies of the private network. This is done by establishing a virtual point-to-point connection through the use of dedicated connections, encryption, or a combination of the two. This paper focuses on enhancing the security of transferring data by using vpn technology. The software used in modelling and simulating this work is OPNET Modeler. This help to design and examine communication of large scale networks, devices, protocols, and applications with great flexibility, it allows to study the system performance under varying conditions, it also contributes to the development of new protocols and architectures and their optimization and the analysis of the impact of emerging technologies.

19 Fetus ECG filtering by ANFIS with Adaptive FIR filter
Sachin S. Kulkarni, Vinay Y. Jadhav

Abstract-In this paper, fetus ECG is filtered from abdominal composite electrocardiogram (CECG) using artificial intelligence technique called Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) and Adaptive Finite Impulse Response Filter is proposed. Here, we investigate the use of ANFIS for fetal electrocardiogram (FECG) extraction from two ECG signals recorded at the thoracic and abdominal areas of the mother’s skin. The abdominal ECG is considered to be composite as it contains both the mother’s and the fetus’ ECG signals. Performances of the above methods are compared. For numerical evaluation, the mean square error (MSE) between de-noised and FECG signal and original FECG signal and Peak signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) is used.

20 Performance Analysis of Controlling Switch Implemented using Thermal Actuation
Vinay Y. Jadhav, Sachin S. Kulkarni, Vipin V. Kashti

Abstract- Mechanical movement of the device can be achieved by using thermal expansion of material. The electrical signal can be used to perform this mechanical displacement. The mechanical movement in the device is used as a switch for controlling the device mechanism. The Thermal actuators can be incorporated to achieve this displacement by the application of electrical voltage signal to the material. The Si material is selected for the beam structure formation due its very high thermal conductivity and high elastic property. Thermal actuators are having vast applications in designing various MEMS devices. Thermal actuators are used in micro legs, micro grippers, micro positioning and switching activities etc. This MEMS thermo-actuator can also be used in various applications such as data storage, electro-optical communication, measurements of various properties of materials and micro-tools. In the present approach 3D design of thermal actuator with cascaded beams structure has been carried out using Solid Works tool and its comprehensive performance analysis is done using COMSOL4.3. The thermo-electromechanical analysis of the device is performed with the application of electrical voltage signal. The analysis in terms of displacement, temperature variation, stress and current density has been done. It has been found that the present device can be used in the applications requiring large displacement forces.

21 Ultra-low Power VLSI Design using Novel Leakage Reduction Technique
Krishna Kant, Vijay Kumar Magraiya

Abstract-The modern portable devices require huge number of transistors to support several functionalities. Therefore, these devices demands ultra-low power designs as these devices also have limited battery size. The power consumption due to leakage i.e. static power consumption has become a critical issue which requires effective leakage reduction technique to reduce static power consumption. This paper explores different leakage reduction techniques and compares them. A new leakage reduction technique is proposed that provides significant reduction in leakage over existing techniques. The simulation results on Synopsys HSPIC shows that the proposed leakage reduction technique provides 10% reduction in leakage over the existing leakage reduction technique existing in the literature.

22 Energy Efficient Digital Circuits Design Through Voltage over Scaling
Pramod Kumar Upadhyay, Vijay Kumar Magraiya

Abstract-The high energy consumption is the serious concern for today design as it demands large battery size with high cooling cost. With significant improvement in the VLSI technology, several applications are implemented on the same chip to satisfy users demand. This is making VLSI design more challenging. The conventional approach of scaling fails due to increased effect of process and other variations. In this paper, we explored different approaches of voltage scaling to reduce power consumption and presented a new approach that reduces power consumption and delay significantly. The simulation results show that proposed energy efficient design technique provides 47 % power and delay reduction over the existing design techniques.

23 A New Low Power High Speed Multiplier for Image Processing Applications
Ashish Tomar, Vijay Kumar Magraiya

Abstract-The huge functionality on the modern portable devices demands high speed signal processing. The most commonly used arithmetic units within these devices such as adder and multipliers limit their performance. To improve the performance of these devices, a high speed multiplier is required as it is more delay and power consuming unit. Several existing multiplier designs do not provide high performance and power metrics and consume large energy. In this paper, we propose a new high speed error tolerant multiplier that provides significant reduction in delay and power consumption over the existing multiplier architectures. The simulation results at 45nm technology node show that the proposed multiplier reduces power consumption by 14.1% over the best known multiplier.

24 Implementation of Pipelined Architecture in Humming Bird for Reducing Area and High Throughput
R.Tharani, G.Kavitha

Abstract-Hummingbird is a new ultra light weight cryptography algorithm target for resources constrained devices like RFID tag, smart card and wireless sensor. In this project Pipelined Architecture is designed and implemented in humming bird cryptography algorithm to get reduced area and improved throughput by adding hash function. Humming bird is to meet stringent response time and power requirements which can provide the design security with a small block size. This algorithm resists to the most common attacks like birthday attack, algebraic attack, linear and differential cryptanalysis. The humming bird algorithm is integrating into a privacy preserving and authentication protocol. In this algorithm to reduce the clock cycle for encrypt and decrypt the message. The result shows that this algorithm has higher security and throughput with improved area.

25 Low Power Programmable PRPG with NLFSR Based Test Pattern
N.Gayathri, V.Sanjivee

Abstract-The pseudorandom test pattern generator is used to generate the random test patterns and the patterns are needed to detect the faults in the circuit. This project describes a low power (LP) programmable pseudorandom test pattern generator (PRPG) and it has the capacity to produce the pseudorandom test patterns with desired toggling activities. The NLFSR (Nonlinear feedback shift register) is used to implement the generator. The NLFSR is used to drive the phase shifter and allowing it to produce binary sequences with Pre-selected toggling (PRESTO) levels. The generator is controlled automatically and test sequences are produced with improved fault coverage. The test pattern generator is suited for Low power BIST applications. The obtained simulation results are used for industrial designs.

26 Data Mining Techniques for Improving the Efficiency of Customer Relationship Management
C.Venugopal, P.N Santosh Kumar, Meghna Kathuri, Savarnik Reddy

Abstract-In current times the customer relationship management (CRM) has been achieved an increasing prominence in business management. CRM includes all the steps which an organization utilizes to create and establish valuable relationships with the clients. Using these technologies such as data warehousing and data mining (DWDM) CRM can be initiated as a new area; where organizations can increase the competitive gain. Through CRM system a company can improve its processes to deliver better services at a reasonable cost. With the use of DM techniques, organizations can mine unknown information of the customers from large relational databases. So, organizations can conclude the value of customers and forecast their future actions and requirements. DM tools can reply business queries which were time-consuming to track in the earlier period. It is possible to improve CRM effectiveness, to have an efficient and rapid response to customer requirements, by combining CRM and DM methods. In this investigation, the main concepts of CRM and DM techniques are investigated and employed in CRM. This work indicates the use of DM techniques in CRM that provides better forecasting capability to industries and organizations to attain more productivity.

27 High Throughput Architecture of FM0/Manchester Encoding and Systematic Codes on FPGA
Nithiyalakshmi.S, Dhilipmohan.P

Abstract-Software Defined Radio (SDR) becomes popular to realize the many applications without using different components. The FM0/Manchester codes can be used to reach the dc balance and enhancing signal reliability. The proposed technique is the systematic code architecture to detect and correct the errors easily. Systematic codes are used for easily detect and correct the errors because the code input is embedded into the output. BWA architecture is implemented using parallel processing unit to achieve high speed. It results single clock execution for BWA tags and parities. These encoding techniques are implemented in VHDL. This proposed architecture can be verified using the experimental results. An experimental result shows less area and high throughput.

28 Energy Optimal Cog-Mac for Controlling WLAN Coexistence Interference in Sensor Networks
Nirmal Kumar K, KalyanaSundaram P, T.Gnanasekaran

Abstract-Energy efficiency has been the driving force behind the design of communication protocols for battery-constrained wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The energy efficiency and the performance of the proposed protocol stacks, however, degrade dramatically in case the low-powered WSNs are subject to interference from high-power wireless systems such as WLANs.In this paper we propose COG-MAC, a novel cognitive medium access control scheme (MAC) for IEEE 802.15.4-compliant WSNs that minimizes the energy cost for multihop communications, by deriving energy-optimal packet lengths and single-hop transmission distances based on the experienced interference from IEEE 802.11 WLANs. We evaluate COG-MAC by deriving a detailed analytic model for its performance and by comparing it with previous access control schemes. Numerical and simulation results show that a significant decrease in packet transmission energy cost, up to 66%, can be achieved in a wide range of scenarios, particularly under severe WLAN interference. COGMAC is, also, lightweight and shows high robustness against WLAN model estimation errors and is, therefore, an effective, implementable solution to reduce the WSN performance impairment when coexisting with WLANs.

29 Multiscale morphology and classification of micro calcification clusters in mammograms
Karthika A, S.Kavitha

Abstract-The presence of micro calcification clusters is a primary sign of breast cancer; however, it is difficult and time consuming for radiologists to classify micro calcifications as malignant or benign. In this paper, a novel method for the classification of micro calcification clusters in mammograms is proposed. Methods: The topology/connectivity of individual micro calcifications is analyzed within a cluster using multiscale morphology. This is distinct from existing approaches that tend to concentrate on the morphology of individual micro calcifications and/or global (statistical) cluster features. A set of micro calcification graphs are generated to represent the topological structure of micro calcification clusters at different scales. Subsequently, graph theoretical features are extracted, which constitute the topological feature space for modeling and classifying micro calcification clusters. k-nearest neighbors-based classifiers are employed for classifying micro calcification clusters.

30 Dual Mode Logic Gates in Coarse Grain Model for Power Switches
K.M.Asha, A.Prathibha

Abstract-Power gating technology is used in power switches for reducing leakage power. Power switches are divided in to segments. Segments use DML gates. Dual mode logic gate use both dynamic and static operation. Faulty power switch is detected from segments hence achieve better diagnosis accuracy. The proposed diagnosis has been validated through number of ISCAS benchmarks. In the presence of temperature voltage and process variation, this DFT solution provides efficient testing of power switches; to achieve faster operation DML gates are used.

31 Different Level Fusion of Face and Palm print images for Authentication of Multimodal Biometric System
Shweta C. Dinde, K. R. Desai

Abstract-In recent years there is a tremendous attention is paid on multimodal biometric system because they are efficient and gives reliable performance over unimodal system. By using multimodal biometric we can prevent system from spoof attacks. In this paper, we are going to fuse face and palm print images at different levels. These levels are sensor level fusion, feature level fusion, score level fusion, and decision level fusion. Here, we are going to use LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis) and LPQ (Local Phase Quantization) feature extraction algorithms and these algorithms are used for feature level fusion. Here, we will perform different experiments on face and palm print images to perform fusion at different levels.

32 Analysis of Multiband FIR Filter bank For Speech Processing Using Interpolation and Decimation
Nilambari S.Kurade, M.S.Sonawane, Patil J.K.

Abstract-All the available hearing aid devices use fix filterbanks and so cannot be used for different hearing impaired people. So, a new method consisting of multiband FIR filterbanks is proposed .The use of interpolation and decimation which is the added benefit of using FIR filter helps us to reduce the computational complexity .This technique helps to customize the hearing aid devices used by hearing impaired people. An extract of multiband FIR filterbank techniques is presented.

33 Speaker Identification Techniques – A Survey
S.Subha, P.Kannan

Abstract-Speaker identification is the process of determining which speaker provides a given utterance of speech from a set of registered speakers. Speaker identification is a sub-process of speaker recognition in which an individual speaker is recognized based on the information included in the speech signal. Speaker identification requires two phases [3]. First phase is called the enrolment phase and the second phase is called the testing phase. In the enrolment phase, the speech signals from all registered speakers who are going to be identified are acquired. Then the speaker model is constructed for each and every speaker. In the testing phase, the speech signal of an unknown utterance is compared to each of the enrolled speaker model. This technique makes it possible to use the speaker’s voice to check and verify their identity and control access to services such as forensic applications, authentication, law enforcement, voice based attendance entry systems etc. In this paper, some of the speaker identification techniques are discussed and the performance provided by those techniques are analysed. Then, some suggestions are provided to improve the performance of those techniques.

34 A Survey On –Identify Blackhole Attacks on MANET
P.Anusuya, R.Chithra Devi, S.Dhivya

Abstract-A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a infrastructure-less network of mobile devices connected without wires. MANETs are a kind of Wireless ad hoc network that usually has a routable networking environment on top of a Link Layer ad hoc network. In this paper detecting malicious nodes launching collaborative black hole attacks is a challenge. Implementation of CBDS method implements a reverse tracing technique to achieving the stated goal. This is referred to as the cooperative bait detection scheme (CBDS) that integrates the advantages of both proactive and reactive defence architectures. Also the objective of this paper is to provide a simulation study that illustrates the effects of Black hole attack on network performance.

35 Novel Approach for Grouping Social Data Based On Interest
S.Jackline, J.Ganesh, R.Krishnaveni Jeenath

Abstract-Social web sites with large-scale websites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have become a very important part of our daily life. A content-based categorization of the type of messages posted by Twitter users, based on which we examine users’ activity. Our analysis shows two common types of user behavior in terms of the content of the posted messages, and exposes differences between users in respect to these activities. Sites. We have therefore proposed a user-centered approach for integrating social data into groups of interests. This sapproach makes it possible to aggregate social data of the group's members and extract from these data the information relevant to the group's topic of interests. We find that people use microblogging to talk about their daily activities and to seek or share information.

36 Personal Authorization Recognition Verification Using Iris and Ear Biometrics
Jasmeen, S.S. Grewal

Abstract-Biometric classification and recognition are considered as today’s most crucial topic for authentication purpose. So this paper proposes the iris and ear feature extraction on the basis of independent component features. Then feature reduction on the basis of genetic algorithm fitness function. Then these two biometrics are fused using sum rule. Then FAR, FRR and Accuracy are obtained for UCI dataset. It is noticed that this algorithm has low FAR, FRR and high accuracy rat.

37 Built In Self Repair A 3d Die Stack Using Pipeline Architecture For A Multiplier
R.N.Nivethitha, Dr.A.Kaleel Rahuman

Abstract-3-D integration using through-silicon-via (TSV) has been widely acknowledged as one future integrated-circuit (IC) technology. Test and yield are two big issues for volume production of 3-D ICs In many cases, a single defective die will kill the entire stack. To help mitigate this issue, we explore the possibility of repairing a stack that contains a defective die by utilizing an field programmable gate array (FPGA) that has already been included in the stack for other purposes, such as performance enhancement. Specifically, we propose bypassing the defective portion of a nonprogrammable die by replacing the defective functionality with functionality on the FPGA. However, a 3D stack also provides new opportunities for repair. If a die containing programmable logic is included in the stack, it may be harnessed to bypass defective components of other dies. In this paper, we propose the use of an FPGA die to provide repair resources to other layers of the stack. Our simulation results show clear performance benefits when using an FPGA to replace a defective ALU of a processor even when ALUs implemented on the FPGA have longer latency

38 Synthesis of Low-Power Area Efficient Constant Multiplier Architecture for Reconfigurable Fir Filter
Nanthini B, Ganesamoorthy B

Abstract-In today’s world need for the design of low power and area efficient high performance DSP system. FIR digital filters are widely used in DSP by the virtue of its stability, linear phase, fewer finite precision error and efficient implementation of the different applications. Aim of getting the reliable operation, these filters are protected using the eliminate common sub expression. The complexity of a FIR filter is largely dominated by the multiplication of input samples with filter coefficients using different algorithms. But the reconfigurable FIR filter design increases the delay thereby replicating the hardware, so that the multiple numbers of inputs gets processed parallel and at the same time generating multiple numbers of outputs with the disadvantage of increased area in the design. To overcome this disadvantage in the sense of retaining these advantage of the hardware efficient reconfigurable filter structure is to be proposed by using VHBCSE algorithm. Further power, area and delay can be reduced by replacing adder by square root select adder. Results are evaluated through extensive simulations in 180nm CMOS technology using CADENCE VIRTUOSO TOOL at 180nm technology.

39 A Real-Time Visual Inspection System for Railway Fasteners Maintenance
B.Rajesh, A.Thomas Mary Sheeba, T.Dhivya Bharathi

Abstract-This paper proposes an automatic visual inspection system for detecting partially worn and completely missing fasteners using probabilistic topic model. To assess the damages, the test fasteners are compared with the trained models and automatically ranked into three levels based on the likelihood probability. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.

40 Web Browser for Smartphone with New Optimized Power Consumption Technique
Sivanantham.R, Rajavignesh.R

Abstract-A smart phone is a mobile phone with an advanced mobile operating system which combines features of a personal computer operating system with other features useful for mobile or handheld use. Smartphone wastes its battery power for display and wireless interface. Smartphone web browser takes much more power for downloading the web pages, so it will drain the battery power completely for web browser. Here propose three techniques to solve the power consumption problem during web browsing that are, 1.changing of browser computation sequence, 2.Advanced Regression tree algorithm, 3.Less Energy Consumption Approach. Here proposed first algorithm is “changing of browser computation sequence”, it will rearrange the computation sequence of web browser, and first download the all object from server in DCH state, and DCH state consumes more battery power of the Smartphone. Now the radio interface is put into FACH state, the FACH state uses the half of the power of DCH state, here downlink or uplink takes place to perform remaining computation. Because remaining computation requires some upload and download process. Here propose second algorithm is “Advanced Regression Tree”, after downloading of all objects, average computation time was calculated by the ART, based on that time value only the smart phone still run in FACH state, if the computation takes more time, than Smartphone will be switched to idle state. Using these three algorithms we can reduce the power consumption of Smartphone by more than 30 percent during the web browsing.

41 A Novel Key Management Scheme for Multicast in MANET
S.Silviya, N.Subbulakshmi, J.Lavanya

Abstract-Mobile multicast communication is currently a strong topic due to the quality of wireless and mobile technologies for key management. The existing group key management protocols intend to secure group communication for just a single group service. In this paper, we propose a novel GKM protocol for multiple multicast groups, called slot based multiple group key management scheme. SMGKM supports the movement of single and multiple members across a homogeneous or heterogeneous for minimized rekeying transmission overheads.

42 Survey on Delay Tolerant Network
Akansha Shrivastava, Ekta Chauhan

Abstract-Delay tolerant network is a new version of mobile adhoc network with high capabilities and overcomes the shortcomings of wireless and sensor networks, the main shortcoming of these networks is that they drop packet when the path to destination is not available at a time. Whereas delay tolerant network (DTN) uses a store-carry and forward paradigm in which the node stores the packet and due to mobility carries the packet and when the path is available forward the packet. Here instead of using the word packet or message “Bundle” is used. In this survey paper we introduce DTN, its routing protocols, the paradigm store-carry and forward. The routing protocols are classified as flooding and forwarding. Here we discuss the flooding routing protocol and also include the various issue, applications of the Delay tolerant network.

43 Tourist Location and Travel Sequences from Geo-Tagged Photos- A Survey
R.Krishnaveni Jeenath, J.Ganesh, S.Jackline

Abstract-Social tagging becomes increasingly important to organize and search large-scale community-contributed photos on social websites. There is an increasing tendency to adopt the information from these geo-tagged photos for learning to recommend tourist locations. In this paper we focus to recommend interesting tourist locations and interesting tourist travel sequences from geo-tagged photo collection. As users’ preferences to visit a location or multiple locations in a certain sequence could be affected by their current temporal and weather context.

44 Low Power Adder Design for Error Tolerant Application
Pramod Kumar Upadhyay, Vijay Kumar Magraiya

Abstract-The high energy consumption is the severe task for today’s design and it needs a large battery size with high cooling cost. There is an expressive improvement in the VLSI technology. These improvements cause different applications to be implemented on the same chip to fulfill users demand. These improvements also make VLSI design more demanding. The regular approach of scaling fails due to increasing effect of process and other variations. In this paper, we analyzed different ways of voltage scaling to minimize power consumption and conferred a new technique that reduces power consumption and delay notably. The simulation results show that suggested energy efficient design technique provides 45% power and delay minimization over the existing design techniques.

45 Power Efficient Design for Multiplier
Ashish Tomar, Vijay Kumar Magraiya

Abstract-The exponential increasing usability of portable devices is demanding ultra-low power efficient designs. With the advancement in the VLSI technology, more and more functionality are being implemented on the same chip. This is imposing several challenges to the VLSI designer. High power consumption due to several operations on these devices worsens the performance of the device and lifetime of the battery. In order to perform different user’s function, several mathematical operations are performed. Many DSP algorithms are computationally intensive and severely degrade the lifetime of the battery in portable device such as cell phones, hearing aids, MP3 players, digital video recorders. In this paper, we proposed a new high speed error tolerant multiplier that provides reduction in delay and power consumption over existing multiplier. The simulation results at 45nm technology node show that the proposed multiplier reduces power consumption by 14% over the best known multiplier.

46 Establishing by Traffic information system using smart phone in VANET
K.Divyalakshmi, N.Subbulakshmi, S.Masophin salomi

Abstract-This is the motivation of this paper: We leverage state-of-the-art cryptographic schemes and readily available telecommunication infrastructure. We present a comprehensive solution for smart phone-based traffic estimation that is proven to be secure and privacy preserving. We provide a full-blown implementation on actual smart phones, along with an extensive assessment of its accuracy and efficiency. Our results confirm that smart phone-based TISs can offer accurate traffic state estimation while being secure and privacy preserving.

47 QOS Ranking Prediction for Cloud Brokerage Services
M.Kannan, V.Ajantha

Abstract-Cloud computing is a sharing of resources without any physical devices and reduce the cost of upfront investment. In recent years, enterprise migrate their applications to the cloud. One of the major challenges faced by cloud applications is QoS (Quality of Service) management. In Cloud Computing, cloud brokerage service is used which reserves a large number of instance from CSP (Cloud Service Provider) and serves the user with price discount. Even though the CSP increase the application cost during the service usage. But this cloud broker cannot suggest an optimal selection of cloud service from different CSP’s. This paper proposes a QoS ranking prediction for cloud brokerage services, where the cloud broker intimates the user about changes in price as well as services capacity if any and also enables a user for optimal selection of cloud services from diverse CSP’s with low cost. QoS ranking prediction framework for cloud brokerage is to grouping the indexed services based on similar cost. Based on QoS values, user chooses the low cost service and cloud brokerage offers optimal service to the cloud user.

48 Bistable Display Technology
J.Ambika, R.Sugantha Lakshmi

Abstract-Electronic ink mimics the appearance of ordinary ink on paper. It is currently used in cell phones, signs, and e-readers like the Amazon Kindle. There are many ways to imitate natural ink displays, but the most commonly used method is electrophoretic ink. This ink takes advantage of interactions between computer processors and charged black and white particles. The benefits of electronic ink displays over traditional LCD displays include improved readability, low power use, and flexibility. However, the devices are usually quite specialized, have little touch screen capability, and are less responsive than comparable LCD screen devices. These limitations are areas of current development for electronic ink manufacturers. As the field of electronic ink displays evolves, it is important to consider their current uses, the engineering behind the technology, their advantages and limitations, sustainability of the technology, and future development.

49 Secure Data using k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) Classification-Survey
S.Dhivya, M.Kamala Malar, P.Anusuya

Abstract-The k-Nearest Neighbor(k-NN) Classification is used to find the k closest training points based upon some metric. It performs the operation using metrics such as Euclidean, Manhattan etc. It proposes a method to compute k –nn Classification from the distributed sources without distribute any data about the user. The k-NN operation is also applied in the cloud. The k-NN supports both classification and Regression because it is a non parametric Technique and it is simple and efficient among all the Machine Learning algorithms. It classifies the new case based upon the similarity measure. The k-NN algorithm is also a lazy learning algorithm because it doesn’t make any assumptions on the underlying data distribution. Most of the lazy algorithms like k-NN make decision based on the training data set. The k-NN approach is suitable for very high dimensional dataset. The main idea behind this paper is to promote the Classification in the encrypted data using k- NN Classification. Therefore the privacy preserving k-NN classification is maintained over encrypted data in the cloud.

50 Phase and Heterogeneous Resource aware Scheduler for Map Reduce framework
S.Madhavi, k.suganthi

Abstract-Big data is the data sets with the sizes beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, manage, and process data within a tolerable elapsed time. Therefore the big data analytics tools are emerged and one of the popular analytics tool is Map Reduce. Map Reduce is the process of splitting of each job into small map and reduce task and executes them in a parallel manner across multiple number of machines, results in reduction of the running time of data-intensive jobs. For that, the task level scheduling is the most commonly used technique but it gives the sub-optimal job performance. This is because the task level scheduler cannot know to utilize the available resources in an effective way, to reduce the job execution time. Therefore to improve resource utilization, the resource efficient Map Reduce schedulers can be used in recent days. A fine grained resource aware Map Reduce scheduler, that divides the task into various phases, where each phase can have a constant resource usage profile (i.e. homogeneous resource requirement) and performs scheduling at the phase level. But in reality, the phases have highly varying resource requirements during their lifetime. Therefore due to the homogeneous resource allocation to each phase, it is not so efficient to utilize the resources. To address this problem, the proposed scheduler allocates heterogeneous resources to each phase based on their needs and scheduling at the phase level. Therefore it improves resource utilization and thereby reduces the job execution time.

51 Impact of Hill Resistance Training on Anaerobic Performance of Handball Players
K. Mohan, S.Rameshkumar, R. Sankar

Abstract-The purpose of the study was to find out the impact of hill resistance training on anaerobic performance namely maximum power, minimum power, and average power and fatigue index among male Handball players. To achieve the purpose of the study twenty four male handball players have been randomly selected from various colleges in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. The age of subjects were ranged from 18 to 25 years. The subjects had past experience of at least three years in handball and only who those represented their respective college teams were taken as subjects. A series of anaerobic performance tests was carried out on each participant. Maximum power, minimum power, average power and fatigue index assessed by running based anaerobic sprint test. The subjects were randomly assigned into two groups of twelve each, such as experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in the hill resistance training for 3 days a week, one session per day and for 8 weeks each session lasted 45 minutes. The control group maintained their daily routine activities and no special training was given. The subjects of the two groups were tested on selected variables prior and immediately after the training period.

52 Optimized Mapreduce Using Cache for Big Data Analytics
J. Janani, K. Kalaivani

Abstract-Big data is the ocean of information we swim everyday-zeta bytes of unstructured data and updates are constantly arriving, that cannot be mined efficiently by the traditional tools and methods. To our knowledge MapReduce is the first MapReduce-based solution that efficiently supports incremental iterative computation, which is widely used in data mining applications. It utilizes key-value pair incremental processing rather than task level re-computation. In this paper, we propose an extension to MapReduce using in-memory for mining big data. Compared with the work of MapReduce, MapReduce using in-memory (i) performs key-value pair level processing in map phase based on the mining results of iterative algorithms, (ii)cache the mapped data in the buffer that reduces the i/o workload of the reducer phase. We evaluate the MapReduce task for the mobile datasets of GSMArena websites using the iterative algorithms and cache memory for fast retrieval of data in time.

53 Enhanced Cloud Performance and Security via Data Segmentation and Replication
V.Nila, S. Manikandan

Abstract-Cloud computing security refers to the set of procedures, processes and standards designed to provide information security assurance in a cloud computing environment. The effective security measures are required to secure data within the cloud. The security strategies must also used for improve performance for data access time. In this paper we propose data fragmentation and replication (DFR) in the cloud for enhanced cloud performance and it provide security. In the DFR technique the common data is divided into multiple segments or data units and replicate the fragmented data over the cloud nodes. Each node stores a single data unit over the cloud and these nodes are arranged based on Distance node measure technique. We ensure controlled replication of the file fragment where each of the fragmented is replicated for enhanced performance and improve security. In the DFR methodology overcome the existing cryptographic methodology.

54 Detection of Face Spoofing Attacks using Printed Photo and Mimic Mask
D. Gowthami, T. Venipriya

Abstract-Face Recognition and Verification system is the alternative and recently emerging method in biometric technique in order to provide high level security to the system or the organization. Spoofing is the act of masquerading as a valid user by falsifying data to gain an illegitimate access. Printed photo, mimic mask, video replay are some of the commonly used methods for spoofing. In this paper, we propose a real time ant spoofing measure in order to detect the liveness of the face. Diffusion Speed of a single image is calculated to identify the difference between live face and fake face by using Total Variation Flow. The Inter Session Variability (ISV) modelling is used to detect 2D mask and Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm is used to detect 3D mask attacks. The local speed patterns of diffusion speed are extracted and these features are given as input to the linear SVM classifier. The Experimental results on various datasets like NUAA, Replay attack and Morpho show that the proposed method is effective for face spoofing detection when compared with previous approaches.
